Exploring the Implications of AI in Entertainment Industry Contracts

Exploring the Implications of AI in Entertainment Industry Contracts

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Section A: Terms and Conditions for AI
    • Section B: Digital Replication and Alteration of Performers
    • Section C: Generative AI
    • Section D: Digital Replication and Alteration of Background Actors
  4. Digital Alteration
  5. Use of Employment-Based Digital Replica
  6. Concerns and Criticisms
  7. Future Implications and Discussions
  8. Conclusion

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Welcome back to "It Takes the Universe!" In today's episode, we'll delve into the SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023 and focus specifically on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the entertainment industry. The full contract is yet to be released, and the final vote on the new contract will take place on December 5th, 2023. While this video will primarily cover AI, it is important to note that this discussion is conditional upon the contract being approved by the majority. Without further ado, let's dive into the intriguing world of AI in the entertainment industry.

Overview of the SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023

Before we delve into the details of AI, let's gain a general understanding of the SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023. This summary is a condensed version of the complete contract, which is still forthcoming and is expected to be a lengthy 130 pages. As actors, AI is a major concern, and thus, it will take center stage in our discussion today. If the contract is approved, special considerations will be put in place for the use of AI in the industry. To follow along, you can find the 18-page summary in the description below or on-screen.

🤖 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Section A: Terms and Conditions for AI

Section A of the summary outlines the terms and conditions regarding the use of AI in the entertainment industry. Upon approval, these terms will take effect 90 days later. One of the primary aspects discussed is the digital replication and alteration of performers. If approved, producers will have the ability to scan actors and use their digital replicas, but only with the actor's explicit consent, clearly stated in the contract. Actors will be compensated for the scanning process, as well as if their digital replicas are utilized on set during an episode or a scene. The same compensation, including day rates, residuals, and health benefits, will apply. However, it is important to note that consent for additional episodes must be sought after the completion of the initial episode.

Section B: Digital Replication and Alteration of Performers

Section B delves into the intricacies of the employment-based digital replica. This encompasses a comprehensive body scan of the actor, which can then be used by producers in the creation of digital replicas for various purposes. This raises concerns, particularly for stunt performers, as their job opportunities may be impacted by the ability to digitally replicate actors for stunts. Additionally, the section highlights the issue of retaliation against actors who decline to have their bodies scanned. While some comparisons have been drawn to actors' decisions regarding nudity or portraying certain characters, the lack of necessity for scanning raises questions about the potential for abuse and coercion.

Section C: Generative AI

Section C introduces the concept of generative AI, where companies create fictional actors who do not exist in the real world. These synthetic performers are composites of different real actors and are used through trained data sets. The aim of including generative AI in the contract is to ensure that these synthetic actors are not used more often than human actors. However, concerns arise surrounding how the compensation for using synthetic AI will be determined and whether producers will prioritize the use of these cost-effective alternatives over human actors, despite the contractual assurances.

Section D: Digital Replication and Alteration of Background Actors

Section D focuses on the digital replication and alteration of background actors. Producers are prohibited from creating replicas of background actors for long-term or perpetual use. However, the contract specifies that a certain number of human background actors must still be hired, while the potential use of AI or generative AI for the remaining roles is left undefined. This lack of Clarity raises concerns over the balance between human and AI presence in background roles, as well as the potential loss of job opportunities for human actors.

Digital Alteration

Another crucial aspect of AI in the entertainment industry is digital alteration. Post-production editing often involves altering performers' appearance or dubbing their voices for various purposes, such as language adaptations. The contract stipulates that such alterations must remain faithful to the original performance, recorded in the script, and performed by the actor. However, there are concerns about the extent to which post-production editing can change an actor's performance without their explicit consent. The potential for exploitation and manipulation raises questions about the protection of actors' artistic integrity and the need for transparency throughout the editing process.

