Explore the Fascinating Feed XR Project and Its Immersive Data World

Explore the Fascinating Feed XR Project and Its Immersive Data World

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Team EMU
  3. The Feed XR Project
  4. The Storyline
  5. The Data World
  6. Synthetic Media and Efficiency
  7. Trailer of the Experience
  8. Characters in the Data World
  9. Technical Development
  10. Future Directions


👋 Welcome to this article! In this piece, we will explore the fascinating XR project called "Feed" developed by Team EMU. This project delves into the concept of self and the fragmented existence of bodies and theorems in the context of surveillance capitalism. Join us as we take a deep dive into the project's storyline, the immersive data world, and the technical aspects behind its development.

About Team EMU

Team EMU is a group of talented artists, consisting of Kylon, Cullen, and Callan. They have collaborated on various projects in installations, performance, and AR/VR experiences over the past few years. Kylon specializes in sound and media technology, while Cullen is an anime animation director renowned for creating content for dome theaters and immersive experiences. Together, they have joined forces to bring the Feed XR project to life.

The Feed XR Project

The Feed XR project is a web-based immersive experience that pushes the boundaries of XR technology. It aims to explore the Notion of self and the fragmented existence of bodies and theorems within the framework of surveillance capitalism. The project utilizes a combination of Sonic and visual narratives to guide users through different realms of consciousness and identity.

The Storyline

📚 The Feed XR project begins with the user sitting in a 3D-scanned computer room. Suddenly, a series of message windows randomly appear, seeking permission to access the user's data. Upon clicking on these windows, the user is teleported to the Second scene: a dazzling fantasized data world. Here, they encounter virtual characters representing various aspects of their tracked data, such as consumer preferences, photos, and more.

The main character in this data world is a Mouseman figure with wires attached to his head. As time passes, the wires accumulate, and the character's body gradually disintegrates. This concept is inspired by the confined space of our digital presence, constantly glued to screens, reducing our bodies to the functionality of a computer mouse and Cursor.

Users navigate through the data world, encountering different characters, each representing a specific type of tracked data. The journey eventually leads them to the tunnel of data, where they confront the Hidden master power behind the scenes: an entity analyzing and capturing all the user's data. The ending remains open, with users having the choice to either be assimilated into the master brain or return to reality.

It is important to note that the project's main focus during this challenge was on the second scene, the data world. Synthetic media proved to be a highly efficient tool in creating abstract objects, backgrounds, and other elements that filled the space, giving it a surreal and captivating aesthetic.

The Data World

The data world within the Feed XR project is a visually stunning and conceptually thought-provoking realm. Synthetic media played a crucial role in bringing this world to life, providing a style that seamlessly blended realism and fluidity. This aesthetic was particularly suitable for creating textures for abstract objects and background designs.

In the data world, users encounter various characters, each representing a different aspect of their tracked data. Let's take a closer look at these intriguing characters:

  1. Ubiquitous Eyeballs: Symbolizing the constant tracking of GPS location.
  2. The Kisser: Represents the continuous interaction with others through screens, sending gifts, and likes.
  3. Emoji Dancer: Reflects the new language and semiotics of the internet, encoding messages and tracking behavior.
  4. Buddha of Commercials: Maintains omnibenevolence by watching all brands without any preferences.
  5. AI Generator Faces: Exemplifies the revolution of new beauty standards shaped by AI, questioning societal ideals.

Synthetic Media and Efficiency

The Team EMU project heavily relied on synthetic media for the creation of the data world. Synthetic media, with its almost real and fluid characteristics, proved to be an efficient tool in generating textures for abstract objects and background designs. This approach allowed for the seamless integration of numerous miscellaneous objects within the space, enhancing the immersive experience for users.

By utilizing synthetic media and its unique creative and humorous artifacts, Team EMU not only explored the infinite possibilities offered by AI models but also questioned the limitations and ethical considerations surrounding the use of technology. The incorporation of AI media layers into the design process opened up new avenues for artistic expression and challenged traditional notions of human representation.

