Going Beyond WER: Revolutionizing ASR with NER Model & Large Language Models

Going Beyond WER: Revolutionizing ASR with NER Model & Large Language Models

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is WORD Error Rate?
  3. Limitations of Word Error Rate
  4. An Alternative to Word Error Rate: NER Model
  5. The Power of Large Language Models
  6. Few-Shot Learning and Chain of Thought Reasoning
  7. Automating the NER Model with Large Language Models
  8. Results and Comparisons
  9. Future Research and Considerations
  10. Conclusion


In today's technologically advanced world, automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) plays a crucial role in various applications, from Transcription services to virtual assistants. The quality of ASR systems is often evaluated using a metric called Word Error Rate (WER). However, WER has its limitations and may not Align with the expectations of developers and end-users. In this article, we will explore the shortcomings of WER and introduce an alternative model, the NER Model. We will also delve into the power of large language models, such as GPT-3, and how they can be used in conjunction with few-shot learning and chain of thought reasoning to automate the NER Model. Finally, we will discuss the results obtained and future research directions in this field.

What is Word Error Rate?

Word Error Rate (WER) is a metric widely used in ASR to assess the accuracy of converting speech to text. It has been utilized since the 1980s and is relatively easy to calculate. To calculate WER, a reference transcript, prepared by a human Transcriber, is aligned with the output transcript of an ASR system. The errors are then counted, including substitutions, insertions, and deletions. The WER is obtained by dividing the total number of errors by the number of words in the reference transcript. Although WER provides a quantitative measure of accuracy, it has certain limitations that need to be addressed.

Limitations of Word Error Rate

While WER has been widely used as a standard metric, it does not always align with the priorities of developers and end-users. One of the limitations of WER is that it requires the lowercase conversion and removal of punctuation marks in the text, which may affect readability and understanding. Moreover, WER has an intrinsic floor, meaning that it cannot account for errors made by human transcribers or differences in the transcription specification. As a result, seemingly minor errors can be penalized, while more serious issues may go unnoticed. Let's examine some examples to better understand these limitations.

In one example, the reference transcript states, "I'm a five-year-old kid," while the ASR output is "I am a five-year-old kid." Although the difference between "I'm" and "I am" seems trivial, the WER for this example is 125, which can be misleading. Similarly, another example involves a difference in punctuation, where the reference transcript correctly states, "I have sent a message," but the ASR output mistakenly says, "I haven't sent a message." Although there's only one error in this case, it significantly ALTERS the meaning and can lead to misinformation.

An Alternative to Word Error Rate: NER Model

To overcome the limitations of WER and provide a more Meaningful metric, an alternative model called the NER (Nested Entity Resolution) Model has been developed. The NER Model introduces a weighted evaluation of errors based on their severity. Instead of blindly counting errors, a human reviewer assesses each error's severity and classifies them as minor, standard, or serious. This classification takes into account the impact of errors on meaning and readability.

Unlike WER, the NER Model requires human involvement to review transcripts and assign severity levels to errors. Calculating the NER is relatively straightforward, involving the summation of penalties assigned to addition and recognition errors, divided by the number of words in the transcript. By incorporating human judgment and considering the severity of errors, the NER Model provides a more accurate reflection of perceived quality and aligns better with human intuition.

Let's examine some examples to illustrate the NER Model's effectiveness. In an example with a minor error, the reference transcript states, "I don't believe executives should be able to overturn a decision," while the ASR output says, "I do not believe executives should be able to overturn a decision." The substitution of "don't" with "do not" is a minor error, and the NER penalty for this example would be 0.25. On the other HAND, a serious error example involves the omission of the word "suspected" before "murderer." In legal proceedings, such an error can have significant consequences, leading to incorrect information. The NER penalty for this example would be higher to reflect the severity of the error.

The Power of Large Language Models

Large language models, such as GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP). These models are trained on vast amounts of text data and are capable of predicting the next word based on the context provided. Large language models have gained popularity due to their impressive few-shot learning performance across various NLP tasks.

The scaling of language models involves increasing the number of parameters, which enables the models to learn from more data and make more accurate predictions. Examples of such models include OpenAI's GPT-2 (1.5 billion parameters), GPT-3 (175 billion parameters), and Google's Palm (540 billion parameters). Larger models have shown remarkable improvements in performance across a wide range of NLP tasks, outperforming humans in certain cases.

Few-Shot Learning and Chain of Thought Reasoning

Few-shot learning is a technique employed with large language models that enables them to learn from only a few examples. This is particularly useful in scenarios where access to extensive training data is limited. With few-shot learning, models can generalize and make accurate predictions based on a few Prompt examples.

