Generate 10,000+ NFTs & Make Money - No Coding Tutorial

Generate 10,000+ NFTs & Make Money - No Coding Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an NFT?
  3. Making Money with NFTs
  4. NFT Marketplaces
    1. Openc
    2. Other Marketplaces
  5. Easy Ways to Generate NFTs
    1. Creating Accessories
    2. Using Art/Graphics Editors
    3. Finding Royalty-Free Images
    4. Commissioning Artists
  6. Using MyPaint for NFT Design
    1. Importing Base Character Designs
    2. Adding and Customizing Layers
    3. Creating Different Accessories
  7. Using Visual Studio Code and Node.js
    1. Downloading Visual Studio Code
    2. Downloading Code from GitHub
    3. Downloading Node.js
  8. Using the Code to Generate NFT Combinations
    1. Customizing Layers and Accessories
    2. Configuring the Code
    3. Running the Code
  9. Making Money with NFTs on Fiverr
  10. The Future of NFTs
  11. Conclusion


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have taken the world by storm. People are boasting about the amount of money they've made from buying, selling, and flipping NFTs. This has led to an increase in interest and opportunities to generate and sell NFTs easily. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to make money with NFTs, the various NFT marketplaces, and the steps to generate unique NFT designs.

What is an NFT?

Before diving into the different ways to make money with NFTs, it is important to understand what an NFT actually is. NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain, typically the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a like-for-like basis, NFTs are one-of-a-kind and cannot be exchanged on a like-for-like basis. This uniqueness is what gives NFTs their value.

Making Money with NFTs

There are several ways to make money with NFTs. One of the primary ways is by buying and selling NFTs on various marketplaces. These marketplaces act as platforms where individuals can list their NFTs for sale and potential buyers can browse and purchase them. Openc is one such marketplace that has gained significant popularity in the NFT space.

NFT Marketplaces


Openc is a marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs. It has gained significant Attention and has become a hub for NFT enthusiasts. However, getting involved with Openc can be challenging, especially if You're not a celebrity or an artist, or if you don't have the funds to list your NFT artwork on the platform. Listing an NFT on Openc requires paying a gas fee, which can deter newcomers.

Other Marketplaces

Apart from Openc, there are several other NFT marketplaces where individuals can buy and sell NFTs. These marketplaces offer alternative opportunities for generating income through NFTs. Some popular alternatives include Rarible, SuperRare, and NBA Top Shot.

Easy Ways to Generate NFTs

While selling NFTs on marketplaces may seem difficult, there are easy ways to generate NFTs and sell them for profit. One such method is by creating accessories for NFTs that can be mixed and matched to Create unique designs. This allows for the creation of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of unique NFTs that can be listed for sale.

Creating Accessories

To create accessories for NFTs, you can use various art or graphics editor platforms such as Adobe Photoshop or the free platform called MyPaint. Using these tools, you can design different accessories that can be added to a base character to create unique NFT designs.

Using Art/Graphics Editors

Art and graphics editors provide the flexibility to design and customize NFT accessories. These tools allow you to easily create different designs, colors, and even backgrounds for your NFTs. It's important to consider the Type of artwork you want to create and have a clear vision before starting the design process.

Finding Royalty-Free Images

Another option for creating NFT accessories is to search for royalty-free images online. While this may not provide unique designs, it allows for commercial use without legal issues. Websites like Pixabay and SVG Silh offer a wide range of royalty-free images that can be used to create NFT accessories.

Commissioning Artists

If you're not an artist yourself, you can commission someone else to create your base character and accessories. Platforms like Fiverr offer affordable options to hire artists who can bring your NFT designs to life. By outsourcing the design work, you can focus on the business aspect of selling NFTs.

Using MyPaint for NFT Design

MyPaint is a free and user-friendly platform that can be used to create NFT designs. It allows you to import your base character designs, add and customize layers for accessories, and create different variations of your NFTs. By utilizing MyPaint, you can automate the process of generating unique NFT designs.

Importing Base Character Designs

To begin using MyPaint, you need to start by importing your base character design. This can be a design you created yourself, a royalty-free image, or a design commissioned from an artist. Once the base character design is imported, you can proceed to add accessories and customize the layers.

Adding and Customizing Layers

In MyPaint, you can add and customize layers for different accessories. Each layer represents a different accessory or variation of the NFT design. By mixing and matching these layers, you can quickly generate unique NFT designs. MyPaint provides various tools and options to create and customize each layer.

Creating Different Accessories

MyPaint offers a wide range of tools and options to create different accessories for your NFTs. Whether it's changing colors, adding Patterns, or modifying shapes, you can easily customize each accessory to create visually appealing and unique NFT designs. The flexibility of MyPaint allows for endless creative possibilities.

Using Visual Studio Code and Node.js

To further automate the generation of NFT designs, you can utilize Visual Studio Code and Node.js. Visual Studio Code is a powerful text editor that allows you to execute commands and modify code, while Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that enables seamless integration with Visual Studio Code.

