Experience the Revolutionary Seeing AI App for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Experience the Revolutionary Seeing AI App for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Seeing AI App
  3. testing the Text Setting
  4. Exploring the Document Scanning Feature
  5. Recognizing Products with Seeing AI
  6. Previewing Scenes with Seeing AI
  7. Identifying People and Facial Expressions
  8. Currency Recognition with Seeing AI
  9. Perceiving Colors of Objects
  10. Recognizing Handwritten Text
  11. Detecting the Amount of Light


In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of the Seeing AI app - a revolutionary tool designed to assist the Blind and low vision community. We will explore the app's various features and functionalities, discussing how it uses the power of AI to narrate the world around you. By describing nearby people, text, and objects, Seeing AI opens up a new visual experience. Join us as we take a first look and test the app's capabilities.

Overview of Seeing AI App

Before we jump into testing the app, let's take a moment to understand what Seeing AI is all about. This ongoing research project developed an app specifically with and for the Blind and low vision community in mind. Powered by AI, Seeing AI aims to break down barriers by providing audio descriptions of the world. By utilizing the device's camera, the app uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze the surroundings and provide real-time information to the user. Now, let's dive into our exploration of the app's features.

Testing the Text Setting

One of the key features of the Seeing AI app is its ability to read and describe text. This feature can be particularly helpful for individuals with visual impairments who struggle with reading printed materials. By selecting the text setting and pointing the camera towards the desired text, the app recognizes and reads aloud the content. Our initial tests revealed impressive accuracy, as the app accurately recognized and narrated the text from a variety of sources, including books and documents. This feature opens up a wealth of possibilities for individuals who rely on auditory information.

Exploring the Document Scanning Feature

Building upon the text setting, Seeing AI also offers a document scanning feature. This capability allows users to capture printed pages and have the text recognized. After capturing the page, the app provides voiceover commands for easy navigation. We put this feature to the test with an old book. Despite the book's delicate condition, the app efficiently captured and recognized the text. This functionality proves invaluable for individuals who need to access printed information without the ability to read it visually.

Recognizing Products with Seeing AI

Seeing AI doesn't stop at text and document recognition; it also includes a feature that can recognize products based on various types of codes, including barcodes. By simply presenting the barcode to the camera and selecting the product feature, the app retrieves information about the item. We tested this feature using an old HMV sticker. While the app struggled to recognize the faded barcode, it successfully identified products using clearer barcodes. With further improvements, this feature could be a Game-changer for individuals with visual impairments during their shopping experiences.

Previewing Scenes with Seeing AI

Moving beyond text and objects, Seeing AI introduces the preview scene feature. This experimental functionality aims to describe overall scenes using AI technology. By taking a photo of the scene, the app provides an audio description. During our tests, we captured a scene featuring a camera on a tripod. Seeing AI accurately described the captured scene, showcasing the potential of this feature. As the technology continues to advance, users can look forward to more detailed and immersive scene descriptions.

Identifying People and Facial Expressions

One of the most remarkable features of Seeing AI is its ability to identify people and their facial expressions. By scanning the surroundings, the app can provide information about the number of individuals nearby, their proximity, and even their emotional expressions. During our testing, Seeing AI successfully detected a 31-year-old man with black hair and a beard, accurately describing his neutral expression. This feature not only enhances the mobility and independence of visually impaired individuals but also fosters social interactions by providing valuable insights about the people around them.

Currency Recognition with Seeing AI

Managing money can be a challenge for individuals with visual impairments. Seeing AI aims to alleviate this difficulty with its currency recognition feature. By holding the camera over a banknote, the app can inform users about the value of the currency. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of digital currency in our tests, we were unable to fully explore this feature. However, for individuals utilizing physical cash, this functionality serves as an essential tool for financial independence and empowerment.

Perceiving Colors of Objects

Another intriguing feature of Seeing AI is its ability to perceive and identify colors of objects. By pointing the app's camera at an object, users receive an audio description of the perceived color. During our tests, we aimed the camera at various objects, including a vibrant screen and colored Sharpies. While the color recognition worked well for some objects, it had difficulty accurately identifying certain colors. This feature has enormous potential for facilitating color-dependent tasks and enriching the sensory experience.

Recognizing Handwritten Text

Seeing AI takes text recognition a step further with its Handwriting recognition feature. By capturing handwritten text using the camera, the app can decipher the content. During our test, we wrote the phrase "testing Seeing AI" on a notepad, and the app successfully recognized both printed and handwritten text. This functionality opens up opportunities for visually impaired individuals who struggle with reading handwritten materials or notes from others.

Detecting the Amount of Light

The final feature we explored in Seeing AI is its ability to detect the amount of light in the environment. By analyzing the intensity of light, the app produces a corresponding pitch in its audio output. We experimented by placing the camera towards a lamp and a window, witnessing how the tone changed with different light levels. This feature can be particularly useful for individuals with light sensitivity or those who require specific lighting conditions for various tasks.


In conclusion, the Seeing AI app presents a groundbreaking solution for individuals with visual impairments or challenges in accessing visual information. Through its various features, including text recognition, document scanning, product identification, scene previewing, people identification, currency recognition, color Perception, handwriting recognition, and light detection, Seeing AI empowers users to navigate the world more independently and confidently. While the app showcases tremendous promise, continued advancements and user feedback will undoubtedly contribute to its ongoing progress and impact.


  • Seeing AI app uses AI technology to provide audio descriptions of the visual world for individuals with visual impairments.
  • The text setting accurately recognizes and narrates printed text, opening up new possibilities for auditory access to information.
  • Document scanning enables users to capture and navigate through printed pages, making it easier to access written materials.
  • Product recognition with Seeing AI allows users to identify and Gather information about various products using their device's camera.
  • The preview scene feature provides audio descriptions of overall scenes, adding a new level of understanding and immersion.
  • Seeing AI can identify people, their proximity, and even their facial expressions, promoting social interactions for visually impaired individuals.
  • Currency recognition helps users manage money by informing them about the value of banknotes.
  • Color perception allows Seeing AI to describe the perceived color of objects, enhancing the sensory experience.
  • The app's handwriting recognition feature makes it possible to decipher handwritten text, aiding users in reading notes or messages.
  • Light detection enables users to determine the amount of light in their environment, providing valuable information for individuals with light sensitivity.


Q: Is the Seeing AI app available for both iOS and Android? A: Currently, the Seeing AI app is only available for iOS devices.

Q: Can Seeing AI read handwritten notes or documents? A: Yes, Seeing AI can recognize and read handwritten text by utilizing its handwriting recognition feature.

Q: Does the currency recognition feature work for both paper money and digital currency? A: The currency recognition feature is designed to identify the value of paper money. Digital currency recognition is not currently supported.

Q: Can Seeing AI recognize colors accurately? A: While Seeing AI's color perception feature works well for many objects, it may have difficulty accurately identifying certain colors.

Q: Can the app provide a detailed description of a scene captured by the camera? A: The preview scene feature provides an overview and audio description of a scene, but its capabilities are still experimental and evolving.

Q: Can Seeing AI recognize faces and provide names of known individuals? A: Yes, if the app has been trained to recognize a particular person, it can announce their name when their face is detected.


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