Use of Employment-Based Digital Replica

The use of employment-based digital replicas is discussed further in a dedicated section of the summary. While it offers essential safeguards, such as consent requirements and compensation, there are concerns about who possesses and controls the replicas. Suggestions have been made for SAG to establish a database where actors have ownership over their own replicas, ensuring transparency and accountability. By centralizing the storage and usage of replicas, the potential for misuse or identity theft could be minimized, providing actors with greater control over their digital presence.

Concerns and Criticisms

Throughout the summary, several concerns and criticisms have emerged regarding the inclusion of AI in the contract. One major concern is the potential reduction in opportunities for stunt performers, as digital replicas could replace the need for their specialized skills. The issue of coercion and retaliation against actors who decline body scanning has also been raised, questioning the necessity and ethics of such practices. Additionally, worries center around data breaches and the misuse of personal and biometric data. The lack of stringent security measures and accountability leaves actors vulnerable to identity theft and unauthorized use of their replicas.

Future Implications and Discussions

As the entertainment industry continues to evolve, the implications of AI in contracts like these extend beyond the Present. The inclusion of AI provisions raises broader questions about the nature of creativity, artistic integrity, and the balance between human talent and technological advancements. It is crucial for ongoing conversations and discussions within industry organizations like SAG to address these concerns, continually refine contractual agreements, and ensure the fair treatment and protection of all performers.


In conclusion, the SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023 provides a glimpse into the complex world of AI in the entertainment industry. While it offers certain safeguards and compensation for actors, concerns about potential job loss, coercion, and misuse of personal data persist. As actors and representatives advocate for their rights and Seek clarity and transparency in these contracts, ongoing discussions and negotiations will Shape the future landscape of AI in the industry. The coming years hold a pivotal role in establishing ethical and equitable practices that protect performers' rights while embracing the potential benefits that AI can bring to the entertainment world.


  1. The SAG After TV Theatrical 18-Page Summary for 2023 raises concerns and debates over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the entertainment industry.
  2. Actors' digital replicas can be scanned and utilized with their explicit consent, but potential job loss for stunt performers and concerns over coercion emerge.
  3. Generative AI, involving the creation of fictional actors, raises questions about compensation and the prioritization of cost-effective alternatives.
  4. Post-production digital alterations must remain faithful to the original performance, yet concerns arise regarding the extent of changes made without explicit consent.
  5. Ownership and control of digital replicas become significant, with suggestions for a centralized SAG database to minimize identity theft and misuse.
  6. Concerns about data breaches and unauthorized usage of personal and biometric data highlight the need for robust security measures and accountability.
  7. Ongoing discussions and negotiations within industry organizations are crucial to address concerns, protect performers' rights, and shape the future landscape of AI in the entertainment industry.


Q: Will the use of AI in the entertainment industry result in job loss for stunt performers? A: The inclusion of AI raises concerns about potential job loss for stunt performers, as digital replicas could replace the need for their specialized skills. However, the full implications will depend on the specific terms and conditions outlined in the complete contract.

Q: How will actors' artistic integrity be protected during post-production digital alterations? A: The contract stipulates that post-production digital alterations must remain faithful to the original performance recorded in the script and performed by the actor. However, concerns remain about the extent to which alterations can be made without the explicit consent of the actor, raising questions about artistic integrity.

Q: What safeguards are in place to protect actors' personal and biometric data used for AI replication? A: The contract requires producers to obtain explicit consent from actors for the use of their digital replicas. However, concerns about data breaches and unauthorized usage of personal and biometric data persist, highlighting the need for robust security measures and accountability.

Q: Can actors decline to have their bodies scanned without facing retaliation? A: While actors have the right to decline body scanning, concerns have been raised about potential coercion and retaliation. The contract highlights that producers can choose to hire other actors who agree to scanning, potentially impacting job opportunities.

Q: How can actors ensure the fair usage and control of their digital replicas? A: Suggestions have been made for SAG to establish a centralized database where actors have ownership of their own digital replicas. This would provide greater transparency and accountability, minimizing the potential for misuse or unauthorized use of actors' replicas.

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