From Cheating to Redemption: A Tale of Greed and Change

From Cheating to Redemption: A Tale of Greed and Change

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Accident
  3. Asking for Compensation
  4. The Hospital Visit
  5. The Fake Civil Guard
  6. Cheating for Money
  7. The Fake Lottery Tickets
  8. The Plan
  9. Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain
  10. The Exchange

The Accident

The sound of screeching tires and a loud crash filled the air. Vinh had just crashed his car into another vehicle, and now he and his friend Thai were standing on the side of the road, trying to figure out what to do next.

Vinh had a plan. "Remember, do as I want. I'll jump out. The car hasn't crashed me yet, then I'll lie down. You go out and ask for the money. At that time, your face must be fierce."

Thai looked at Vinh skeptically. "My face is really fierce?"

Vinh nodded. "Do you want to make money?"

"I want!" Thai replied eagerly.

"This face is like wanna go poop," Vinh said, making a face. "Whatever, but essentially, you must ask for the money, got it?"

Thai nodded, and they waited for the other driver to approach them.

"The car is coming. Be ready," Vinh said, and they both got into position.

As the other driver approached, Thai put on his fiercest face and demanded compensation for the accident. The driver seemed hesitant, but eventually agreed to pay.

But things took a turn for the worse when they realized that the driver they had hit had broken his leg. Vinh and Thai were taken to the hospital with the injured man, and they began to worry about the consequences of their actions.

Asking for Compensation

At the hospital, Vinh and Thai were confronted by the injured man's family, who demanded compensation for his injuries.

"I just need cash," Vinh said, trying to brush them off.

"You just said one sentence, but he had to try his best to stand up and fight you back, you see?" Thai said, trying to reason with Vinh.

They eventually agreed to pay the injured man 1 million dong in compensation, but they were still worried about the consequences of their actions.

The Hospital Visit

As they left the hospital, Vinh and Thai were approached by a man who claimed to be a civil guard. He offered to help them pressure others into paying them money.

Vinh and Thai were skeptical at first, but they eventually agreed to work with the man. They pretended to be injured or disabled and demanded compensation from unsuspecting victims.

But their luck ran out when they encountered a woman who had just won the lottery jackpot. They hatched a plan to steal her winning tickets, but things didn't go as planned.

The Fake Civil Guard

The man who had claimed to be a civil guard turned out to be a fake, and Vinh and Thai were left to deal with the consequences of their actions.

They were forced to flee the scene and go into hiding, but they couldn't escape the guilt and shame they felt for what they had done.

Cheating for Money

Vinh and Thai continued to cheat and scam their way through life, always looking for the next opportunity to make a quick buck.

But their actions eventually caught up with them, and they were forced to face the consequences of their greed and dishonesty.

The Fake Lottery Tickets

Their latest scheme involved selling fake lottery tickets that promised to win the jackpot prize. They convinced a wealthy woman to buy their tickets, but things didn't go as planned.

They were forced to confront the fact that they had been cheating and lying to people for far too long, and they needed to make a change.

The Plan

Vinh and Thai decided to turn their lives around and start living honestly. They came up with a plan to make amends for their past mistakes and start fresh.

Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain

Their plan involved luring their enemies away from their base of operations, so they could strike without being detected.

They used their knowledge of human nature to Create distractions and draw Attention away from their true intentions.

The Exchange

In the end, Vinh and Thai were able to exchange their fake lottery tickets for the real ones, and they finally had the chance to make things right.

They used their newfound wealth to help others and make a positive impact on the world around them.


  • Vinh and Thai cheat and scam their way through life, always looking for the next opportunity to make a quick buck.
  • They are forced to confront the consequences of their actions when they encounter a woman who has just won the lottery jackpot.
  • They come up with a plan to make amends for their past mistakes and start living honestly.
  • Their plan involves luring their enemies away from their base of operations, so they can strike without being detected.
  • In the end, they are able to exchange their fake lottery tickets for the real ones and use their newfound wealth to help others.


Q: What is the main theme of the article? A: The main theme of the article is the consequences of cheating and dishonesty, and the importance of living honestly and making amends for past mistakes.

Q: What is the plan that Vinh and Thai come up with? A: Vinh and Thai come up with a plan to lure their enemies away from their base of operations, so they can strike without being detected.

Q: What is the significance of the title "Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain"? A: The title refers to a strategy used in warfare to lure an enemy away from their stronghold, making them vulnerable to attack.

Q: What is the lesson that Vinh and Thai learn? A: Vinh and Thai learn the importance of living honestly and making amends for past mistakes, and they use their newfound wealth to help others.

Q: What is the main message of the article? A: The main message of the article is that cheating and dishonesty have consequences, and it is important to live honestly and make amends for past mistakes.

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