Global Response to AI Copyright: Insights from US Copyright Office Director

Global Response to AI Copyright: Insights from US Copyright Office Director

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Global Cooperation on Copyrightability of AI Generated Works
  3. Engagement with Other Countries on the Issue
  4. Consistency in International Copyright Laws
  5. The Copyright Office's Leadership in Copyrightability Issue
  6. EU Parliament's Framework in the Copyright and AI Space
  7. Activity in Japan, Korea, and Singapore
  8. The Copyright Claims Board and its Operations
  9. Resources for the Smooth Operations of the Board
  10. Keeping Track of Statistics and Outcomes
  11. Public Availability of Data and Information
  12. Notice of Inquiry on Use of Copyrighted Works in AI Models
  13. Key Feedback Received

🌐 Global Cooperation on Copyrightability of AI Generated Works

The issue of copyrightability of AI-generated works goes beyond the borders of any single country. The technology involved in AI can have international implications due to databases containing copyrighted works from around the world and the global development of AI technologies by different groups. To address this, cooperation with other countries is crucial. The Copyright Office acknowledges the importance of international collaboration and has been engaging with copyright policymakers in various countries. Meetings and conversations have taken place to foster understanding and ensure consistency in how copyrightability of AI works is treated globally.

Engagement with Other Countries on the Issue

The Copyright Office has been actively engaging with counterparts in other countries to discuss the copyrightability of AI-generated works. Through numerous meetings and collaborations, policymakers from different countries have come together to exchange knowledge and opinions on this matter. The goal is to establish a level of consistency in how the issue is addressed across borders. While it is important to maintain sovereignty in making determinations, consistent laws can provide benefits to human artists and creators worldwide.

Consistency in International Copyright Laws

While each country may have its own copyright laws, striving for a certain level of consistency in addressing the copyrightability of AI-generated works is desirable. The Copyright Office recognizes the need for a harmonized approach to this issue. By establishing common ground and shared understandings, international cooperation can ensure that copyright laws remain Relevant and effective in the era of AI. The goal is not to have identical laws, but to have consistent principles and frameworks that provide Clarity and protection for creators.

The Copyright Office's Leadership in Copyrightability Issue

Within the global landscape, the United States Copyright Office has emerged as a leader in examining the copyrightability of AI-generated works. Due to its system of examining submitted works for registration, other countries have looked to the U.S. for guidance on this particular issue. The Copyright Office's expertise and approach have gained recognition, and it plays a significant role in shaping global discussions on copyright and AI. As countries grapple with the complexities of regulating AI-generated works, the U.S. Copyright Office's insight and leadership offer valuable insights.

EU Parliament's Framework in the Copyright and AI Space

The European Union Parliament has been actively involved in creating a framework to address the copyright and AI space. The AI Act, expected to go into force later this year, focuses on transparency issues and ensuring that information about copyrighted works used in AI systems is provided. The EU's initiatives in this area demonstrate the importance they place on protecting rights and ensuring ethical AI practices. Collaborating with the EU Parliament can be beneficial in shaping global standards and policies that balance copyright protection and technological advancements.

Activity in Japan, Korea, and Singapore

Beyond the EU, other countries such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore have also been active in addressing the copyrightability of AI-generated works. Each country has its own approach and initiatives to navigate this evolving landscape. Japan, known for its technological advancements, has been exploring policies that Align with AI development. Korea, with its innovative industries, seeks to strike a balance between promoting AI innovation and protecting creators. Singapore, as a hub of technology and innovation, is also involved in shaping copyright policies and guidelines for AI. These countries' efforts contribute to the broader conversation on copyright and AI.

The Copyright Claims Board and its Operations

The Copyright Claims Board, established just over a year ago, plays a crucial role in resolving copyright disputes efficiently. By providing a streamlined and cost-effective alternative to traditional litigation, it has gained Momentum in handling copyright-related cases. As of now, over 500 cases have been filed with the board, indicating its significance in the copyright landscape.

