Fixing America: Unconventional Plans and Bold Solutions

Fixing America: Unconventional Plans and Bold Solutions

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Inefficiency of the United States
  3. The Concept of Mega Kota
  4. The Idea of Separate States within States
  5. Dallas and Disney World: Examples of Separate States
  6. Merging Vermont and New Hampshire
  7. Eliminating Rhode Island
  8. Virgin Sylvania: The Merger of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia
  9. The Creation of Derry Sylvania by Including New Jersey
  10. Turning New York into Greater Massachusetts
  11. Alaska and California: The Future Plans
  12. Transforming Arizona and New Mexico into Desert States
  13. The Switch Between Colorado and Wyoming
  14. The Carolinas and Georgia: Reassigning Territory
  15. Oklahoma Becoming Part of Texas
  16. Missouri and Arkansas: The Continuation of Merging States
  17. The Elimination of Ohio
  18. Fixing the Spelling of Maine, Missouri, and Kansas
  19. The Wisconsin Incident and the Introduction of Nuketown
  20. The Creation of Corner Land in Nebraska
  21. The Unique State of Quiznosis
  22. Pepsi and Quiznos: Titans in the Industry
  23. Montana's Unexplained Transformation
  24. Hawaii's Relocation to the Desert
  25. The Drastic Solution: Connecting All Landmasses and Solving Global Warming
  26. Conclusion

Article: The Unconventional Plan to Fix the United States

Have You ever considered the inefficiency and flaws of the United States? It's an interesting topic that often sparks conversations and debates. In this article, we will Delve into a unique perspective on how to fix the United States. This unconventional plan involves the creation of separate states within states, merging existing states, and even some surprising relocations. Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride as we explore the concept of Mega Kota and the drastic measures needed to reshape the nation.

1. Introduction

The Current state of affairs in the United States has left many people dissatisfied with the existing system. Inefficiency and bureaucracy hinder progress, and it's time to explore alternative solutions. Our plan involves thinking outside the box and introducing bold changes that may seem unconventional at first glance. Join us as we navigate through a series of proposals to transform the United States into a more streamlined and efficient country.

2. The Inefficiency of the United States

Before we delve into the details of our plan, it's crucial to address the inefficiency that plagues the United States. From excessive bureaucracy to conflicting policies, the current system leaves much to be desired. By identifying these flaws, we can better understand why drastic measures may be required to fix the country.

3. The Concept of Mega Kota

One of the central ideas in our plan is the concept of Mega Kota. This term refers to the creation of separate states within states, allowing for greater autonomy and efficient governance. By adopting this approach, we aim to decentralize power and provide more localized decision-making.

4. The Idea of Separate States within States

To illustrate how Mega Kota would work, let's examine the example of Dallas, which exists as its own state within Texas. This separation allows for tailored policies and governance that cater specifically to the needs of Dallas. By implementing this model in other regions, we can improve efficiency and responsiveness within the country.

5. Merging Vermont and New Hampshire

In the pursuit of creating Mega Kota, we propose the merging of states. Vermont and New Hampshire, neighboring states with similar characteristics, would be united to form a new entity. This consolidation aims to streamline administrative processes, eliminate redundancy, and enhance governance.

6. Eliminating Rhode Island

Rhode Island, due to its small size, often goes unnoticed on maps. We suggest integrating this state into Massachusetts, creating a greater Massachusetts that benefits from economies of Scale and improved governance.

7. Virgin Sylvania: The Merger of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia

To further consolidate states, we propose the merger of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia. This union would result in the creation of Virgin Sylvania, a sizable state encompassing the strengths of all its predecessor states. The consolidation of resources, infrastructure, and governance would Create a more Cohesive and efficient entity.

8. The Creation of Derry Sylvania by Including New Jersey

Expanding on the concept of Mega Kota, we envision the inclusion of New Jersey into Virgin Sylvania. This addition would further strengthen the state's economic and political clout. Derry Sylvania would emerge as a powerful entity with a unique Blend of resources and governance.

9. Turning New York into Greater Massachusetts

As we Continue to reshape the United States, our proposal involves transforming New York geographically and politically. By incorporating Staten Island and Connecticut into Massachusetts, we create a Greater Massachusetts. This consolidation allows for better utilization of resources and improved decision-making.

10. Alaska and California: The Future Plans

While we have focused primarily on consolidating states, we have not forgotten about Alaska and California. These states deserve special Attention, and future plans are in the works to address their unique circumstances. Stay tuned for exciting developments in these areas.


In conclusion, this article has explored an unconventional plan to fix the United States, focusing on the concept of Mega Kota and restructuring the country to enhance efficiency and governance. While some of these proposals may seem far-fetched, they offer a fresh perspective on solving the inefficiencies that plague the current system. Let us embrace creativity and open minds as we contemplate new approaches to shaping the future of the United States.


  • The inefficiency of the United States necessitates a fresh approach.
  • Mega Kota introduces the concept of separate states within states.
  • Merging neighboring states can streamline governance and administration.
  • The consolidation of resources and governance improves efficiency.
  • Innovative proposals for Alaska and California are on the horizon.


Q: Are these proposals realistic? A: While they may seem unconventional, these proposals offer unique solutions to address inefficiency in the United States. By challenging the status quo, we can explore new possibilities for improvement.

Q: Does this plan consider the cultural differences between states? A: Cultural differences have been taken into account during the proposal process. The aim is to preserve and enhance each state's unique identity while improving efficiency through consolidation.

Q: Will these changes affect citizens negatively? A: While change can be disruptive, the ultimate goal is to create a more efficient and responsive system. The proposed reforms aim to benefit citizens by streamlining processes and improving governance.

Q: How will these changes be implemented? A: Implementing these changes would require significant planning, coordination, and constitutional amendments. These proposals serve as a starting point for a larger conversation about the future of the United States.

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