How to Remove White Screen Virus Easily

How to Remove White Screen Virus Easily

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the White Screen Virus
  3. How to Identify the White Screen Virus
  4. Rebooting the System to Reveal the White Screen
  5. Accessing Safe Mode with Networking
  6. Using Kaspersky Rescue CD for Scanning
  7. Using System Restore to Roll Back to a Safe Point
  8. Running Scans with Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro
  9. Deleting Files and Folders Associated with the Virus
  10. Emptying the Recycle Bin and Running a Final Scan
  11. Conclusion

Understanding the White Screen Virus

The white screen virus is a Type of malware that blocks your system with a big white screen, rendering your computer unusable. This article will guide you through the process of dealing with this virus and removing it from your system effectively.


Computer viruses come in various forms, and the white screen virus is a particularly frustrating one. It locks your system with a white screen, preventing you from accessing your files or performing any tasks on your computer. In this article, we will explore the white screen virus in Detail and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to remove it from your system.

How to Identify the White Screen Virus

The first step in dealing with the white screen virus is to identify whether your computer is indeed infected with this malware. The virus manifests as a white screen that appears on your computer upon startup or during certain operations. It locks your system and prevents you from accessing any functions or files. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is likely that your computer has been infected with the white screen virus.

Rebooting the System to Reveal the White Screen

To get a clear view of the white screen virus and its effects, it is necessary to reboot your system. Upon restarting, your computer will go through the usual startup process, displaying the welcome screen and briefly showing your desktop before the white screen appears. This will give you a better understanding of the extent of the virus's impact on your system.

Accessing Safe Mode with Networking

If You are unable to access your desktop due to the white screen virus, you can try booting your system into Safe Mode with Networking. By tapping the F8 key during startup, you can access the Advanced Boot Options menu, which will allow you to choose the Safe Mode with Networking option. Once in Safe Mode, you can attempt to remove the virus using various methods.

Using Kaspersky Rescue CD for Scanning

Another option for dealing with the white screen virus is to use the Kaspersky Rescue CD. This is a bootable disk or USB drive that contains a powerful antivirus program. By booting your computer from the Kaspersky Rescue CD, you can scan your system for malware and attempt to remove any infections, including the white screen virus.

Using System Restore to Roll Back to a Safe Point

If you have enabled System Restore on your computer and have previous restore points, you can use this feature to roll back your system to a time before the white screen virus infected your computer. This can be an effective way to remove the virus and restore your computer to a working state. However, it is important to note that this method may not always be successful, as some viruses can interfere with the System Restore process.

Running Scans with Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro

To ensure thorough removal of the white screen virus, it is recommended to run scans with reputable antivirus programs such as Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro. These programs specialize in detecting and removing various types of malware, including the white screen virus. By running comprehensive scans with these tools, you can eliminate any remaining infections and secure your system.

Deleting Files and Folders Associated with the Virus

To completely eradicate the white screen virus from your system, you need to manually delete certain files and folders associated with the malware. These files are often Hidden and can be found in specific locations on your computer. By navigating to the affected account's AppData folder, you can locate and delete the files causing the white screen issue. Additionally, clearing out the Temp folder can help remove any lingering traces of the virus.

Emptying the Recycle Bin and Running a Final Scan

After deleting the files and folders associated with the white screen virus, it is advisable to empty the Recycle Bin to ensure they are permanently removed from your system. Once done, run a final scan with your chosen antivirus program to confirm that all traces of the virus have been eliminated.


Dealing with the white screen virus can be a frustrating experience, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively remove the malware from your system. Remember to be cautious while browsing the internet and install reputable antivirus software to prevent future infections.

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