Generate 10,000+ NFTs with Metadata for Solana/Ethereum

Generate 10,000+ NFTs with Metadata for Solana/Ethereum

Table of Contents


In this Tutorial, I will guide you through the process of generating large collections of NFTs with included metadata for Solana or Ethereum. Generating NFT collections can be a complex task, but with the help of the Hash Lips art engine program, you can simplify the process and create stunning art pieces. Before we dive into the steps, make sure to follow me on Twitter for valuable content related to NFT generation.

Getting Started

To begin generating your NFT collection, there are a few prerequisites you need to fulfill. Follow the steps below to download the necessary software.

Downloading Node.js

  1. Head over to the official Node.js website: Node.js Download.
  2. Make sure you select the LTS version for your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  3. Download the installer and run it on your machine.

Installing Visual Studio Code

  1. Visit the official Visual Studio Code website: Visual Studio Code Download.
  2. Choose the appropriate version based on your operating system.
  3. Download and install Visual Studio Code.

Downloading Git

  1. If you're using Mac or Linux, use the following command in the terminal: sudo apt-get install git.
  2. For Windows 10 users, refer to this video tutorial: Git installation on Windows 10.

Downloading the Art Engine

  1. Go to the Hash Lips GitHub page: Hash Lips GitHub.
  2. Copy the repository's link from the "Code" dropdown.
  3. Open Visual Studio Code, click "File," then select "Open Folder."
  4. Navigate to your desktop and select a folder to open.
  5. Open the terminal within Visual Studio Code and run the command git clone [paste the copied link].
  6. Wait for the repository to be cloned.

Configuring the Metadata

Before generating your NFT collection, you need to configure the metadata. This includes general metadata, solana-specific metadata, and layer configurations.

General Metadata

Open the source folder in Visual Studio Code, then open config.js.

  1. Locate the section for general metadata.
  2. Modify the name prefix to the desired name of your collection. For example: const namePrefix = "Freedom Fishies";
  3. Set the description to provide an overview of your collection. For example: const description = "A collection of unique fish-themed NFTs";
  4. Define the base URI, which is the link to your image files. For example: const baseUri = "";

Solana Metadata

If you're targeting Solana, you can customize additional metadata fields.

  1. Change the symbol to your preferred symbol. For example: const symbol = "FISH";
  2. Adjust the seller fee basis points to determine the royalties percentage. For example: const sellerFeeBasisPoints = 500;
  3. Define the creators and their corresponding royalties wallets. For example: const creators = [{ address: "wallet_address", share: 100 }];

Layer Configurations

To specify the layers of your artwork, follow these instructions:

  1. Examine the existing layers and adjust them according to your desired traits.
  2. Rearrange the layers to control their placement in the final artwork. Note: The background layer should come first to avoid obstructing other elements.

Preparing the Artwork

Now that you have configured the metadata, it's time to prepare your artwork.

Naming and Rarity Weight

  1. Ensure the file names match the desired names in the metadata.
  2. Include a rarity weight at the end of each file name using the format "#[number out of 100]." Higher weights increase the likelihood of the trait appearing. For example: fish1.png#100, fish2.png#80, fish3.png#50, etc.

Adding Images

  1. Open the Hash Lips art engine folder on your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the "layers" folder.
  3. Create folders with the exact names as the variables in the configuration file. For example, if there is a variable called "outline" in the configuration, create a folder named "outline" within the "layers" folder.
  4. Place the respective images in each folder according to the trait they represent.

Customizing Additional Settings

Aside from metadata and artwork, you can customize other settings to enhance your NFT collection.

Image Resolution

Adjust the width and Height values in the configuration file to specify the resolution of your images. Higher values result in a crisper image, while lower values may save storage space. For example: const width = 1000; and const height = 1000;

Background and DNA Variables

  • To include a background layer in your artwork, set background to true. Otherwise, set it to false.
  • The uniqueDna variable determines the number of possibilities for your collection. Adjust it according to the total number of traits in your collection.

Generating the Collection

Once you have completed the configuration and artwork preparation, it's time to generate your NFT collection.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the terminal and run the command node index.js.
  2. The art engine will start generating the images based on your configuration.
  3. Once the process is complete, a "build" folder will be created.
  4. Open the "build" folder and explore the "images" and "json" subfolders.
    • The "images" folder contains the generated visual assets.
    • The "json" folder contains the corresponding metadata in JSON format.

Congratulations! You have successfully generated your NFT collection. Feel free to share your amazing artwork on Twitter and remember to follow me for more exciting content.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to generate large collections of NFTs with metadata included. We covered the installation of necessary software, configuration of metadata, preparation of artwork, customization of additional settings, and finally, the process of generating the collection. By following these steps, you can create and showcase your unique NFT collection to the world.


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