Trailer of the Experience

🎥 To give you a taste of the immersive Feed XR experience, here is a brief trailer showcasing some of the captivating moments and characters within the data world. (Trailer to be embedded or linked)

Characters in the Data World

Let's delve further into the characters that inhabitants the data world in the Feed XR project. Each character symbolizes a different aspect of our tracked data, reflecting the complexities of our digital existence:

  1. Ubiquitous Eyeballs 👀: Represent the constant surveillance and tracking of GPS location.
  2. The Kisser 💋: Signifies the continuous interaction through screens, expressing affection through gifts and likes.
  3. Emoji Dancer 💃: Personifies the emerging language and semiotics of the internet, capturing behavioral Patterns through encoded messages.
  4. Buddha of Commercials 🙏: Maintains omnibenevolence by impartially watching all brands without any personal preferences.
  5. AI Generator Faces 😮: Reflect the revolutionary shift in beauty standards shaped by AI and question societal ideals.

Each character plays a crucial role in illustrating the extent to which our data is monitored and utilized in the world of surveillance capitalism.

Technical Development

The development process of the Feed XR project involved a combination of design, concept development, material collection, media production, and web development. The primary tool utilized for this project was Unity3D, a powerful Game development engine.

To bring the project to life, the team collected images and data sets from various public domains that reflect the social and identity presence of today's society. Selfies, social media posts, and diverse human body types were incorporated into the project's training models using StyleGAN and GP2. These models generated the necessary media assets to enrich the media design production.

Integrating machine automation into the media production system opened up new possibilities and complexities. The process was divided into four parts: design and concept development, material collection and dataset creation, media production, and web development. Due to time constraints, the team focused primarily on system design and world building in the second scene of the project, the data world.

Future Directions

The Feed XR project is an ongoing endeavor, with Team EMU eager to explore further possibilities and enhance the interactive experience. Some future directions they are considering include:

  1. Detailed UX Design: Iterating on the current prototype to deliver an even more immersive and user-friendly experience.
  2. Physical Space Integration: Incorporating augmented reality (AR) layers to bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms.
  3. Real-time API Data Integration: Connecting with social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram to generate real-time Texts and data.
  4. AI Audio Generation: Exploring the potential of generating AI-generated audio to enhance the interactive system's realism.
  5. VR App Development: Transitioning the project into a fully realized VR application, offering high-resolution graphics and immersive sound.

As the Feed XR project continues to evolve, Team EMU strives to push the boundaries of XR technology and challenge societal perceptions of surveillance capitalism and the self.


  • Feed XR project explores the fragmented existence of bodies and theorems in the context of surveillance capitalism.
  • Synthetic media proved to be an efficient and creative tool in building the immersive data world.
  • Characters in the data world represent different aspects of users' tracked data, prompting reflection on privacy and surveillance.
  • The technical development involved Unity3D, styleGAN, and GP2, pushing the boundaries of machine-generated media.
  • Future directions for the project include detailed UX design, physical space integration, and real-time API data integration.


Q: How does the Feed XR project explore the concept of self? A: The Feed XR project delves into the fragmented existence of bodies and theorems in the context of surveillance capitalism. It prompts users to reflect on their digital presence and how their data is constantly monitored and utilized.

Q: What tools were used in the technical development of the project? A: The team primarily used Unity3D for the development of the Feed XR project. They also utilized styleGAN and GP2 for generating media assets.

Q: What are the future directions for the project? A: Team EMU plans to iterate on the current prototype by focusing on detailed UX design. They also aim to integrate physical space through augmented reality (AR) and explore real-time API data integration. Additionally, they are interested in generating AI audio for a more immersive experience and developing the project into a VR application.

Q: How does synthetic media contribute to the project? A: Synthetic media was crucial in creating textures, abstract objects, and background designs within the data world. Its realistic and fluid characteristics enhanced the immersive experience for users.

Q: What are some key themes explored in the data world of the Feed XR project? A: The data world in the Feed XR project explores themes of constant surveillance, interaction through screens, new internet languages, the impact of commercials, and the revolution of beauty standards shaped by AI.


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