George Lucas's Secret Plan Revealed!

George Lucas's Secret Plan Revealed!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background: George's Vision for Star Wars
  3. Bob Iger's Support for George's Vision
  4. Fan Backlash and George's Frustration
  5. The Plan to Teach the Fans a Lesson
    1. Making a Sequel Trilogy
    2. Creating Controversial Characters
    3. Exploring Radical Storylines
  6. The Disapproval of Dave and His Jedi Philosophy
  7. George's Emotional Decision to Exclude Dave
  8. The Collaboration with Kathy and John
    1. Fine-tuning the Controversial Ideas
    2. Ensuring Tact and Subtlety in Execution
  9. Conclusion


In this article, we Delve into a behind-the-scenes conversation between George, Kathy, Dave, and John regarding the future plans for the Star Wars franchise. While the meeting starts off on an excited note, George reveals a controversial plan to retaliate against the fan backlash and criticism that the franchise has received over the years. We explore the motivations behind this decision and the reactions of the other individuals present.

Background: George's Vision for Star Wars

George, the creator of the Star Wars Universe, has always had a strong vision for the franchise. He views it as his life's work and considers the characters his children. However, he has become increasingly disheartened by the fan backlash he and the actors have faced in recent years.

Bob Iger's Support for George's Vision

To George's surprise and delight, Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, supports his vision for the franchise. This is a significant affirmation for George, as he reveals that Bob Iger agreed to a special agreement before the sale of Lucasfilm. This agreement forms the foundation of George's controversial plan.

Fan Backlash and George's Frustration

George opens up about the fan backlash and the treatment of the actors. He expresses his frustration over the hate and disrespect that the Star Wars community has displayed. Actors like Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best, and Hayden Christensen have been subjected to immense criticism, which George feels is unwarranted.

The Plan to Teach the Fans a Lesson

George lays out his plan, which involves creating a sequel trilogy and a series of Star Wars entries that intentionally challenge the fans' expectations. The goal is to push the boundaries of the franchise and make it so divisive that it eventually self-destructs.

Making a Sequel Trilogy

One aspect of George's plan involves the creation of a sequel trilogy. He suggests making bold narrative choices that may not Align with traditional Star Wars storytelling. This includes killing off beloved characters and portraying others in unexpected ways.

Creating Controversial Characters

George proposes the introduction of controversial characters that are deliberately designed to provoke a reaction from the fans. This includes characters who challenge established archetypes and themes.

Exploring Radical Storylines

Another aspect of George's plan is exploring radical storylines that diverge from the familiar Star Wars formula. He wants to take risks and push the boundaries of what the franchise can be, regardless of the potential backlash.

The Disapproval of Dave and His Jedi Philosophy

Dave, a member of the team, expresses his concerns about George's plan. He questions the ethical implications of intentionally creating divisive content and whether it aligns with the Jedi philosophy of compassion and forgiveness. This Prompts a heated response from George, who accuses Dave of not understanding his vision.

George's Emotional Decision to Exclude Dave

Unable to come to an agreement, George decides to exclude Dave from the project. This decision is emotionally charged and highlights George's unwavering commitment to his vision, even if it means cutting ties with a valued member of his team.

The Collaboration with Kathy and John

Kathy and John, remaining team members, support George's vision and are willing to work with him to make it a reality. They suggest fine-tuning the controversial ideas to ensure they are more tactful and subtly executed.

Fine-tuning the Controversial Ideas

Kathy and John emphasize the importance of balancing the boundary-pushing elements with careful execution. They discuss toning down certain ideas while still retaining the elements that will challenge the fans.

Ensuring Tact and Subtlety in Execution

The team acknowledges the need for tact and subtlety in executing their plan. They understand that going too far in too many places may lead to a diminished impact and potentially alienate the fanbase.


In conclusion, this article delves into the controversial meeting between George, Kathy, Dave, and John, where George reveals his plan to retaliate against the fan backlash and criticism. The article explores the motivations behind George's decision, the disapproval of Dave, and the collaboration between Kathy and John to fine-tune the controversial ideas. The future of the Star Wars franchise hangs in the balance as George's vision takes Shape and potential ramifications unfold.

George's Controversial Plan: Teaching the Fans a Lesson

In a behind-the-scenes conversation among George, Kathy, Dave, and John, the future of the Star Wars franchise takes an unexpected turn. George, disheartened by the fan backlash and criticism, unveils his controversial plan to teach the fans a lesson they won't forget.

