Fun Experiments for Kids: Saturday Science with Ms. Steph

Fun Experiments for Kids: Saturday Science with Ms. Steph

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Saturday Science with Miss Steph
  3. Theme Ingredient for May: Rapid Rise Yeast
  4. Chemistry-Based Activity with Yeast 4.1 Using Dry Yeast and Hydrogen Peroxide 4.2 Using Wet Yeast and Hydrogen Peroxide 4.3 Control Sample with Developer and Food Coloring
  5. Observations and Conclusion of the Chemistry Activity
  6. Transitioning to Electricity Activity
  7. Introduction to Smart Circuits Kit
  8. Exploring Circuits and Making Connections
  9. Understanding Electricity and Complete Circuits
  10. Final Observations and Conclusion
  11. Registration for Summer Science Club 2020
  12. Conclusion

Article Title: Exploring the Fascinating World of Science with Miss Steph


Welcome to Saturday Science with Miss Steph, an exciting and educational series where we Delve into the world of scientific experiments and activities. In this edition, we will be exploring the fascinating properties of yeast and electricity. Join us as we embark on a fun-filled Journey of discovery and learning.

Saturday Science with Miss Steph

Miss Steph, the founder and executive director of Triple F Empowerment Week, welcomes all science enthusiasts to this week's episode of Saturday Science. As always, she is thrilled to share her knowledge and passion for science with everyone. Miss Steph informs us about the various activities and services offered by Triple F Empowerment Week, including the upcoming virtual Summer Science Club and the opportunity for children to receive their own personalized science kits.

Theme Ingredient for May: Rapid Rise Yeast

Throughout the month of May, the theme ingredient for Saturday Science has been rapid rise yeast. This versatile ingredient offers countless opportunities to explore and conduct scientific experiments. Miss Steph explains how yeast can be used in chemistry-based activities to observe its reactions with different substances and the intriguing outcomes that can be achieved.

Chemistry-based Activity with Yeast

In this activity, Miss Steph demonstrates three variations using rapid rise yeast. The first variation involves combining dry yeast with hydrogen peroxide to Create a reaction. The Second variation uses wet yeast mixed with hydrogen peroxide, while the third variation, the control sample, consists of yeast-free hydrogen peroxide and food coloring. Miss Steph provides clear instructions and safety precautions throughout the activity.

Observations and Conclusion of the Chemistry Activity

After setting up the three samples, Miss Steph gives the viewers time to predict and contemplate which variation would yield the most noticeable reaction. She stirs the mixtures and points out the differences between each. As the reactions unfold, it becomes evident that the wet yeast sample produces the most significant reaction, followed by the dry yeast sample. The control sample, lacking yeast, shows no reaction. Miss Steph emphasizes the importance of comparisons and observations in scientific experiments.

Transitioning to Electricity Activity

Miss Steph introduces the next segment of the Show, focusing on electricity. She mentions that while some activities might not be suitable for replicating at home, they still offer valuable insights into the world of science. In this case, she will be using the Smart Circuits kit to explore electrical circuits and connections.

Introduction to Smart Circuits Kit

The Smart Circuits kit is a wonderful tool for learning about electricity. It features various pieces that allow for hands-on experimentation. Miss Steph explains the importance of keeping track of all the materials and encourages viewers to get their own kit, which is readily available on platforms like Amazon.

Exploring Circuits and Making Connections

Miss Steph walks the viewers through a sample project using the Smart Circuits kit. She demonstrates how to connect the wires and magnets to create a complete circuit. Step by step, she assembles the pieces and shows the gradual illumination of the circuit's lights. The viewers can see the process unfold and gain a better understanding of how electricity flows through a circuit.

Understanding Electricity and Complete Circuits

During the activity, Miss Steph takes a moment to explain the basic concept of electricity. She defines it as the flow of electrons and highlights the importance of completing a circuit for electricity to flow smoothly. With the Smart Circuits kit, children can grasp the fundamental principles of electricity in an engaging and tangible way, furthering their scientific knowledge.

Final Observations and Conclusion

Once the activity with the Smart Circuits kit is complete, Miss Steph encourages the viewers to make their final observations. The illuminated lights serve as clear evidence of a successfully completed circuit. Miss Steph underscores the importance of following instructions, making comparisons, and drawing conclusions in scientific experiments.

Registration for Summer Science Club 2020

Miss Steph takes the opportunity to remind viewers about the exciting virtual Summer Science Club happening this year. She encourages interested participants to register and assures them that despite the virtual format, children will receive their own science kits, including safety glasses, lab coats, and one-on-one time with Miss Steph.


Saturday Science with Miss Steph provides an engaging and educational platform for children and science enthusiasts to explore the wonders of the world around them. Through exciting hands-on experiments and activities, Miss Steph instills a love for science and encourages Curiosity and critical thinking. Join us every Saturday for a new adventure and an opportunity to learn and have fun!


  • Saturday Science with Miss Steph offers engaging and educational science experiments.
  • Rapid rise yeast is the theme ingredient for May's chemistry activities.
  • Different variations using yeast and hydrogen peroxide yield fascinating reactions.
  • The Smart Circuits kit provides a hands-on exploration of electricity and circuits.
  • Completing circuits helps children understand the flow of electricity.
  • Final observations and comparisons are crucial in scientific experiments.
  • Registration is open for the virtual Summer Science Club 2020.


Q: How can I register for the virtual Summer Science Club? A: Registration for the virtual Summer Science Club can be done through the Triple F Empowerment Week website. Fill out the registration form to secure a spot for your child.

Q: Can I purchase the Smart Circuits kit for home use? A: Yes, the Smart Circuits kit is readily available for purchase on platforms like Amazon. It provides an excellent opportunity for children to explore electricity and circuits at home.

Q: Is adult supervision necessary for the activities Mentioned? A: Yes, adult supervision is crucial, especially when working with potentially hazardous materials or electricity. Always ensure a responsible adult is present during science experiments.

Q: Are the activities suitable for different age groups? A: Miss Steph mentions that children as young as five have successfully completed the Smart Circuits activity. However, some activities may require more advanced scientific knowledge or coordination skills, making them better suited for older children.

Q: Can I request specific experiments or activities for future Saturday Science episodes? A: Absolutely! Miss Steph welcomes requests and suggestions for future episodes. Feel free to leave your ideas and requests in the comments or contact Triple F Empowerment Week directly.

Q: How can I support Saturday Science with Miss Steph? A: Sharing the livestream with friends, family, and associates is a great way to support Saturday Science with Miss Steph. By spreading the word, more children and families can benefit from these engaging and educational science activities.

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