Get Started with OpenAI Developer Account and chatGPT API

Get Started with OpenAI Developer Account and chatGPT API

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up an Open AI Developer Account
  3. Obtaining a Private Key
  4. Understanding API Usage Costs
  5. Testing the API with Postman
  6. Making an HTTP POST Request
  7. Formatting the Request Headers and Body
  8. Receiving a Response from the API
  9. Next Steps


Welcome to this action-packed lesson on setting up a developer account with the Open AI API and using the Chat GPT API. In this lesson, we will walk you through the process of creating an account, obtaining a private key, and testing the API using a tool called Postman. So, let's get started!

Setting Up an Open AI Developer Account

To begin, we need to set up an Open AI developer account. Visit the website and navigate to the developer site. The developer site can usually be found under the "Developers" tab. Once you're on the developer site, sign up for a developer account by providing the necessary information. After signing up, you will receive an email with a verification link. Click on the link to complete the account setup process.

Obtaining a Private Key

Now that your Open AI developer account is set up, it's time to obtain a private key. Click on your username, and from the drop-down menu, select "View API keys". On the API keys page, click on the "Generate new secret key" button. Give the key a name and copy it for safekeeping. Note that you won't be able to retrieve the key again, so be sure to save it in a secure location.

Understanding API Usage Costs

Before we proceed, let's discuss the costs associated with using the Open AI API. When you sign up as a developer, you'll receive some free credits to use. To view your billing information, go to the "Billing" section on the left-HAND side of the developer site. Here, you can see your free trial credits and any charges you have incurred. The usage costs are generally reasonable, especially if you're using the API for personal projects. Keep in mind that the pricing may vary, and it's important to monitor your usage and billing information.

Testing the API with Postman

To test the Chat GPT API, we will be using a tool called Postman. Postman is commonly used for testing APIs and making HTTP requests. You can access Postman by visiting and signing up for a free account. Once logged in, you'll see the Postman workspace. In this workspace, we'll be making an HTTP POST request to the Open AI API.

Making an HTTP POST Request

To make an HTTP POST request, we need to provide the API endpoint URL. This URL can be found in the Open AI API documentation. In the Postman workspace, click on the plus button and select "API Call". In the API Call window, select the request type as "POST" and paste the API endpoint URL into the URL field.

Formatting the Request Headers and Body

To authenticate with the Open AI API, we need to provide the necessary request headers. The headers include the content type (application/json) and the authorization information. Refer to the Open AI documentation for the specific headers required. In Postman, you can add the headers by clicking on the "Headers" tab in the API Call window. Add the required headers using the standardized key-value pairs.

Next, we need to format the request body in JSON. The minimum required information is the model we want to use and an array of messages. The messages array will be discussed in more detail later. Copy the example JSON from the Open AI documentation and paste it into the "Body" section of the API Call window. Ensure that the JSON formatting is correct.

Receiving a Response from the API

With the API call configured, click on the "Send" button in Postman to send the request to the Open AI API. The API will evaluate the request and send back a response in JSON format. The response will include information such as the ID, model, usage details, and the actual response from the model. Congratulations, you have successfully tested the Open AI API!

Next Steps

Now that you are an official AI developer, you can explore various projects and applications using the Open AI API. In the next video, we will introduce the ESP32 development board and demonstrate how it can be used to make API calls to the Chat GPT API. This exciting project is definitely worth checking out!


  • Set up an Open AI developer account to access the API
  • Obtain a private key for authentication with the API
  • Understand API usage costs and billing information
  • Test the API using the Postman tool
  • Make an HTTP POST request to the Open AI API
  • Format the request headers and body correctly
  • Receive and interpret the response from the API
  • Explore next steps and project possibilities


Q: Can I create multiple developer accounts? A: Yes, you can create multiple Open AI developer accounts, but each account will have its own set of API keys and usage limits.

Q: Are the usage costs the same for all API calls? A: The API usage costs may vary depending on factors such as the model used and the number of API calls made. It's important to monitor your usage and billing information to stay within budget.

Q: Can I use the API for commercial projects? A: Yes, you can use the Open AI API for both personal and commercial projects. However, commercial usage may have different pricing and licensing considerations. It's advisable to review Open AI's terms and conditions for commercial usage.

Q: How secure is my private key? A: Your private key is essential for accessing the API and should be kept secure. Store it in a safe location and avoid sharing it publicly or with unauthorized individuals.

Q: Can I use a different tool instead of Postman for testing the API? A: Postman is a popular tool for API testing, but you can use other tools or libraries that support making HTTP requests, such as cURL or Python's requests library.

Q: Is the response from the API always in JSON format? A: Yes, the Open AI API typically returns responses in JSON format. JSON is a widely used data interchange format for APIs due to its simplicity and compatibility with various programming languages and platforms.

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