Chain of thought reasoning is another valuable tool used to guide the language model's understanding and logical reasoning. By structuring the prompt to include a chain of thought, including the problem statement, working, and solution, the model gains a better comprehension of the context and can provide more accurate output.

Automating the NER Model with Large Language Models

Combining the NER Model with the power of large language models allows us to automate the process of assigning severity levels to errors. By framing the prompt with examples of errors and their corresponding severity levels, we can leverage the language model's ability to predict suitable severity levels for new errors.

To demonstrate this, we use OpenAI's GPT-3 playground as an example. By providing prompts that contain examples of errors and their severity levels, we allow the language model to predict the severity level of a new error. By analyzing the language model's predictions, we can obtain a more meaningful error rate that aligns with human intuition and preferences.

Results and Comparisons

By automating the NER Model using large language models, we achieve a more accurate and meaningful error rate. The resulting error rate captures the loss of meaning and aligns closely with humans' expectations. For example, the minor error in the "I'm a five-year-old kid" example is assigned a penalty of 0.25, while the serious error of misinformation regarding the message has a penalty corresponding to its severity. This contrasts with the WER, which penalizes both examples equally.

Comparing the NER Model's error rates with the traditional WER highlights the discrepancies in assessing the quality of ASR systems. While WER can sometimes overstate the severity of minor errors, the NER Model provides a more nuanced evaluation, prioritizing errors that significantly impact meaning and readability.

Future Research and Considerations

While the NER Model and its automation with large language models show promising results, there are still areas for future research and improvement. Dealing with multiple errors and their correlations, establishing correlations between the NER Model and WER, and addressing the subjective nature of error severity assessment are some of the challenges that need to be addressed.

Furthermore, continuous advancements in large language models and their applications in NLP tasks open up avenues for exploring Novel approaches to ASR quality evaluation. Ongoing research aims to refine and expand upon the automated NER Model, integrating it into industry standards and practices for robust and accurate ASR quality assessment.


In conclusion, the traditional metric of Word Error Rate (WER) used to evaluate the quality of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems has its limitations. To overcome these limitations and provide a more accurate evaluation of ASR quality, the NER Model, along with large language models, offers a promising alternative. By automating the NER Model using large language models like GPT-3, we can obtain a more meaningful error rate that aligns with human intuition and priorities.

The power of large language models, combined with few-shot learning and chain of thought reasoning, allows for exceptional performance in various natural language processing tasks. These advancements in automation and language understanding pave the way for improved ASR quality evaluation and the development of more reliable and efficient ASR systems.

As research in this field progresses, addressing challenges such as multiple errors, correlations, and subjective assessment criteria will lead to further enhancements in ASR quality assessment. Embracing the potential of large language models and refining the automated NER Model will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of automatic speech recognition technology.


  • Word Error Rate (WER) is a widely used metric for evaluating automatic speech recognition (ASR) quality, but it has limitations.
  • The NER Model offers a more meaningful and nuanced evaluation of ASR quality by considering the severity of errors.
  • Large language models, like GPT-3, can be combined with few-shot learning and chain of thought reasoning to automate the NER Model.
  • Automated NER Model alignment with human intuition and priorities provides a more accurate assessment of ASR quality.
  • Future research aims to address challenges such as handling multiple errors, correlating NER Model with WER, and refining subjective assessment criteria.


Q: Can the NER Model be applied to languages other than English? A: Yes, the NER Model can be applied to different languages by training language-specific models and adapting the evaluation process accordingly.

Q: How does the NER Model handle language variations and dialects? A: The NER Model considers the severity of errors based on their impact on meaning and readability. Language variations and dialects can be accounted for by training the model with diverse language data and including dialect-specific reference transcripts in the evaluation process.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to using large language models for ASR quality evaluation? A: While large language models offer significant improvements in ASR quality evaluation, there are considerations such as computational resources, model size, and fine-tuning requirements. Additionally, ongoing research aims to address ethical concerns related to bias and fairness in language models.

Q: How can ASR developers benefit from the automated NER Model? A: ASR developers can use the automated NER Model to obtain a more accurate assessment of their system's quality. This allows for targeted improvements in areas that contribute to errors with higher severity penalties, ultimately leading to enhanced user experience and satisfaction.

Q: Can the NER Model be used in real-time speech recognition applications? A: Yes, the NER Model can be integrated into real-time speech recognition systems to provide continuous and dynamic evaluation of ASR quality. This enables developers to monitor and adjust their systems in real-time for optimal performance.


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