Fast and Effective SaaS Idea Validation Process

Fast and Effective SaaS Idea Validation Process

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Difference between Idea Evaluation and Idea Validation
  3. The 5 PM Framework for Evaluating SAS Ideas
  4. The Gamut of Approaches to SAS Idea Validation 4.1. Building a Prototype or MVP 4.2. Asking Your Audience 4.3. Verbal Commitments or Pre-sales 4.4. Copying a Competitor
  5. Validating Ideas through Landing Pages 5.1. Low Touch Funnels 5.2. Driving Traffic to Landing Pages 5.3. Building an Email Launch List
  6. Conversational Validation and Customer Development 6.1. Cold Validation 6.2. Warm Validation 6.3. Leveraging Network or Audience
  7. The Third Approach: Combining Conversational Validation and Landing Pages
  8. Conclusion


How to Validate Your SAS Idea in Less Than 30 Days

Starting a SAS (Software as a Service) company can be an exciting endeavor, but it is crucial to validate your idea before investing time and resources into building a product. In this article, we will explore step-by-step approaches to validate your SAS idea within a short span of 30 days. As a seasoned entrepreneur who has started six companies, written three books on building startups, and invested in over 100 SAS companies, I will share my insights and experiences to help you validate your SAS idea effectively.

Understanding the Difference between Idea Evaluation and Idea Validation

Before diving into the validation process, it is essential to distinguish between idea evaluation and idea validation. Idea evaluation involves running your idea through a set of criteria to determine its potential viability. To evaluate SAS ideas efficiently, I have developed a framework called the 5 PM framework, which you can explore in Detail in episode 628 of my Podcast, "Startups for the Rest of Us." However, evaluation alone is not sufficient.

Idea validation, on the other HAND, is the process of taking steps to find out if people are genuinely interested in your idea. It involves gathering traffic and assessing whether your idea is worth pursuing. It is important to understand that validation is a continuum, and reaching 100% validation is nearly impossible. However, through various validation techniques, you can gain confidence in the potential success of your SAS idea.

The Gamut of Approaches to SAS Idea Validation

In the independent SAS space, there are several approaches to validating ideas. MicroComp's "State of Independent SAS Survey" revealed the most popular approaches used by bootstrap SAS founders. These approaches include building a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP), asking your audience for feedback, getting verbal commitments or pre-sales, and even copying a competitor. In this article, we will focus on two primary approaches: validation through landing pages and conversational validation.

Validating Ideas through Landing Pages

When dealing with low-touch or no-touch funnels, validating your SAS idea through landing pages can be highly effective. A low-touch funnel refers to a sales process that requires minimal interaction with the customer, such as self-service sign-ups or online purchases. To validate your idea using landing pages, you should focus on driving enough traffic to gauge interest and Collect valuable data.

To drive traffic to your landing page, you can leverage various channels such as social media, entrepreneurial groups, beta lists, Reddit, and pay-per-click advertising. The goal is to gauge interest by measuring the number of people who sign up for your email launch list. A high sign-up rate indicates a strong level of interest, while a low sign-up rate may warrant reconsideration of your idea.

Conversational Validation and Customer Development

Conversational validation, also known as customer development, involves having conversations with potential customers to gauge their interest and Gather feedback. This approach is particularly suitable for ideas that require a medium or high-touch sales process. You can validate your SAS idea through both cold and warm conversations.

Cold validation involves reaching out to potential customers who may not be familiar with you or your network. You can conduct cold calls or send personalized emails to gauge their interest and collect valuable feedback. Warm validation, on the other hand, involves leveraging your existing network or audience to have conversations about your idea. This approach allows you to tap into your network's knowledge and gather insights from individuals who may be interested in your SAS solution.

The Third Approach: Combining Conversational Validation and Landing Pages

In my experience, a combination of both conversational validation and landing pages has yielded the best results when validating SAS ideas. By conducting early conversations and gathering feedback, you can refine your idea before building a landing page. Once the landing page is live, you can drive targeted traffic and build an email launch list. This list will not only validate the interest in your SAS idea but also serve as a valuable asset when you eventually launch your product.


Validating your SAS idea is a crucial step in ensuring its viability and potential success. It helps you gather valuable feedback, gauge interest, and make informed decisions before investing significant time and resources. By following the step-by-step approaches discussed in this article, you can validate your SAS idea within 30 days and increase your chances of building a successful SAS company.

Remember, validation is an ongoing process, and reaching 100% validation may not be possible. However, through a combination of evaluation, landing pages, and conversations with potential customers, you can gain valuable insights and confidence in the viability of your SAS idea. So don't rush into development blindly; take the time to validate your idea and set yourself up for success.


  • Understanding the difference between idea evaluation and idea validation
  • The importance of validation in SAS startups
  • The gamut of approaches to SAS idea validation
  • Validating ideas through landing pages
  • Conversational validation and customer development
  • The third approach: combining conversational validation and landing pages


Q: Can I validate my SAS idea without building a prototype? A: Yes, through conversational validation and landing pages, you can gather valuable insights and validate your idea before investing in development.

Q: What are the risks of solely relying on audience feedback for idea validation? A: The audience may not provide honest feedback or their preferences may not align with the wider market. It's essential to complement audience feedback with other validation techniques.

Q: How do landing pages help in SAS idea validation? A: Landing pages allow you to drive targeted traffic, gauge interest through email sign-ups, and collect valuable data to validate the potential success of your idea.

Q: What is conversational validation, and why is it important? A: Conversational validation involves having direct conversations with potential customers to understand their needs, gather feedback, and gauge their interest in your SAS solution. It helps validate your idea and refine your product offering.

Q: How can I combine conversational validation and landing pages for better results? A: By conducting conversations early on and gathering feedback, you can refine your idea before building a landing page. Once the landing page is live, you can drive targeted traffic, build an email launch list, and validate the interest in your SAS idea.

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