Experience the Future: Interactive Voice Controlled HAL 9000 Home Control System

Experience the Future: Interactive Voice Controlled HAL 9000 Home Control System

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Creation of the Replica
  3. Licensing and Design Process
  4. Functionality of the Replica
  5. How it Works with Alexa and Google Home
  6. Safeguards and Limitations
  7. Reception and Popularity
  8. Expansion Possibilities
  9. Future Plans and Pricing
  10. Conclusion

Creating a Fully Functional Replica: An Interview with Master Replicas

In this article, we delve into the world of replica creation and innovation as we interview Steve from Master Replicas at Toy Fair 2019. Master Replicas is known for their cutting-edge replicas, and this time they have created something truly unique. A fully functional replica of HAL from the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Join us as we explore the process behind the creation of this remarkable Artifact and learn about its functionality, compatibility with popular home control systems like Alexa and Google Home, and its reception among fans and consumers.


🔍 The world of replicas has evolved significantly, and innovation has taken center stage. At Toy Fair 2019, we had the opportunity to interview Steve from Master Replicas and dive into the intricacies of their latest creation – a fully functional replica of HAL from the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." In this article, we'll explore the design process, functionality, and future plans for this remarkable artifact.

The Creation of the Replica

🔍 Master Replicas is renowned for its attention to detail and commitment to creating authentic replicas. We delved into the story of how this particular project came into existence. Steve, a fan of "2001: A Space Odyssey," approached Warner Brothers to license the property. After obtaining approval from the Kubrick estate, Master Replicas embarked on an 18-month journey to bring HAL to life. The design went through several iterations before reaching its final form, ensuring an exact replication of the iconic character.

Licensing and Design Process

🔍 Licensing a property involves collaboration between multiple parties, and the creation of the HAL replica was no exception. Master Replicas secured the licensing rights from Warner Brothers, allowing them to create an exact replica of HAL's design. Additionally, the company received invaluable assistance from Arthur C. Clarke's collaborator, who provided original blueprints and camera-ready art for the logo. With meticulous attention to detail, the team ensured that every aspect of HAL's design was faithful to the original.

Functionality of the Replica

🔍 The HAL replica from Master Replicas is not just a static prop, but a fully functional home control system. By integrating advanced technology and software, this artifact can be used to control various aspects of one's home. From lighting to entertainment systems, HAL can execute commands through popular Voice Assistants like Alexa and Google Home. The face of HAL is designed to Evoke a human-like presence, allowing users to intuitively interact with the system.

How it Works with Alexa and Google Home

🔍 Master Replicas understood the need for compatibility with existing home control systems, which led them to integrate HAL with both Alexa and Google Home platforms. This ensures that users can seamlessly control their homes using the voice assistant they prefer. The replica comes with extensive out-of-the-box functionality, but it also allows for future updates. Master Replicas plans to continuously enhance the product, leveraging advancements in technology over the next five years.

Safeguards and Limitations

🔍 While the idea of a fully functional replica may spark concerns about privacy and safety, Master Replicas has taken extensive measures to address these issues. Built-in safeguards prevent any malicious actions from occurring. The AI within HAL is limited to executing commands related to home control and cannot access personal data or pose any harm to individuals. With user safety in mind, Master Replicas has ensured that this artifact provides functionality without compromising security.

Reception and Popularity

🔍 The HAL replica from Master Replicas has received overwhelmingly positive responses from enthusiasts and consumers alike. Despite initial skepticism about recreating a character from a 50-year-old movie, the product garnered significant attention and sales. In fact, a simple Google search for "HAL 9000" directs users to Master Replicas' website, showcasing the popularity and impact of this remarkable creation. The integration with Alexa and Google Home adds a new level of excitement for fans and technology enthusiasts.

Expansion Possibilities

🔍 Building on the success of the HAL replica, Master Replicas is exploring licensing opportunities for other iconic items, such as the console from Knight Rider or the Batmobile from Tim Burton's Batman. Their goal is to create replicas that not only capture the essence of these beloved characters but also integrate consumer electronics functionality. With pending licenses and innovative ideas, Master Replicas aims to offer interactive replicas that can evolve alongside the rapidly advancing technology market.

Future Plans and Pricing

🔍 The HAL replica is available as a limited edition item, with only 2001 units in production. Due to its popularity, it is almost sold out. However, Master Replicas has introduced an open edition Bluetooth speaker version, allowing more consumers to enjoy the experience of having HAL in their homes. Looking ahead, the company plans to launch a more accessible and versatile product called "Smart HAL" next year. This updated version will be priced at a more affordable range, enabling users to integrate multiple units throughout their homes.


🔍 Master Replicas has once again demonstrated their commitment to innovation and creating remarkable replicas with the HAL artifact. The journey from licensing to design and functionality ensures an unparalleled user experience. The integration with popular voice assistants adds a level of convenience and excitement, making HAL an exceptional addition to any home. As technology continues to advance, Master Replicas aims to expand their repertoire of interactive replicas, offering fans and consumers a unique and evolving experience.


  • Master Replicas introduces a fully functional replica of HAL from "2001: A Space Odyssey."
  • The licensing process and attention to detail ensure an exact replication of the iconic character.
  • The HAL replica is designed to be a fully functional operational home control system.
  • Integration with Alexa and Google Home allows seamless home automation through voice commands.
  • Built-in safeguards prevent any malicious actions and protect user privacy.
  • The HAL replica has received exceptional reception and popularity among fans and consumers.
  • Master Replicas aims to expand their range by licensing other iconic items and integrating consumer electronics functionality.
  • Future plans include more affordable and versatile versions of the replica, ensuring accessibility to a wider audience.


Q: Can the HAL replica control all Wi-Fi enabled peripherals? A: Yes, the HAL replica can control any Wi-Fi enabled peripherals compatible with Alexa or Google Home.

Q: Is the HAL replica limited to 2001 units only? A: Yes, the HAL console replica is limited to 2001 units. However, an open edition Bluetooth speaker version is available as well.

Q: Does the HAL replica come with any safety measures? A: Yes, the HAL replica has built-in safeguards to prevent any potential harm or unauthorized access to personal data.

Q: Can the HAL replica be used with multiple Echo devices in the same house? A: Yes, the HAL replica can be used alongside other Echo devices without any compatibility issues.

Q: Will Master Replicas be expanding their range of interactive replicas? A: Yes, Master Replicas plans to expand their repertoire by licensing and creating interactive replicas of other iconic items.


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