Flying from Bangalore to Dubai: A Captivating Journey

Flying from Bangalore to Dubai: A Captivating Journey

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Kempegowda International Airport
    1. Boarding Process
    2. Immigration Department
    3. Airport Lounge
  3. Flying in Air India
    1. Boarding Experience
    2. Inside the Flight
    3. Take-off and Landing
  4. Travelling to Abu Dhabi
  5. Sharjah and UAE Currency
  6. Exploring Dubai
    1. Global Village
    2. Dubai as an Emirate
    3. Rolla Bus Stand in Sharjah

Flying from India to Dubai: A Journey to Remember

Dubai, the dazzling city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is a dream destination for many travelers. This article takes You on a thrilling Journey from India to Dubai, providing a firsthand account of the travel experience and highlights of the trip. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a delightful adventure!

1. Introduction

Dubai has always been synonymous with luxury, opulence, and breathtaking architecture. It attracts millions of visitors every year who come to witness its majestic skyline, pristine beaches, and extravagant shopping malls. The journey from India to Dubai is an experience in itself, filled with anticipation and excitement.

2. Kempegowda International Airport

2.1 Boarding Process

The journey begins at Kempegowda International Airport in Bangalore, India. Boarding a flight to Dubai is hassle-free, with a direct bus service available from Majestic to the airport. The fare for the bus is Rs. 245, making it a convenient option for travelers. Once at the airport, the boarding pass is obtained, and the adventure truly begins.

2.2 Immigration Department

Passing through the immigration department is an essential step before entering any international destination. At Kempegowda International Airport, the immigration verification process starts at 1 PM. However, arriving early allows ample time to navigate the airport, complete necessary formalities, and relax before the flight. The author shares their experience of having the first immigration stamp on the passport, highlighting the significance of avoiding certain stamps for seamless travel to other countries.

2.3 Airport Lounge

While waiting for the flight's departure, the author explores the comforts of the airport lounge. The lounge area offers a delightful spread of food options, allowing travelers to savor some delicious meals before take-off. The vast expanse of the airport and the sight of numerous planes adding to the anticipation of the upcoming journey.

3. Flying in Air India

3.1 Boarding Experience

The author boards an Air India flight, embarking on their first international trip with the airline. The excitement is palpable as they settle into their seat, 6F. The unique experience of flying with Air India, known for its exceptional service, adds to the anticipation of the journey ahead.

3.2 Inside the Flight

The author gives an overview of the flight, showcasing the cabin and its facilities. The interior of the Air India flight exudes a Sense of pride, representing the nation's aviation industry. The author shares their delight at being part of such a remarkable experience.

3.3 Take-off and Landing

As the plane takes off, the author describes the exhilarating feeling of witnessing the speed and power of the aircraft. The view from the window, revealing the entire airport, adds to the sense of wonder. The journey continues above the clouds, with the author marveling at the scenic beauty and the speed at which the plane travels.

4. Travelling to Abu Dhabi

The flight lands at Abu Dhabi International Airport, and the author proceeds to Sharjah, a city located approximately 141 kilometers away. The journey from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah is covered by taxi, providing an opportunity to observe the unique features of the UAE transportation system. The author highlights the culture shock experienced, such as the left-HAND driving and the currency exchange process.

5. Sharjah and UAE Currency

Exploring the city of Sharjah, the author encounters the well-maintained Rolla Bus Stand, a major hub for intercity buses. The cleanliness and disciplined behavior of the drivers stand out, showcasing the UAE's commitment to maintaining order and enforcing rules. The author also shares their experience of exchanging currency at the airport, providing insights into the monetary conversion process.

6. Exploring Dubai

6.1 Global Village

Dubai offers a plethora of attractions, and the author aims to explore as much as possible. One of the highlights is Global Village, a cultural extravaganza that showcases various countries through pavilions. The author shares their excitement about the immense diversity and grandeur of this attraction.

6.2 Dubai as an Emirate

Dubai is often misunderstood as a separate country, but it is, in fact, an emirate within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The author clarifies this misconception and provides valuable information about the UAE's structure, which comprises seven emirates.

6.3 Rolla Bus Stand in Sharjah

The author revisits the Rolla Bus Stand in Sharjah, emphasizing its importance as a transportation hub for traveling to various destinations like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other emirates. The cleanliness, orderliness, and convenience of buses make it an ideal starting point for exploring the region.

In conclusion, the journey from India to Dubai is an exciting adventure filled with anticipation and awe-inspiring experiences. From the boarding process at Kempegowda International Airport to exploring the wonders of Dubai, this journey leaves a lasting impression. Beautiful memories are created both in the air and on the ground, providing a glimpse into the vibrant culture and remarkable attractions the UAE has to offer.


  1. From Kempegowda International Airport to Dubai: An Unforgettable Journey
  2. Boarding Air India: The Pride and Comfort of the Nation
  3. Exploring Dubai: A Pulsating Melting Pot of Cultures and Attractions
  4. Clarifying Misconceptions: Dubai as an Emirate within UAE
  5. Rolla Bus Stand: A Convenient Transportation Hub in Sharjah


Q: Is Dubai a country? A: No, Dubai is an emirate within the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Q: How do I reach Dubai from India? A: Several airlines offer direct flights from various Indian cities to Dubai. Alternatively, you can also fly to nearby cities like Abu Dhabi and Sharjah and travel to Dubai by road.

Q: What is Global Village in Dubai? A: Global Village is a cultural and entertainment destination in Dubai, showcasing pavilions from different countries and offering a wide range of cultural, culinary, and entertainment experiences.

Q: Are there any specific rules and regulations to follow while traveling in Dubai? A: Yes, Dubai has certain cultural and religious customs that visitors are required to respect. It is essential to dress modestly and abide by local laws and traditions to avoid any inconvenience.

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