[Hearthstone] Unraveling Blizzard's Curious AI Decisions

[Hearthstone] Unraveling Blizzard's Curious AI Decisions

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Curious AI in Hearthstone
    1. The Everything Is Awesome Theory
    2. Ignoring Tempo
  3. Dumb Moves by Blizzard's AI
    1. Returning Minions to HAND
    2. Playing Sacrificial Pack
    3. Using Kill Spells on Own Minions
  4. Highlights of Confusing AI Moments
  5. Conclusion

The Curious AI in Hearthstone

Hearthstone, the popular digital card Game developed by Blizzard, utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) in its gameplay. However, the AI's decision-making process often leads to some questionable moves. In this article, we will delve into the curious nature of Hearthstone's AI and analyze some of the dumbest plays it tends to make.

The Everything Is Awesome Theory

Blizzard's AI seems to operate based on what can be called the "Everything Is Awesome Theory." This theory suggests that the AI primarily focuses on making plays that are generally considered good or normal. However, it often overlooks important aspects such as tempo and value. This can result in some baffling moves that a competent Hearthstone player would never make.

Ignoring Tempo

One particular flaw in the AI's decision-making is its tendency to consider returning minions to hand as a good play, even when the minions do not possess any beneficial Battlecry effects. This complete disregard for tempo is evident when cards like Shadowstep or youthful brewmasters are introduced. The AI mindlessly returns its own minions to hand, failing to understand the significance of board presence and tempo advantage. This flaw becomes particularly apparent during encounters like the one in Black Rock, where the boss repeatedly returns its minions to hand without any strategic benefit.

Dumb Moves by Blizzard's AI

Blizzard's AI in Hearthstone exhibits a number of questionable plays that defy logic. Let's examine some of these moves in detail.

Returning Minions to Hand

One of the most puzzling decisions made by the AI is its constant tendency to return its own minions to hand, even when it serves no purpose. The AI seems to believe that returning a minion to hand provides value as it can be played again in the future. However, this disregards the vital aspect of tempo, which is crucial for success in Hearthstone. The AI's flawed Perception of value often leads to wasted turns and missed opportunities.

Playing Sacrificial Pack

Blizzard's AI also fails to comprehend the context in which certain cards should be played. Take the example of Sacrificial Pack, a card that allows players to gain 5 HP by sacrificing their own minion. While this play can be beneficial in certain situations, the AI mindlessly plays it without considering the potential risks. This becomes especially problematic when playing larger minions that are crucial for securing victory. The AI's inability to assess the importance of specific plays leads to unnecessary setbacks.

Using Kill Spells on Own Minions

Another perplexing move by the AI is its tendency to use kill spells on its own minions, seemingly out of desperation. It appears that when the AI runs out of options, it resorts to killing off its own minions rather than doing nothing. While this decision may seem inexplicable, it showcases the AI's lack of strategic thinking and desperation to make any move, even if it proves futile in the overall game plan.

Highlights of Confusing AI Moments

Now, let's take a look at some of the most bewildering moments experienced while trying to defeat encounters in Hearthstone. These clips highlight the AI's bizarre plays, confirming its subpar decision-making abilities. Prepare to be amazed, frustrated, and utterly perplexed by the AI's inexplicable moves.


In conclusion, Blizzard's AI in Hearthstone showcases both curious and dumb moves that often leave players scratching their heads. The Everything Is Awesome Theory, while aiming for generally good plays, overlooks vital aspects such as tempo and value. The AI's tendency to return minions to hand, play Sacrificial Pack without considering risks, and use kill spells on its own minions paints a picture of flawed decision-making. As players continue to navigate the world of Hearthstone, they should be prepared for the occasional moment of astonishment and frustration caused by the AI's questionable choices.


  • The AI's obsession with returning minions to hand
  • Sacrificial Pack: The misguided play
  • Desperate moves: Using kill spells on own minions
  • Clips showing the AI's confounding plays


Q: Can the AI learn from its mistakes? A: No, the AI in Hearthstone does not possess the ability to learn or adapt its decision-making algorithms.

Q: Are there any plans to improve the AI in future updates? A: While Blizzard continues to make updates to the game, there is no specific information on whether improvements to the AI are being prioritized.

Q: Can human players exploit the AI's flaws for an advantage? A: Yes, skilled players can leverage the AI's questionable decision-making to gain an advantage in certain encounters.

Q: Does the AI's flawed decision-making impact the overall enjoyment of the game? A: For some players, witnessing the AI's perplexing moves adds an element of frustration and unpredictability, which can enhance the overall experience. However, for others, it may detract from the strategic depth and competitiveness of the game.


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