Harness the Power of OpenAI's Image Generation API with Node.js

Harness the Power of OpenAI's Image Generation API with Node.js

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Setting Up the Environment
  4. Importing the OpenAI Package
  5. Adding the OpenAI API Key
  6. Writing the Image Generation Function
  7. Generating Images
  8. Viewing the Generated Images
  9. Generating Multiple Images
  10. Extracting the Image URLs


In this article, we will explore how to use OpenAI's image generation API with JavaScript Node.js code. We will cover the prerequisites, setting up the environment, importing the OpenAI package, adding the OpenAI API key, writing the image generation function, generating images, viewing the generated images, generating multiple images, and extracting the image URLs.

📷 Learn how to use OpenAI's image generation API with JavaScript Node.js code!


Before diving into the code, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. If you don't have it installed, you can download and install it from the official Node.js website.

Setting Up the Environment

To get started, open your preferred code editor or IDE. In this example, we will be using Visual Studio Code. Create a new folder and open it in Visual Studio Code. Inside the folder, create a new JavaScript file and name it "new.js".

Importing the OpenAI Package

To use the OpenAI image generation API, we need to import the OpenAI package. We will utilize the "openai" variable to refer to the package. To import the package, add the following code:

const openai = require('openai');

Adding the OpenAI API Key

Next, we need to add the OpenAI API key. You can obtain your API key by logging into your OpenAI account and accessing your API keys. Make sure to keep your API key secure and avoid sharing it with anyone. Add the API key to your code as shown below:

const openAI = new openai({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

Writing the Image Generation Function

Let's now write the image generation function. This function will be an asynchronous function and will utilize the async/await syntax. We will receive a response from the OpenAI image generation API, which will contain image URLs. We can use these URLs to display the images in a user interface or store them in a database. Add the following code to define the image generation function:

const imageGenerate = async () => {
  const response = await openAI.images.generate({
    model: 'dalle3',
    prompt: 'lion',
    n: 1,
    height: 1024,
    width: 1024


Generating Images

To generate the images, we need to call the image generation function. As we are not making any fetch or post calls in this example, we can simply call the function within the file. Add the following code to call the image generation function:


Viewing the Generated Images

The response we receive from the OpenAI image generation API includes image URLs. To view the generated images, we can open these URLs in a web browser. Simply click on the URL while holding the "Ctrl" key to open the image in the default browser.

Generating Multiple Images

If you want to generate multiple images, you can modify the code accordingly. Simply change the value of the n parameter in the imageGenerate function. However, note that for certain models like "dalle3," you can only request one image at a time. To generate multiple images, you can switch to a different model like "dalle2."

Extracting the Image URLs

In some cases, you might need to extract the image URLs for further processing or rendering in a user interface. To do this, we can extract the URLs from the response and store them in a separate list. Add the following code after the imageGenerate function:

const imageUrls = response.data.map(image => image.url);

With this code, you will have a list called imageUrls that contains the URLs of the generated images. You can use this list to directly render the images in a user interface or pass it as a response.


In this article, we have learned how to use OpenAI's image generation API with JavaScript Node.js code. We covered the prerequisites, setting up the environment, importing the OpenAI package, adding the OpenAI API key, writing the image generation function, generating images, viewing the generated images, generating multiple images, and extracting the image URLs. Now, you can harness the power of OpenAI's image generation API to generate and utilize AI-generated images in your applications.

📷 Start using OpenAI's image generation API with JavaScript today!


  • Use OpenAI's image generation API with JavaScript Node.js code
  • Generate AI-generated images with a simple function call
  • View and utilize the generated images in a user interface or database
  • Extract and filter the image URLs for further processing or rendering


❓ How do I obtain the OpenAI API key? You can obtain your OpenAI API key by logging into your OpenAI account and accessing your API keys. Make sure to keep your API key secure and avoid sharing it with anyone.

❓ Can I generate multiple images at once? For certain models like "dalle3," you can only request one image at a time. However, you can switch to different models like "dalle2" to generate multiple images.

❓ How can I extract the image URLs from the response? You can extract the image URLs from the response by mapping over the response data and retrieving the URL values. This will give you a list of image URLs that you can use for further processing or rendering.


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