Get Your Energy Projects Grant Approved with SE AI's Better Energy Community Program

Get Your Energy Projects Grant Approved with SE AI's Better Energy Community Program

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding SE AI's Grant Offer
  3. Finalizing the Specification of Works
  4. Completing the Works
  5. Submitting a Grant Payment Request
  6. Required Documents for Grant Claim Process
  7. Complying with SE AI's Requirements
  8. Project Start Date and Eligibility
  9. Summary of Next Steps
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss the steps You need to take in order to comply with the requirements of SE AI's Better Energy Community Program. This program offers grants for energy projects, and it is important that you understand the process to ensure a smooth grant application and approval. We will cover topics such as accepting SE AI's grant offer, finalizing the specification of works, completing the required works, submitting a grant payment request, and providing the necessary documents for the grant claim process. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting your grant approved smoothly and quickly.

Understanding SE AI's Grant Offer

Once your funding application has been approved, you will receive a letter of offer from SE AI detailing the projects they are prepared to grant aid and to what extent. The first step is to accept SE AI's grant offer, which includes reviewing, signing, and returning the project coordination services agreement and associated work orders. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the program and ensure that you understand and accept them.

Finalizing the Specification of Works

The next step is to finalize the specification of works for your energy projects. The project scope section of the work order will provide a description of the works for your specific projects. It is crucial to ensure that this description accurately reflects the energy projects you propose to undertake. If any changes to the projects are unavoidable, you should consult with future fit to understand how to submit a scope change request. However, it is important to note that scope changes are often restrictive and not always possible. Any changes must be submitted to SE AI by the end of May and approved before the work commences.

Completing the Works

Once the specification of works has been finalized, the next step is to proceed with completing the actual works. Some projects may have a specific completion deadline, while others may require completion by June. It is important to refer to your project coordination services agreement and work order for the specific project's completion date. Additionally, before the project is considered complete, you are required to supply documents that demonstrate the completion of the projects to an industry standard. These documents may include commissioning certificates, operation and maintenance manuals, specification sheets, evidence of CE marks and other declarations of conformity, and various other certificates. Future fit can provide you with a list of documents required by SE AI inspectors for your specific measures.

Submitting a Grant Payment Request

Once your energy projects have been completed, the next step is to submit a grant payment request. Future fit will submit three payment requests to SE AI for completed projects, starting on July 1st, with the Second grant claim request on September 1st and the last on October 1st. As part of the grant claim process, proof of payment documents are required. These documents include contractor invoices, a written receipt from the contractor confirming details of payment, and a bank statement from your organization showing the transfer of funds to the contractor. It is essential that these documents conform to SE AI's stringent requirements. Future fit can provide you with templates for each document Type to ensure compliance.

Required Documents for Grant Claim Process

To successfully claim the grant, you will need to Gather proof of payment documents and submit them as part of the grant payment request process. These documents need to meet SE AI's requirements and include contractor invoices, written receipts from the contractor, and bank statements from your organization. It is important to note that invoices with dates prior to the project start date will not be eligible for funding. Please refer to your project coordination services agreement and associated work orders for the project start date of your specific projects.

Complying with SE AI's Requirements

Throughout the entire process, it is crucial to comply with SE AI's requirements to ensure a smooth and successful grant application and approval. Review the terms and conditions included in the project coordination services agreement and the associated work orders. Familiarize yourself with SE AI's requirements regarding scope changes, completion documents, and proof of payment. By complying with these requirements, you increase your chances of getting your grant approved.

Project Start Date and Eligibility

The project start date is an important factor in determining eligibility for funding. Ensure that you are aware of the project start date for your specific projects, as detailed in your project coordination services agreement and associated work orders. It is essential to adhere to this date and not incur costs prior to it, as expenses incurred before the project start date will not be eligible for funding.

Summary of Next Steps

To summarize, here are the next steps you need to take to comply with the requirements of SE AI's Better Energy Community Program and ensure a smooth grant approval process:

  1. Complete and return your project coordination services agreement and associated work orders.
  2. Finalize the description of the proposed works and confirm their suitability with SE AI.
  3. Complete the works according to the project completion date specified in your work order.
  4. Gather completion documents that demonstrate industry-standard completion of the projects.
  5. Gather proof of payment documents and submit them as part of the grant payment request process.


Complying with the requirements of SE AI's Better Energy Community Program is crucial in getting your grant approved for your energy projects. By accepting the grant offer, finalizing the specification of works, completing the works, and submitting the necessary documents, you increase your chances of a smooth and successful grant application process. Stay in touch with future fit, follow the provided guidelines, and contact them if you need any assistance. Good luck with your energy projects!


  • SE AI's Better Energy Community Program offers grants for energy projects.
  • Understanding and complying with SE AI's requirements is essential for a smooth grant application and approval process.
  • Accepting SE AI's grant offer, finalizing the specification of works, completing the works, and submitting proof of payment documents are important steps.
  • It is crucial to adhere to project start dates, meet industry standards, and provide necessary documentation.


Q: How do I accept SE AI's grant offer? A: To accept SE AI's grant offer, review, sign, and return the project coordination services agreement and associated work orders.

Q: What should I do if changes to my proposed projects are unavoidable? A: If changes are unavoidable, consult with future fit to understand how to submit a scope change request. However, please note that scope changes are often restrictive and not always possible.

Q: What documents are required to demonstrate the completion of the projects? A: Documents such as commissioning certificates, operation and maintenance manuals, specification sheets, evidence of CE marks and conformity, and various other certificates may be required to demonstrate the completion of the projects.

Q: When should I submit a grant payment request? A: Grant payment requests should be submitted once the projects are completed, and the required completion documents are gathered. Future fit will submit three payment requests to SE AI for completed projects on specific dates: July 1st, September 1st, and October 1st.

Q: What documents are required as proof of payment during the grant claim process? A: Proof of payment documents include contractor invoices, written receipts from the contractor confirming details of payment, and a bank statement from your organization showing the transfer of funds to the contractor.

Q: Can I incur costs before the project start date? A: No, expenses incurred before the project start date will not be eligible for funding. It is important to adhere to the project start date specified in your project coordination services agreement and associated work orders.

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