Experience the Power of Microsoft's AI JARVIS: See, Execute, and Talk!

Experience the Power of Microsoft's AI JARVIS: See, Execute, and Talk!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Jarvis?
  3. The Codebase of Jarvis
  4. Task Planning in Jarvis
  5. Model Selection in Jarvis
  6. Task Execution in Jarvis
  7. Response Generation in Jarvis
  8. Connecting Jarvis with Open Source Models
  9. Impressive Results of Hugging GPT in Jarvis
  10. Trying Out Jarvis


In this article, we will explore Microsoft's new AI system, Jarvis. Jarvis is an open-source project built on top of Microsoft's recent paper called hugging GPT. This system aims to build an autonomous AI that can perform sophisticated tasks without human intervention. We will discuss what Jarvis is, its code base, and what Microsoft is doing with it. Although this article is not a Tutorial on running Jarvis, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the system and its capabilities.

What is Jarvis?

Jarvis is an AI system introduced by Microsoft, which utilizes the hugging GPT language model. The hugging GPT model is a part of the larger hugging face model Hub, which serves as a centralized repository for AIML models. Jarvis acts as a multi-modal system, incorporating text, images, and speech. It can generate instructions, perform tasks such as image classification and object detection, and generate descriptive responses. The system consists of four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, and response generation. Jarvis can handle various tasks in different modalities, spanning language, vision, and speech.

The Codebase of Jarvis

While the codebase of Jarvis is not completely released yet, it is a project built on top of hugging GPT. The hugging face model Hub provides access to numerous open-source models for a wide range of tasks such as text classification, feature extraction, and object detection. Jarvis leverages these models by planning tasks, selecting appropriate models, executing the tasks, and generating responses. The hugging GPT paper explores the connection between hugging GPT and the existing open-source models in hugging face model Hub, paving the way for advanced artificial intelligence.

Task Planning in Jarvis

When given an input Prompt, Jarvis goes through a task planning phase. It breaks down the task into sub-tasks, such as pose control, post to image, image classification, object detection, image to text, and text to speech. These tasks are planned using the hugging GPT model and serve as a roadmap for the subsequent stages of the system.

Model Selection in Jarvis

After task planning, Jarvis moves on to the model selection stage. It identifies the most suitable open-source models available in the hugging face model Hub for each sub-task. For example, if post control is required, Jarvis searches for available post control models. This ensures that the system leverages the power of the hugging face model Hub to execute tasks effectively.

Task Execution in Jarvis

Once the models are selected, Jarvis proceeds to execute the tasks. It coordinates with the chosen models to generate desired outputs. For instance, if given a prompt to generate an image where a girl is reading a book, Jarvis utilizes the pose of a boy in another image to create a new image with the girl in a similar pose. This execution phase dynamically connects the hugging GPT model with the Relevant open-source models.

Response Generation in Jarvis

Once the tasks are executed successfully, Jarvis generates responses based on the outcomes. It collates the responses from different models and presents them in a friendly and understandable manner. For example, it may generate a text response describing the newly generated image in its own words or convert it into an audio output for a more interactive experience.

Connecting Jarvis with Open Source Models

The integration of Jarvis with the hugging face model Hub provides access to a vast repository of open-source models. This allows Jarvis to handle various complex AI tasks across different modalities, including language, vision, and speech. Whether it is natural language processing, stock market trading, or generating 3D images, Jarvis can tap into the diverse range of models available in the hugging face model Hub, making it a versatile and powerful AI system.

Impressive Results of Hugging GPT in Jarvis

The hugging GPT model, combined with the capabilities of Jarvis, achieves impressive results in AI tasks. The integration of different modalities, such as language, vision, and speech, opens up new possibilities for advanced AI. The system demonstrates exceptional performance in tasks ranging from language understanding to image classification, Speech Synthesis, and other challenging tasks. While Jarvis is not yet classified as AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), it represents a significant advancement in the field of advanced AI.

Trying Out Jarvis

If you are interested in exploring Jarvis further, you can try it out by following the system requirements and obtaining the necessary API key and hugging face cookie. Keep in mind that Jarvis requires a GPU and more than 24GB of RAM to run effectively. Microsoft provides instructions on how to run and interact with Jarvis in CLI mode, enabling you to have a chat-based communication with the system. The possibilities are exciting, and Jarvis opens up new avenues for AI implementation and development.


  • Jarvis is an AI system built by Microsoft on top of the hugging GPT model.
  • It connects with the hugging face model Hub, a repository of open-source AIML models.
  • Jarvis can handle tasks across different modalities, including language, vision, and speech.
  • The system consists of task planning, model selection, task execution, and response generation stages.
  • Jarvis demonstrates impressive results in various AI tasks, paving the way for advanced artificial intelligence.
  • You can try out Jarvis by following the necessary steps and requirements provided by Microsoft.


Q: Can Jarvis perform natural language processing tasks? A: Yes, Jarvis can perform natural language processing tasks using the hugging GPT model and the hugging face model Hub.

Q: Does Jarvis require a GPU to run efficiently? A: Yes, Jarvis requires a GPU and more than 24GB of RAM for optimal performance.

Q: Can Jarvis generate 3D images? A: Yes, Jarvis can generate 3D images by leveraging the open-source models available in the hugging face model Hub.

Q: Is Jarvis considered as AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)? A: No, Jarvis is not classified as AGI. However, it represents a significant advancement in advanced AI capabilities.


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