Find Your Celebrity Look-Alike with DeepFace in Python

Find Your Celebrity Look-Alike with DeepFace in Python

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Celebrity Look-Alike App with DeepFace in Python
  3. Importing the Required Libraries
  4. Creating the Celebrity Dataset
  5. Comparing Each Celebrity to the Target Image
  6. Implementing the Face Verification Function
  7. Storing the Similarity Scores
  8. Sorting the Similarity Scores
  9. Selecting the Most Similar Celebrity
  10. Plotting the Results
  11. Running the Experiment with Different Images
  12. Conclusion


Have you ever wondered which celebrity you look like the most? In this article, we will guide you through the process of building a celebrity look-alike app using the DeepFace library in Python. By comparing your facial features to a dataset of celebrity images, we can find the most similar celebrity to you. Stay tuned to discover how to create your own celebrity look-alike app!

Building a Celebrity Look-Alike App with DeepFace in Python

Before we dive into the implementation details, let's get a brief overview of what we will be doing. Our goal is to find the celebrity who looks the most similar to a given target image. To achieve this, we will follow these steps:

  1. Import the required libraries
  2. Create the celebrity dataset
  3. Compare each celebrity image to the target image
  4. Implement the face verification function
  5. Store the similarity scores
  6. Sort the similarity scores
  7. Select the most similar celebrity
  8. Plot the results
  9. Run the experiment with different images

Now that we have a clear roadmap, let's get started!

Importing the Required Libraries

To begin, we need to import the necessary libraries that will help us in building our celebrity look-alike app. We will be using the DeepFace library along with other standard Python libraries such as os, pandas, and matplotlib. These libraries will provide us with the tools we need to read images, perform face verification, and Visualize the results. Let's import these libraries and get ready for the next steps.

Creating the Celebrity Dataset

In order to find the most similar celebrity to the target image, we first need to create a dataset of celebrity images. For this demonstration, we have selected images of characters from The Big Bang Theory series. These images will serve as our celebrity dataset. We will read these images in our notebook and store their paths for further processing. By storing the exact image paths and their corresponding character names in a list, we can easily refer to them later. Let's create our celebrity dataset and proceed to the next steps.

Comparing Each Celebrity to the Target Image

Now that we have our celebrity dataset ready, it's time to compare each celebrity image to the target image. We will iterate through the list of celebrity images and calculate the similarity between each image and the target image. To achieve this, we will utilize the DeepFace library's face verification function. This function takes two image paths as input and returns a similarity score. By comparing the target image to each celebrity image, we can determine the level of similarity between them. Let's implement this process and calculate the similarity scores.

Implementing the Face Verification Function

To compare the target image with each celebrity image, we need to implement the face verification function. This function uses the DeepFace library's verify function, which takes two image paths as mandatory arguments. Additionally, we can specify the model name, distance metric, and detector backend as optional arguments. For our experiment, we will use the FaceNet model, the Euclidean distance metric, and the dlib detector backend. After performing the verification, we will store the result in an object variable for further analysis. Let's implement the face verification function and retrieve the similarity scores.

Storing the Similarity Scores

After obtaining the similarity scores for each celebrity image, we need to store these scores for further analysis. To achieve this, we will create a dictionary called "similarities," where each celebrity name will be mapped to its corresponding similarity score. This dictionary will help us to easily retrieve the similarity scores for each celebrity. By storing the distances between the target image and each celebrity image, we can easily sort them and identify the most similar celebrity. Let's store the similarity scores and move on to the next steps.

Sorting the Similarity Scores

Now that we have stored the similarity scores in our dictionary, it's time to sort these scores in ascending order. This will allow us to identify the most similar celebrity to the target image. By sorting the scores, we can retrieve the highest similarity score and its corresponding celebrity name. This information will help us determine the celebrity who looks the most similar to the target image. Let's sort the similarity scores and proceed to the next steps.

Selecting the Most Similar Celebrity

With the similarity scores sorted, we can now select the most similar celebrity to the target image. By retrieving the first row of the sorted data frame, we can identify the celebrity with the highest similarity score. This celebrity will be considered the best match and will be presented as the user's celebrity look-alike. Let's select the most similar celebrity and move forward.

Plotting the Results

To visualize the results of our celebrity look-alike app, we will plot the target image alongside the most similar celebrity image. By using the Matplotlib library, we can create a figure with two subplots: one for the most similar celebrity image and another for the target image. This will allow us to compare the facial features of both images and observe the resemblance. Additionally, we can include the distance score between the images to indicate the level of similarity. Let's plot the results and see how they turn out.

Running the Experiment with Different Images

To showcase the versatility of our celebrity look-alike app, we will run the experiment with different target images. By using images of different individuals, we can observe how the app performs in finding the most similar celebrity for each person. This experimentation will give us a better understanding of the app's capabilities and its accuracy in identifying celebrity look-alikes. Let's run the experiment with different images and analyze the results.


In conclusion, we have successfully built a celebrity look-alike app using the DeepFace library in Python. By comparing facial features and calculating similarity scores, we were able to identify the most similar celebrity to a given target image. This app can provide entertainment and amusement by revealing which celebrity someone resembles the most. With further improvements and refinements, this app has the potential to become a popular tool for celebrity look-alike predictions. Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed creating your own celebrity look-alike app!


  • Building a celebrity look-alike app using DeepFace in Python
  • Creating a dataset of celebrity images
  • Comparing each celebrity to the target image
  • Implementing the face verification function
  • Storing and sorting the similarity scores
  • Selecting the most similar celebrity
  • Visualizing the results through plotting
  • Running the experiment with different images
  • Improving the accuracy and functionality of the app
  • Providing entertainment and amusement to users

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