Generate Game Assets Quickly with Scenario | AI-Powered

Generate Game Assets Quickly with Scenario | AI-Powered

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Scenario Works
  3. Preparing Images as References
  4. Creating a Generator
  5. Using the Image-to-Image Option
  6. Adjusting Guidance Factors
  7. Removing Background and Customizing Styles
  8. Exploring the Mobile Version of Scenario
  9. Using the Prompt Helper
  10. Experimenting and Having Fun
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore Scenario, an innovative platform that leverages artificial intelligence to generate hundreds of assets using images or photos of the same model or style as a reference. Whether you are a designer or simply a technology enthusiast, this project can significantly enhance your work process. We will take a deep dive into Scenario, learn how it works, and discover how to generate various assets with different styles and configurations.

How Scenario Works

Scenario is a cutting-edge platform that focuses on generating similar images in a few simple steps. It acts as a factory to produce assets by utilizing artificial intelligence. By following the platform's intuitive interface, users can create high volumes of assets with just a few clicks. With its growing popularity and recent $6 million investment, Scenario is poised to revolutionize the asset generation process.

Preparing Images as References

Before utilizing Scenario, it's important to prepare the necessary images as references. While the platform provides a wide range of options, having your own creations ensures a cleaner and more controlled process. The article will demonstrate this by using images of portrait huacos, ceramic vessels that showcase the life of the Mochica culture. These images, or images of your own creation, will serve as the basis for generating powerful assets.

Creating a Generator

Once you have prepared your reference images, it's time to create a generator in Scenario. This process involves adding the training images and categorizing them accordingly. While some standard options are available, categorizing huaco portraits may require additional customization. Once completed, the system will process the images, and you'll have your very own image generator at your disposal.

Using the Image-to-Image Option

Scenario offers an image-to-image option that allows users to choose a base image for generating similar replicas. By lowering the guidance factor, users can fine-tune the output to achieve the desired style and characteristics. The article will demonstrate how to use this option effectively to produce compelling results.

Adjusting Guidance Factors

To further customize the generated images, Scenario provides various guidance factors that influence the output's style and aesthetics. By modifying these factors, users can experiment with different looks, incorporating elements from the reference images and other artistic styles. The article will walk readers through the process of adjusting the guidance factors to achieve specific outcomes.

Removing Background and Customizing Styles

In addition to modifying guidance factors, Scenario allows users to remove the background from generated images. This feature provides greater flexibility and opens up new possibilities for incorporating assets into different contexts. The article will showcase how to remove backgrounds and create customized styles using Scenario's interface.

Exploring the Mobile Version of Scenario

Scenario also offers a mobile version that provides a more accessible and user-friendly experience. This section of the article will guide readers through the mobile interface, demonstrating its intuitive nature and the ability to generate assets on-the-go.

Using the Prompt Helper

For users seeking more structured and specific image generation, Scenario includes a "prompt helper" feature. This tool assists in generating new images with targeted styles and characteristics. The article will illustrate how to utilize the prompt helper to create huacos with an icon style for Game development, showcasing the impressive results achieved.

Experimenting and Having Fun

As with any creative endeavor, experimentation and enjoyment are key. The article encourages readers to explore the different options provided by Scenario and embrace the process of discovering new styles and techniques. The article will also mention various styles of huacos that users can experiment with, such as gold huacos in the forest or cubism-inspired huacos.


In conclusion, Scenario provides an exceptional platform for generating assets using artificial intelligence. Its user-friendly interface, customizable options, and intuitive mobile version make it a powerful tool for designers and technology enthusiasts. The article will wrap up by encouraging readers to share their thoughts on Scenario and its technology. Additionally, readers will be incentivized to express their interest in more content about artificial intelligence.


  • Generate hundreds of assets using Scenario's AI-based platform
  • Prepare your own images or use existing references for a cleaner process
  • Create image generators and customize styles
  • Utilize the image-to-image option for similar replicas
  • Experiment with guidance factors to achieve desired outcomes
  • Remove backgrounds and incorporate assets into different contexts
  • Explore the intuitive mobile version of Scenario
  • Use the prompt helper for targeted image generation
  • Embrace experimentation and have fun with different styles and techniques
  • Scenario revolutionizes asset generation with its innovative technology


Q: Can I use Scenario to generate assets for game development? A: Yes, Scenario is an excellent tool for generating assets in various styles, including those suitable for game development.

Q: Can I customize the output styles beyond the reference images? A: Absolutely! Scenario provides guidance factors that allow users to modify and customize the output styles to achieve desired results.

Q: Is Scenario easy to use for beginners? A: Yes, Scenario's user-friendly interface makes it accessible to beginners. The platform offers intuitive features that simplify the asset generation process.

Q: Can I generate assets on-the-go using Scenario's mobile version? A: Yes, Scenario offers a mobile version that provides convenience and flexibility for generating assets anytime, anywhere.

Q: Can I use Scenario for commercial purposes? A: Yes, Scenario can be utilized for commercial purposes, making it a valuable asset generation tool for businesses and designers alike.

Q: Are there any limitations on the number of assets I can generate using Scenario? A: While there are no specific limitations mentioned, users should consider the platform's capabilities and their subscription plan when generating a large volume of assets.

Q: Can I incorporate Scenario-generated assets into different software and applications? A: Yes, the assets generated by Scenario can be seamlessly integrated into various software and applications, allowing for enhanced creativity and productivity.


  • Scenario - Official website of Scenario

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