Honoring US WWII Fallen Soldiers

Honoring US WWII Fallen Soldiers

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Stories Behind the Stars Initiative
  3. How the App Works
  4. Joining the Initiative
  5. The Impact of Remembering Fallen Heroes
  6. Remembering World War II Veterans
  7. Supporting the Project
  8. Stories from the Initiative
  9. Expanding to Other Countries
  10. Conclusion

The Stories Behind the Stars Initiative

In a world where superheroes dominate our screens, it's important not to forget the real heroes who sacrificed their lives for freedom. The Stories Behind the Stars initiative aims to honor and remember the over 400,000 US World War II fallen soldiers by telling their stories. This non-profit project, started by Don Milne in 2020, has attracted volunteers from all 50 states and 13 other countries to help write the stories of these heroes.

How the App Works

The heart of the initiative is an innovative app that allows users to scan the names of fallen soldiers on gravestones or memorials. Once scanned, the app pulls up the corresponding story written by volunteers. The goal is to have a story for every fallen soldier so that anyone visiting a cemetery or memorial can easily access and learn about their heroism.

Joining the Initiative

Volunteers are the backbone of the Stories Behind the Stars initiative. Anyone can participate by visiting the Website storiesbehindthestars.org and signing up. The project provides a free online course called "Starcore Bootcamp" to train volunteers on how to research and write an 800-word story about a fallen soldier. The emphasis is on creating concise obituaries that can be Read at gravesites within minutes.

The Impact of Remembering Fallen Heroes

Each story is like a bouquet of flowers left in memory of the fallen soldiers. By writing these stories, we ensure that their sacrifice is not forgotten and that future generations can learn about their service and sacrifice. Additionally, the project aims to develop an app that works internationally, allowing users to scan and access stories of fallen soldiers from any country and conflict.

Remembering World War II Veterans

With the passing of time, the number of World War II veterans is dwindling. The Stories Behind the Stars initiative aims to complete the stories of all World War II fallen soldiers by the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2025. This will serve as a testament to the heroes who fought for freedom and allow future generations to learn about their sacrifices.

Supporting the Project

The Stories Behind the Stars initiative is made possible thanks to the support of partners like MyHeritage, who provide financial support for the project. By volunteering or making a donation, individuals can contribute to the completion of this ambitious endeavor and ensure that the stories of fallen heroes are preserved for generations to come.

Stories from the Initiative

Each story written through the initiative is unique and touching. Some stories highlight the bravery and sacrifice of soldiers who fought in the Pacific, while others shed light on the lives of those who died on D-day. One particularly poignant story is about Wallace, who wrote a letter to his unborn son knowing that he might not make it home from the war. These stories offer glimpses into the lives of these heroes and allow us to connect with them on a personal level.

Expanding to Other Countries

While the Stories Behind the Stars initiative focuses on US World War II fallen soldiers, the app can be used for fallen soldiers from any country or conflict. Individuals interested in researching fallen soldiers from Canada, the UK, or other countries are encouraged to use the same tools and find volunteers to write their stories. The goal is to Create an international platform for honoring and remembering fallen heroes.


The Stories Behind the Stars initiative is a powerful project that aims to ensure that the stories of over 400,000 US World War II fallen soldiers are remembered. Through the use of an innovative app and the dedication of volunteers, these heroes will be honored at gravesites and memorials worldwide. By participating in the initiative, individuals can contribute to preserving the memory of these fallen heroes and inspiring future generations with their stories.


  • The Stories Behind the Stars initiative aims to remember and honor the over 400,000 US World War II fallen soldiers by telling their stories.
  • The project utilizes an innovative app that allows users to scan the names of fallen soldiers on gravestones and access the corresponding story.
  • Volunteers play a crucial role in writing concise obituaries for the fallen soldiers, ensuring their sacrifice is not forgotten.
  • The initiative aims to complete the stories of all World War II fallen soldiers by the 80th anniversary of the end of the war in 2025.
  • The project has the support of partners like MyHeritage, who provide financial support and resources for the initiative's success.
  • Each story written through the initiative offers a unique glimpse into the lives and sacrifices of fallen soldiers.
  • The app can be expanded to include fallen soldiers from other countries and conflicts, creating an international platform for honoring and remembering heroes.


Q: Can anyone volunteer for the Stories Behind the Stars initiative? A: Yes, anyone can volunteer to write stories for the initiative. The project provides a free online course called "Starcore Bootcamp" to train volunteers on how to research and write concise obituaries.

Q: How can I access the stories of fallen soldiers using the app? A: You can access the stories by scanning the names of fallen soldiers on gravestones or memorials using the app. Once scanned, the app will pull up the corresponding story written by volunteers.

Q: Can the app be used internationally? A: Yes, the app can be used internationally. While the initiative focuses on US World War II fallen soldiers, the app can be expanded to include fallen soldiers from other countries and conflicts.

Q: How can I support the Stories Behind the Stars initiative? A: You can support the initiative by volunteering to write stories, making a donation, or spreading the word about the project. Your contribution will help ensure that the stories of fallen soldiers are remembered and preserved.

Q: What is the timeline for completing the stories of all World War II fallen soldiers? A: The goal is to complete all the stories by the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2025. By that time, the initiative aims to have a story for every fallen soldier.

Q: Can I research fallen soldiers from other conflicts? A: While the primary focus of the initiative is World War II fallen soldiers, the app can be used to research fallen soldiers from any conflict. The goal is to create an international platform for remembering and honoring heroes from various periods of history.

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