Resources for the Smooth Operations of the Board

Ensuring the smooth operations of the Copyright Claims Board requires sufficient resources. At Present, the Copyright Office affirms that it has enough resources to handle the workload. While there is a steady rate of cases being filed, the initial concerns of being inundated have not yet materialized. However, the Copyright Office remains vigilant and will monitor the situation closely. Any potential resource constraints will be addressed promptly to maintain the effective functioning of the Copyright Claims Board.

Keeping Track of Statistics and Outcomes

To monitor the progress and outcomes of cases filed with the Copyright Claims Board, the Copyright Office maintains a transparent approach. Data and information regarding the filed cases are publicly available on their website. Moreover, the office is developing internal charts and graphs to gain insights into the sectors involved and the trends observed. This comprehensive approach allows for a better understanding of the impact and effectiveness of the Copyright Claims Board.

Notice of Inquiry on Use of Copyrighted Works in AI Models

The Copyright Office initiated a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) to investigate the use of copyrighted works in training AI models. This NOI aims to gain insights into how AI models are being developed and the implications for copyright. The response to the NOI has been significant, with approximately 15,000 responses received within a short period. While the Copyright Office expected an early rush of responses, more detailed and comprehensive feedback is anticipated as the deadline approaches. The feedback received thus far mainly emphasizes the importance and potential impact of AI on various aspects of people's lives and careers.

Key Feedback Received

As the Copyright Office continues to assess the responses received, key themes and feedback are emerging. Many individuals and organizations have expressed their concerns and interest in the copyrightability of AI-generated works. The impact on creators, the need for fair compensation, and the preservation of artistic integrity are among the crucial areas highlighted. The feedback received thus far serves as a testament to the significance of this issue and the wide-ranging implications it holds for copyright law and AI development.


  • Global cooperation is vital in addressing the copyrightability of AI-generated works.
  • Consistency in international copyright laws is desirable but does not require identical laws.
  • The U.S. Copyright Office has emerged as a leader in examining the copyrightability of AI works.
  • The EU Parliament is developing a framework to address copyright and AI, particularly in the transparency of AI systems.
  • Japan, Korea, and Singapore are actively involved in shaping copyright policies for AI.
  • The Copyright Claims Board has successfully handled over 500 copyright-related cases.
  • Sufficient resources are currently available to ensure the smooth operations of the Copyright Claims Board.
  • Comprehensive statistics and outcomes of cases are publicly available, fostering transparency.
  • The Notice of Inquiry on the use of copyrighted works in AI models has received significant feedback.
  • Key feedback emphasizes concerns about creators' rights, fair compensation, and the preservation of artistic integrity.


Q: What is the Copyright Claims Board? A: The Copyright Claims Board is a specialized entity that provides an alternative to traditional litigation for resolving copyright disputes. It offers a streamlined and cost-effective approach, making it an attractive option for copyright-related cases.

Q: How can I access information about the cases filed with the Copyright Claims Board? A: The Copyright Office maintains transparency by making information about the filed cases publicly available on their website. Additionally, they are developing internal charts and graphs to gain deeper insights into the trends and sectors involved.

Q: Which countries are actively involved in shaping copyright policies for AI? A: Japan, Korea, and Singapore are notable examples of countries that are actively involved in shaping copyright policies for AI. Each country approaches the issue with its own set of initiatives and considerations.

Q: How many responses were received for the Notice of Inquiry on AI models and copyright? A: Approximately 15,000 responses were received for the Notice of Inquiry. While there was an initial rush of responses, more detailed and comprehensive feedback is expected closer to the deadline.

Q: What are some key themes in the feedback received for the Notice of Inquiry? A: Key feedback includes concerns about the impact on creators, the need for fair compensation, and the preservation of artistic integrity. The responses highlight the significance of this issue and its implications for copyright law and AI development.

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