Background: A Visionary Creator and a Franchise's Impact

George Lucas, the visionary creator of Star Wars, has always had a unique vision for the beloved franchise. The characters and stories he created are like his children, and he has dedicated his life to their development. However, recent years have seen a surge in fan backlash, displeasure, and criticism directed towards the franchise and even the actors involved.

Bob Iger's Alignment with George's Vision

To George's surprise, Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, fully supports his vision for the franchise. In a special agreement made before the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, Bob Iger assured George that his vision would be honored and furthered under the Disney umbrella. This enraptured George, as it indicated that his creative impulses would be fully recognized and implemented, providing a fertile ground for his controversial plan.

Fan Backlash: The Straw That Broke the Bantha's Back

The continuous Wave of fan backlash and the treatment of actors within the Star Wars community has taken its toll on George. He expresses his frustration over the hate and disrespect that have been hurled at him and the talented individuals who made the franchise what it is. From Jake Lloyd to Ahmed Best, actors have suffered the ire of fans who felt compelled to voice their displeasure in extreme and hurtful ways.

The Plan: A Bold and Devastating Retaliation

Fueled by disappointment and a desire to make the fans understand the consequences of their actions, George reveals a plan that shakes the very foundation of the Star Wars universe. His plan involves creating a sequel trilogy and additional entries that are intentionally designed to be so divisive and polarizing that they will eventually cause the entire franchise to crumble.

Making a Sequel Trilogy: Breaking Tradition and Expectations

Central to George's plan is the creation of a sequel trilogy that defies traditional Star Wars storytelling. He suggests disruptive narrative choices, such as killing off beloved characters and altering the trajectories of others. By defying expectations, George aims to challenge viewers' preconceived notions about the franchise and Elicit strong reactions.

Provoking the Fans: Introducing Controversial Characters

George proposes introducing controversial characters to the Star Wars universe. These characters would challenge established archetypes and themes, pushing the boundaries even further. The goal is to provoke the fans and force them to question their loyalty and attachment to the franchise.

Pushing the Boundaries: Exploring Radical Storylines

George is adamant about exploring radical storylines that venture beyond the familiar Star Wars formula. This includes narratives that intentionally depart from traditional hero arcs and incorporate unexpected plot developments. These storylines are designed to unsettle and challenge the audience, daring them to either embrace the new direction or reject it altogether.

Dissension: Dave's Jedi Philosophy Versus George's Vision

Amidst the revelation of George's audacious plan, Dave raises ethical concerns rooted in his adherence to the Jedi philosophy. He questions whether this path aligns with principles of compassion, forgiveness, and the light side of the Force. Dave's inquiry prompts an emotional response from George, who accuses him of lacking the necessary understanding and commitment to realize his vision.

A Heartbreaking Decision: Excluding Dave from the Project

Despite the obvious camaraderie among the team, George makes a difficult decision and chooses to exclude Dave from the project. The emotional weight behind this decision underscores George's unwavering dedication to his vision. Even as it breaks his heart, he believes that achieving his creative destiny requires separating from those who do not share his unwavering commitment.

Collaboration and Fine-tuning: The Support of Kathy and John

Though faced with a setback, George finds solace in the commitment of his remaining team members, Kathy and John. Together, they strive to refine and fine-tune the controversial ideas to ensure maximum impact while retaining a level of tact and subtlety in their execution.

Balancing Boldness and Subtlety: Fine-tuning the Controversial Ideas

Kathy and John understand the importance of striking a delicate balance between provocative elements and careful execution. By thoughtfully refining the controversial ideas, they aim to ensure that the intended impact is not lost amidst potential backlash.

The Thin Line of Controversy: Ensuring Tactful Execution

Recognizing the potential risks associated with taking the franchise into uncharted territory, the team acknowledges the need for tact and subtlety in executing George's plan. They understand that going too far or overwhelming the audience with controversial elements may hinder the intended effect.

Conclusion: A Risky Journey with Uncertain Outcomes

In conclusion, George's controversial plan to teach the fans a lesson takes shape amidst a backdrop of fan backlash and disappointment. While Dave's concerns and subsequent exclusion cast a shadow on the project, George finds support in Kathy and John. Together, they navigate the thin line between provocation and subtlety, aiming to deliver a Star Wars experience that challenges, incites discussion, and sets the stage for an uncertain future.

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