Fix Errors in Tortoise TTS Voice Cloning Software

Fix Errors in Tortoise TTS Voice Cloning Software

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Environment
  3. Installing Python 3.9
  4. Downloading and Installing Anaconda
  5. Installing Git
  6. Creating a Virtual Environment
  7. Installing Mamba
  8. Navigating to the Anaconda 3 Folder
  9. Installing Dependencies
  10. Cloning the Tortoise TTS Repo
  11. Fixing Outdated Requirements
  12. Reinstalling the Requirements
  13. Initializing the Tortoise TTS Software
  14. Conclusion


In this Tutorial, we will learn how to clone any voice using your computer and Python. Previously, there was an issue with Python's new version that broke the tutorial, but we will fix that and get it working again. To make this work, we need to create an environment that uses Python 3.9. Let's begin by setting up the environment and installing the necessary software.

Setting up the Environment

Before we can start cloning voices, we need to set up the environment properly. This involves installing Python 3.9, Anaconda, and Git. Here are the steps to follow:

Installing Python 3.9

To get started, download and install Python 3.9 from the official website. Remember to check the "Add Python 3.9 to Path" option during the installation process. This option is important for later steps. Once the installation is complete, you can proceed to the next step.

Downloading and Installing Anaconda

Next, head over to and download the Anaconda software. The installation process is straightforward, so you can simply click "Next" through it without any modifications. Once installed, we can move on to the next software.

Installing Git

Git is another software we need for this tutorial. Download Git and follow the default installation settings. Git is not essential during this tutorial, but it is useful for various programming tasks. After installing all three software, we can proceed to the next step.

Creating a Virtual Environment

In order to work with Python 3.9 specifically, we need to create a virtual environment. This environment will be named "tortoise TTS." Follow these steps to create the virtual environment:

  1. Open the Anaconda Prompt from your search bar.
  2. Paste the following command line: conda create -n tortoise TTS python=3.9
  3. Press 'Enter' and the installation process will begin.
  4. When prompted, type 'y' to confirm the installation.
  5. Wait for the installation to finish.

Installing Mamba

As the Anaconda software can be slow, we will install Mamba to speed up the process. Follow these steps to install Mamba:

  1. Paste the following command line: conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
  2. Press 'Enter' and wait for the installation to finish. This may take a few minutes.

Now that we have Mamba installed, we can navigate to the Anaconda 3 folder and install the dependencies.

Navigating to the Anaconda 3 Folder

To install the necessary dependencies, we need to navigate to the Anaconda 3 folder. Follow these steps:

  1. Type the following command line: cd anaconda3
  2. Press 'Enter' to navigate to the Anaconda 3 folder.

Now we can proceed with installing the dependencies.

Installing Dependencies

Within the Anaconda 3 folder, we need to install the required dependencies. Follow these steps:

  1. Type the command line Mentioned in the tutorial.
  2. Press 'Enter' and wait for the installation to finish. This may take a few minutes.
  3. When prompted, type 'y' to confirm the installation.

Additionally, we need to install the Python sound file separately. Once the installation is complete, we can move on to cloning the Tortoise TTS repo.

Cloning the Tortoise TTS Repo

To get the necessary files for Tortoise TTS, we need to clone the repo from GitHub. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Tortoise TTS folder by typing: cd tortoise-ts
  2. Clone the repo from the creator's GitHub by typing: git clone <repo link>
  3. Wait for the cloning process to finish.

Fixing Outdated Requirements

The original version of the software has outdated requirements that may cause issues. We need to fix these requirements to ensure the software works properly. Here's how:

  1. Go to your user folder and find the Anaconda 3 folder.
  2. Inside, locate the Tortoise TTS folder and open the requirements.txt file.
  3. Remove any number requirements and delete them altogether.
  4. Change the numpy version to 1.20.3.
  5. Save the file.

Now we can proceed to fix any potential errors.

Reinstalling the Requirements

After fixing the requirements, we need to reinstall them. Follow these steps:

  1. Paste the command line mentioned in the tutorial.
  2. Press 'Enter' to reinstall the requirements.
  3. Wait for the installation to finish.

If there are no errors during the installation, we can move on to initializing the Tortoise TTS software and start cloning voices.

Initializing the Tortoise TTS Software

To initialize the Tortoise TTS software and clone voices, follow these steps:

  1. Paste the command line mentioned in the tutorial.
  2. Press 'Enter' to run the command.
  3. The software should now work flawlessly, and you will be able to generate voice files.

Note: If you exit the Anaconda prompt and open it again, make sure to navigate back to the Python 3.9 environment before using the software. Use the command conda activate tortoise TTS and navigate to the correct folders using the cd command.


In this tutorial, we learned how to clone any voice using Python and the Tortoise TTS software. We set up the environment, installed the necessary software, and fixed any potential issues. Now you can use the software to clone voices on your computer. Enjoy experimenting with different voices and have fun with your projects!


  • Set up the environment by installing Python 3.9, Anaconda, and Git.
  • Create a virtual environment named "tortoise TTS."
  • Install Mamba for faster processing in Anaconda.
  • Navigate to the Anaconda 3 folder and install dependencies.
  • Clone the Tortoise TTS repo from GitHub.
  • Fix outdated requirements in the requirements.txt file.
  • Reinstall the updated requirements.
  • Initialize the Tortoise TTS software and start cloning voices.


Q: Can I use a different version of Python? A: It is recommended to use Python 3.9 for this tutorial, as the software relies on its features. Using a different version may cause compatibility issues.

Q: Do I need to install Anaconda and Git? A: Yes, both Anaconda and Git are required for this tutorial. Anaconda provides the necessary environment and packages, while Git is useful for version control.

Q: How long does the installation process take? A: The installation process may vary depending on your system and internet speed. On average, it may take around 10-15 minutes to complete all the installations and setup.

Q: Can I use this software for commercial purposes? A: The usage of the Tortoise TTS software for commercial purposes may be subject to the licensing terms and conditions of the software. Please refer to the software's documentation for more information.

Q: What other features does Tortoise TTS offer? A: Tortoise TTS provides various features for voice cloning and modification. You can explore its documentation or refer to the official GitHub repo for more details.


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