Implementing Shooting Logic in Attack Helicopter Blueprint

Implementing Shooting Logic in Attack Helicopter Blueprint

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Attack Helicopter Blueprint
  3. Implementing the Shooting Logic for Player Control
    1. Calculating the Shooting Target for Player-Controlled Helicopter
    2. Updating the Shooting Target for AI-Controlled Helicopter
    3. Creating a Function to Set the Shooting Target for the Helicopter
    4. Modifying the Update Shooting Target Function for Player and AI Control
  4. Enabling and Disabling Shooting Through Input Action
  5. Implementing the Logic to Shoot at the Player
    1. Getting the Target Location for Shooting
    2. Performing Line Trace to Determine Hit
    3. Adjusting the Rotation of the Machine Gun for AI-Controlled Helicopter
    4. Handling Bullets and Bullet Mesh
    5. Implementing Damage Calculation for Hit Enemies
  6. Conclusion

Implementing Shooting Logic in Attack Helicopter Blueprint

In this article, we will explore how to implement shooting logic in the Attack Helicopter Blueprint. We will cover various aspects, including setting up the blueprint, calculating shooting targets, enabling and disabling shooting, and implementing the logic to shoot at the player. By the end of this article, You will have a clear understanding of how to make your attack helicopter fire accurately and efficiently.

1. Introduction

The shooting logic is an essential component of any attack helicopter. It allows the helicopter to engage enemies and deliver effective firepower. In this article, we will discuss the steps required to implement shooting in an attack helicopter blueprint. We will cover both player-controlled and AI-controlled scenarios to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topic.

2. Setting up the Attack Helicopter Blueprint

Before diving into the shooting logic, we need to set up the attack helicopter blueprint. This involves adding the necessary input actions and blueprint functions to handle shooting. By configuring the blueprint correctly, we can build upon it to implement the shooting logic effectively.

3. Implementing the Shooting Logic for Player Control

3.1 Calculating the Shooting Target for Player-Controlled Helicopter

When the attack helicopter is controlled by a player, we need to calculate the shooting target Based on their input. We can achieve this by determining the middle point of the screen and using it as the shooting target. By considering the camera location, control rotation, and forward vector, we can accurately aim and fire at targets.

3.2 Updating the Shooting Target for AI-Controlled Helicopter

In the case of an AI-controlled helicopter, we do not have the luxury of using the camera's perspective. Instead, we need to define a different method to set the shooting target. We can introduce a function that allows us to specify the shooting target for the helicopter. By implementing this function and incorporating it into the logic, we can ensure accurate firing even in AI-controlled scenarios.

3.3 Creating a Function to Set the Shooting Target for the Helicopter

To facilitate setting the shooting target for the helicopter, we can Create a function in the helicopter's parent blueprint. This function will take a vector input representing the target location. By implementing this function and connecting it to the necessary logic, we can easily define the shooting target for the helicopter.

3.4 Modifying the Update Shooting Target Function for Player and AI Control

To ensure seamless shooting logic, we need to modify the update shooting target function. By adding conditional checks, we can differentiate between player-controlled and AI-controlled situations. This modification will ensure that the correct shooting target is used based on the helicopter's control Type.

4. Enabling and Disabling Shooting Through Input Action

To provide control over the shooting functionality, we can enable and disable shooting through an input action. By mapping an input to toggle the firing action, we can dynamically turn shooting on and off based on the player's input. This feature allows for more interactive gameplay and tactical decision-making during combat.

5. Implementing the Logic to Shoot at the Player

The primary objective of an attack helicopter is to eliminate enemy targets, and that includes shooting at the player. In this section, we will focus on implementing the logic to shoot at the player accurately and consistently. We will cover aspects such as getting the target location, performing line traces to determine hits, adjusting machine gun rotation for AI-controlled helicopters, handling bullet objects and mesh, and calculating damage for hit enemies.

5.1 Getting the Target Location for Shooting

To shoot at the player accurately, we need to obtain their target location. By using the player's location or nozzle forward direction, we can ensure that the helicopter aims directly at the player's location. This step is crucial for precise targeting and minimizing misses.

5.2 Performing Line Trace to Determine Hit

Determining whether a shot hits the player or not is essential for successful engagement. By performing a line trace from the nozzle position towards the shooting target, we can check for any obstructions or collisions. This step allows us to calculate whether the shot has hit the player accurately.

5.3 Adjusting the Rotation of the Machine Gun for AI-Controlled Helicopter

In the case of an AI-controlled helicopter, adjusting the rotation of the machine gun becomes crucial. By calculating the delta between the Current rotation and the desired rotation towards the shooting target, we can smoothly rotate the machine gun towards the player. This adjustment ensures realistic and effective shooting from AI-controlled helicopters.

5.4 Handling Bullets and Bullet Mesh

Bullets play a vital role in shooting from the helicopter. We need to handle the bullets and their respective mesh properly to ensure accurate representation and collision detection. By implementing logic to hide the bullet mesh, disable collisions after hitting a target, and destroy bullets after a certain time period, we can optimize the shooting experience.

5.5 Implementing Damage Calculation for Hit Enemies

When a bullet successfully hits the player or an enemy, we need to calculate and Apply damage. By implementing logic to check if the hit object is an enemy, we can ensure that only enemies receive damage. This step enhances the realism and impact of shooting from the helicopter.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, implementing shooting logic in an attack helicopter blueprint is a multi-step process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a robust and efficient shooting system for your helicopter. Whether it's for player control or AI-controlled scenarios, accurate shooting and engaging gameplay are possible with the right implementation. Take your attack helicopter to the next level by incorporating these shooting mechanics.


  • Learn how to implement shooting logic in an attack helicopter blueprint.
  • Understand the steps required to calculate shooting targets for player control.
  • Explore methods to update shooting targets for AI-controlled helicopters.
  • Enable and disable shooting through input actions for intuitive control.
  • Implement logic to shoot at the player accurately and handle bullet collisions.
  • Enhance gameplay by calculating and applying damage to hit enemies.


Q: Can I use this shooting logic in other vehicle blueprints?

A: Yes, the shooting logic can be adapted and integrated into other vehicle blueprints that require firing functionality. You may need to make some modifications to suit the specific needs of the vehicle, but the Core concepts should remain applicable.

Q: How do I optimize the shooting system for better performance?

A: To optimize the shooting system, you can consider implementing features such as bullet pooling and using more efficient collision detection methods. Additionally, you can optimize the calculations and update frequency to ensure smooth gameplay and minimize performance impact.

Q: Can I customize the bullet mesh and effects?

A: Absolutely! You have the flexibility to customize the bullet mesh and add specific visual effects to enhance the shooting experience. By modifying the bullet mesh and particle effects, you can create unique and engaging visuals for your shooting system.

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