Downloading Visual Studio Code

To begin using Visual Studio Code, you need to download and install it on your computer. Visual Studio Code provides a user-friendly interface and a range of features that simplify the coding process. Once installed, you can open the software and begin configuring it for NFT generation.

Downloading Code from GitHub

To generate NFT combinations automatically, you can download the code from GitHub. The code, provided by a user named Hash Lips, is specifically designed for NFT generation. By downloading and configuring this code within Visual Studio Code, you can automate the process of generating unique NFT designs.

Downloading Node.js

In order to execute the code and integrate it with Visual Studio Code, you need to download Node.js. Node.js provides the necessary runtime environment for running JavaScript code. Once installed, you can proceed to configure Visual Studio Code and activate the code for NFT generation.

Using the Code to Generate NFT Combinations

Configuring and running the code within Visual Studio Code allows you to generate various combinations of NFT designs automatically. By customizing the layers and accessories in the code, you can create a vast number of unique NFT designs that can then be listed for sale on marketplaces or used for personal projects.

Customizing Layers and Accessories

Before running the code, you can personalize the layers and accessories to match your desired NFT designs. By customizing the layers, colors, and variations within the code, you can ensure that the generated NFT combinations Align with your artistic vision. This customization makes each NFT unique and appealing to potential buyers.

Configuring the Code

Within the code, you will find various settings that can be adjusted to meet your specific requirements. These settings include Dimensions, rarity, and the number of designs to generate. By modifying these settings, you can tailor the NFT generation process to your preferences and goals.

Running the Code

Once the code has been configured to your satisfaction, you can proceed to run it within Visual Studio Code. By executing the code, you will generate a multitude of NFT combinations Based on the specified layers and accessories. These combinations can be further refined and edited to create a diverse collection of NFT designs.

Making Money with NFTs on Fiverr

In addition to selling NFTs on marketplaces, another viable option is to leverage platforms like Fiverr to offer NFT services. By utilizing your NFT design skills, you can create custom designs for clients and earn money for your services. Fiverr offers a range of NFT-related gigs, providing opportunities for freelancers to capitalize on the growing demand for unique NFT designs.

The Future of NFTs

As the popularity of NFTs continues to grow, so does the potential for making money with them. While the Current trend presents lucrative opportunities, it is important to understand that the NFT market may evolve and become more competitive. Therefore, it is crucial to stay updated, adapt to changes, and explore new avenues within the NFT space.


NFTs have transformed the way digital assets are bought, sold, and valued. With the right knowledge and tools, it is possible to generate and sell unique NFT designs for profit. By utilizing marketplaces, leveraging creative software, and exploring various platforms, individuals can tap into the exciting world of NFTs and potentially earn a substantial income. Stay innovative, adaptable, and open to new possibilities as the NFT landscape continues to evolve and expand.


  • NFTs provide unique digital assets stored on a blockchain.
  • Marketplaces like Openc and Rarible offer opportunities for buying and selling NFTs.
  • Creating accessories for NFTs allows for the generation of thousands of unique designs.
  • MyPaint is a user-friendly tool for designing NFTs and mixing and matching accessories.
  • Visual Studio Code and Node.js automate the process of generating NFT combinations.
  • Fiverr provides a platform for offering NFT design services and earning money.
  • The NFT market is dynamic, and it is essential to stay updated on trends and adapt to changes.


Q: What is an NFT? A: An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique digital asset stored on a blockchain. It represents ownership or proof of authenticity for a specific item, such as artwork, collectibles, or even virtual real estate.

Q: How do NFT marketplaces work? A: NFT marketplaces act as platforms where individuals can buy, sell, and trade NFTs. Artists and creators can list their NFTs for sale, and buyers can browse and purchase them using cryptocurrencies.

Q: Can I create my own NFT designs even if I'm not an artist? A: Yes, you can create NFT designs even if you're not an artist. You can use art or graphics editor platforms like Adobe Photoshop or free tools like MyPaint. Additionally, you can commission artists on platforms like Fiverr to create unique designs for you.

Q: How can I generate a large number of NFT designs? A: By using tools like MyPaint and code provided on platforms like GitHub, you can automate the process of generating NFT designs. By creating different layers and accessories, you can mix and match them to create a vast number of unique NFT combinations.

Q: How can I make money with NFTs on Fiverr? A: On Fiverr, you can offer NFT design services to clients. By showcasing your NFT design skills and creating custom designs, you can attract clients and earn money for your services. Fiverr offers a range of NFT-related gigs, providing opportunities for freelancers to capitalize on the demand for unique NFT designs.

Q: What does the future hold for NFTs? A: The future of NFTs is promising as they continue to gain mainstream attention. However, the market may become more competitive over time. It is important to stay updated on trends, adapt to changes, and explore new opportunities within the evolving NFT landscape.

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