Identify and Protect Your Sales Pipeline with Chorus

Identify and Protect Your Sales Pipeline with Chorus

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction A. Brief background of Henry Shuck B. Overview of the problem II. Chorus Pipeline View A. Identifying deals at risk B. Analyzing risk signals C. Key risk moments to watch out for III. Zoom Info Integration A. Infusing all course data with Zoom Info B. Full deal view inside of Chorus C. Enriching contacts with Zoom Info data D. Leveraging Zoom Info Scoops feature IV. Multi-Threading a Deal A. Finding the right contacts B. Pulling contacts into the deal V. Listening to Chorus Calls A. Incorporating Chorus calls with Zoom Info B. Leveraging Chorus to analyze legal risks VI. Key Customer Touch Points A. Identifying touch points with buyers B. Tracking content viewed by buyers C. Using Zoom Info to act on key moments



Henry Shuck, founder and CEO of Zoom Info, has found a way to use Chorus to identify deals that are at risk in a sales pipeline with just three clicks. This revolutionary approach showcases how technology can enhance and improve the sales process, allowing sales leaders and managers to be proactive and engaged with the sales team.

Overview of the Problem

Sales leaders and managers are always looking for ways to improve their sales pipelines. One of the biggest challenges is identifying deals that are at risk. Often, sales reps may not flag these deals until it's too late, leading to lost revenue and potential customers.

Chorus Pipeline View

Chorus has developed a new pipeline view that allows sales leaders and managers to identify deals that are at risk with just three clicks. The pipeline view showcases all the deals that are forecasted to close in the Current month. In this view, sales leaders are quickly able to identify those deals that have warning signals.

Analyzing Risk Signals

It's easy to get lost in all the information presented in the pipeline view. However, the risk signals on deals highlight key moments that may lead to a risk. For example, a deal may have been stuck in a stage for too long, or there may be legal risks associated with the deal. Sales leaders need to clue in on these moments to ensure a better outcome.

Key Risk Moments to Watch Out For

Sales leaders need to focus on key risk moments in a deal. These can range from executive alignment to legal risks. Sales reps need to flag these moments as they occur, and sales leaders need to follow up on them to mitigate the risk.

Zoom Info Integration

Chorus has infused all course data with Zoom Info, enabling sales leaders to have access to precise and enriched data. They can analyze contacts and pull them into deals, multi-threading it easily. Sales leaders get an informative view at the touch of a few clicks.

Full Deal View Inside of Chorus

Inside of Chorus, there is a full deal view feature that allows sales leaders to track down deals into nitty-gritty details. They can sort by suggested contacts to see all the officials involved with their exact titles, phone numbers, email addresses, and where they sit in the organizational Chart.

Enriching Contacts with Zoom Info Data

Zoom Info has enabled sales reps to enrich their contacts in the deal with exact titles, email addresses, and phone numbers. Moreover, Zoom Info has enriched sales data with all information and the exact content of the conversation.

Leveraging Zoom Info Scoops Feature

Sales leaders can leverage the Zoom Info scoops feature to track down important information about executives. For example, if the CFO left during the middle of a sales cycle, sales leaders have that information. It allows sales leaders to engage with the sales rep about the ever-changing variables and insights.

Multi-Threading a Deal

Sales reps need to find the right contacts involved in buying decisions. Sales leaders can pull them into deals to help in negotiations and closing the deal. Alternatively, sales leaders can co-ordinate with different contacts and departments in an organization for the same purpose.

Listening to Chorus Calls

Sales teams can listen to Chorus calls and analyze legal risks, discrepancies, and other potential deal breakers. Sales reps can condense calls and other important information to fuel future deals and improve sales pipelines.

Incorporating Chorus Calls with Zoom Info

Zoom Info has integrated the Chorus call feature into their platform for better engagement with the sales team. Sales leaders can listen to Chorus calls on any company or people profile.

Leveraging Chorus to Analyze Legal Risks

Legal risks are one of the major reasons why deals break down. Chorus highlights all conversation moments where legal risks come into play. Sales leaders can act on these instances by co-ordinating with the executive buyers, lawyers, and other key stakeholders to address the issue in real-time.

Key Customer Touch Points

Sales leaders need to map the customer experience touchpoints and analyze their interactions with buyers. Moreover, they can track down deals with key zoom info pieces of information and analyze the content that gets viewed by the buyer.

Tracking Content Viewed by Buyers

Sales leaders need to track down important content viewed by buyers. They can take it as an opportunity to act on customer interaction and multi-thread the deal. This allows for faster closing rates while improving customer satisfaction.

Using Zoom Info to Act on Key Moments

Sales leaders need to act on customer touchpoints, legal risk moments, and risks flagged by sales reps. They need to co-ordinate with Relevant departments to mitigate these risks and seal the deal swiftly.


  • Chorus helps to identify deals at risk easily.
  • Zoom Info is very effective in tracking insights and enriching sales data for better decision making.
  • Integrating Chorus calls with Zoom Info enables sales to be more proactive in the sales process.


  • It may take time for sales leaders and managers to fully use all the features of Chorus and Zoom Info.


  • Identify at-risk deals easily with Chorus
  • Infuse enriched data with Zoom Info
  • Act on risks flagged in deals
  • Analyze and act on important customer touchpoints
  • Close deals faster with multi-threading
  • Improve sales pipelines by optimizing customer experience
  • Improve legal risk identification and mitigation


Q: Can I listen to Chorus calls on any company profile I want? A: Yes, Chorus has integrated its call feature with Zoom Info. All you need to do is click on the Chorus link and listen to the call.

Q: Can sales leaders track down the contents viewed by buyers? A: Yes, they can. Zoom Info enables sales leaders to track down important content viewed by buyers, analyze the content, and take it as an opportunity to act on customer interaction.

Q: Is there a way to identify legal risks with Chorus? A: Yes, Chorus highlights all conversation moments where legal risks come into play. Sales leaders can address these issues through co-ordination with the executive buyers, lawyers, and other key stakeholders.

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