Implementing Flying Behavior in Unreal Engine 4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Implementing Flying Behavior in Unreal Engine 4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Cross and its Behavior
  3. Implementing Collision Detection
  4. Detecting the Player or Enemy
  5. Making the Character Fly
  6. Creating the Flying Blend Space
  7. Implementing Flying Functionality
  8. testing the Fly Function
  9. Making the Character Fly Away from Threats
  10. Improving the AI Behavior
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to implement a flying behavior for characters in a Game using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). We will start by discussing the behavior of the cross and how it interacts with other objects in the game. Then, we will delve into the details of implementing collision detection to make the cross fly away when it collides with certain objects. Next, we will explore different methods of detecting whether the cross has collided with the player or an enemy. Once we have identified the threat, we will learn how to make the character fly using a 2D blend space. We will then create the necessary functions and animations to enable the character to fly in a specific direction. To test our implementation, we will simulate various scenarios and ensure the character responds correctly to threats. Finally, we will discuss possible improvements and conclude the article.

The Cross and its Behavior

The cross is a game object that wanders randomly around the game environment. However, we want to modify its behavior so that when it collides with certain objects, it will take off and fly away to another location. Currently, the cross does not have any significant functionality and simply moves in a random manner. Our goal is to make it more interactive and dynamic by introducing flying behavior.

Implementing Collision Detection

To make the cross react to collisions, we first need to implement collision detection. We can achieve this by adding a collider component to the cross and setting its radius appropriately. When the cross collides with another object, we can trigger a function to check whether it is the player or an enemy. This will help us determine how the cross should respond to the collision.

Detecting the Player or Enemy

To differentiate between the player and an enemy, we will create a new interface called "NPCInfo." This interface will define a function called "IsEnemy" that returns a boolean value. We will then implement this interface in both the AI controller class and the third-person character class. By setting the "IsEnemy" function to true in the AI controller and false in the third-person character, we can determine if the cross has collided with a threat. This information will be crucial for making the character fly away.

Making the Character Fly

To enable the character to fly, we need to create a flying blend space in Unreal Engine 4. Since we want the flight to occur in a horizontal and vertical plane, we will use a 2D blend space. The blend space will have two animations: one for flying and one for gliding. We will set the speed limits for the horizontal and vertical directions and assign the animations accordingly. By implementing the fly interface and setting the movement state to "fly," we can initiate the flying animation and start moving the character in the desired direction.

Creating the Flying Blend Space

Before implementing the fly functionality, we need to create a flying blend space. We will use a one-dimensional blend space since we only have animations for flying and gliding. We will set the maximum values for both animations and divide them into two divisions. This will allow for smooth transitions between the two animations based on the character's movement state.

Implementing Flying Functionality

To implement the fly functionality, we will create a function that takes a target location as input. This function will be called through the fly interface defined earlier. We will set the flying variable to true and continuously update the character's movement towards the target location in the tick event. By using the direction vector between the character and the target location, we can calculate the flying direction. This direction vector will then be used to move the character towards the target location smoothly.

Testing the Fly Function

To test the fly function, we can call it in the Begin Play event with a specific target location. We can observe whether the character flies towards the target location and adjusts its movement accordingly. By changing the flying speed and target location, we can fine-tune the flying behavior and ensure it is working correctly.

Making the Character Fly Away from Threats

To make the character fly away from threats, we need to update the AI behavior. If the cross detects a threat, it should initiate the fly function and set the target location away from the threat's location. By calculating the direction vector from the cross to the threat and multiplying it by a suitable distance, we can ensure the character flies away from the threat and towards safety. We can further enhance this behavior by introducing randomness to the target location within a specific range. This will prevent Patterns and add more variety to the character's flying behavior.

Improving the AI Behavior

While the implemented AI behavior is functional, there is still room for improvement. We can fine-tune the parameters such as the flying speed, randomization range, and detection radius to achieve a more realistic and dynamic behavior. By testing different scenarios and adjusting these parameters, we can create an engaging and immersive gameplay experience.


In this article, we have explored how to implement flying behavior for characters in a game using Unreal Engine 4. We have covered topics such as collision detection, detecting the player or enemy, creating a flying blend space, and implementing flying functionality. By following the step-by-step instructions and testing the implemented features, we can achieve a realistic and interactive flying behavior for our characters. There is always room for improvement and fine-tuning, so feel free to experiment and iterate on the provided implementation. Enjoy creating captivating gameplay experiences with flying characters in Unreal Engine 4!


  • Provides a comprehensive guide for implementing flying behavior in Unreal Engine 4
  • Covers collision detection, character movement, animation, and AI functionality
  • Offers practical examples and step-by-step instructions for easy understanding
  • Encourages experimentation and iteration to improve the implemented features


  • Some technical knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 is required to fully understand the implementation steps
  • The article assumes a basic understanding of game development concepts and terminology


  • Learn how to implement flying behavior for characters in Unreal Engine 4
  • Explore collision detection, movement, animation, and AI functionality
  • Create a flying blend space and implement flying functionality
  • Test and fine-tune the implemented features for optimal gameplay experience


Q: Can I implement flying behavior for any character in Unreal Engine 4? A: Yes, the flying behavior can be implemented for any character by following the provided instructions and adapting them to suit your specific game requirements.

Q: What are the minimum requirements to implement flying behavior in Unreal Engine 4? A: Basic knowledge of game development concepts and Unreal Engine 4 is required. Familiarity with collision detection, animation, and AI behavior will be beneficial.

Q: How can I customize the flying behavior for my game? A: You can customize the flying behavior by adjusting parameters such as flying speed, randomization range, detection radius, blend space animations, and target locations. Experimentation and iteration are key to achieving your desired result.

Q: Can I use this implementation for other types of movement, such as swimming or hovering? A: While the implementation is focused on flying behavior, you can adapt and modify it to suit other types of movement. The principles remain the same, but you would need to adjust animations, movement constraints, and target locations accordingly.

Q: Are there any additional resources or tutorials available for further learning? A: Yes, there are various resources available online, including the official Unreal Engine documentation, forum threads, and video tutorials. Feel free to explore these resources to enhance your knowledge and expand your capabilities in Unreal Engine 4.


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