Incredible Innovations in Robotics and Virtual Reality

Incredible Innovations in Robotics and Virtual Reality

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Automated Robotic Sorting System
  3. Robotic Feeding Arm
  4. Autonomous Cleaning Bots
  5. Ford's Blue Cruise
  6. Kodiak Robotics Autonomous Truck
  7. Gatik's Autonomous Food Deliveries
  8. Deep Robotics' Duaing X20 Robots
  9. Boston Dynamic Spot Robot
  10. Low-cost Soft Robotic Hand
  11. DIY Analog to Digital Camera Conversion
  12. Open Source Drawing Animator
  13. Virtual and Augmented Reality
  14. Senti AR's Augmented Reality System
  15. Finnish National Opera and Ballet's VR Stage
  16. Vertex's Virtual Reality Esports Stadiums
  17. Paradiddle's Augmented Reality Drum Kit
  18. MIT and GIST's Intelligent Carpet for VR
  19. Skydrop's Drone Deliveries
  20. X-Wing's Unmanned Cargo Flights
  21. Modbot's Dual Extruder 3D Printing
  22. Adafruit's Guide for Transparent Plastic Parts
  23. Conclusion


In this week's edition of Mosfet Weekly, we dive into the world of automation and robotics. From large-Scale robotic sorting systems to autonomous cleaning bots and unmanned Cargo flights, the advancements in these technologies continue to reshape various industries. We'll also explore the latest developments in virtual and augmented reality and how they are being used in fields like Healthcare, entertainment, and gaming. So let's jump right in and discover the latest and most exciting applications of automation, robotics, and immersive technologies.

Automated Robotic Sorting System

🤖 Turkish Postal Services Company koreanet has recently implemented the largest example of a robot-based sorting system in Europe. This innovative system, located at their depot on the outskirts of Istanbul, utilizes 120 Libyao mini yellow bots to process a staggering 45,000 items per hour. With a load capacity of up to 10 kilograms, these robots have revolutionized the sorting process, making it five times more space-efficient compared to traditional conveyor systems. The implementation of this cutting-edge technology marks a significant milestone in the automation of postal services, improving efficiency and streamlining operations.

Robotic Feeding Arm

🤖 Stanford's intelligent and interactive autonomous systems group has developed a remarkable solution to assist individuals who struggle with conventional feeding systems. Their robotic arm, equipped with a face detection system and a force reactive controller, enables a more seamless and comfortable feeding experience. By accurately detecting the person's movements and applying the necessary force, this innovative technology facilitates smooth feeding without requiring individuals to lean forward. The integration of robotics in this domain demonstrates the potential for enhancing the quality of life for those with limited mobility or physical challenges.

Autonomous Cleaning Bots

🤖 Czech supermarket brand Albert has embraced automation to maintain cleanliness across their stores. Deploying autonomous cleaning bots in their hypermarkets and distribution centers, Albert has successfully cleaned over 20 million square meters and completed nearly 100,000 cleaning routes. These industrious robots play a pivotal role in maintaining high sanitation standards and reducing the burden on human cleaners. With plans to double the number of stores utilizing this technology in the coming year, Albert is setting the benchmark for automated cleaning solutions in the retail industry.

Ford's Blue Cruise

🤖 Ford has announced an innovative advancement in autonomous driving with the introduction of "Blue Cruise." This feature allows drivers of Mustang Mach-E models to experience level 2 autonomy on UK highways. While driving, drivers can take their hands off the steering wheel and pedals, granting them a more relaxed and comfortable journey. Ford's sophisticated camera system ensures that the driver remains attentive to the road, enhancing safety and convenience. As the first approval of its kind within Europe, Ford is paving the way for widespread adoption of autonomous driving technologies.

Kodiak Robotics Autonomous Truck

🤖 Kodiak Robotics is on the cusp of deploying their fifth-generation autonomous truck, equipped with advanced sensor technology. These trucks feature new mirror-mounted sensor pods, eliminating the need for traditional roof-mounted hardware. With these upgrades, Kodiak Robotics brings highly autonomous trucks closer to real-world commercial applications, revolutionizing the transportation and logistics industry. By combining cutting-edge hardware and software, Kodiak Robotics is accelerating the adoption of autonomous technologies in the trucking sector.

Gatik's Autonomous Food Deliveries

🤖 Gatic, in partnership with Kroger, has harnessed autonomous technology for food deliveries. Utilizing self-driving box trucks, Gatic conducts repetitive delivery runs seven days a week between Kroger's customer fulfillment center in Dallas, Texas, and multiple retail locations. By integrating autonomous systems into the last-mile delivery process, Gatic and Kroger are improving efficiency and reducing costs. This collaboration highlights Texas' role in driving innovation, with the state at the forefront of autonomous deliveries and drone delivery projects.

Deep Robotics' Duaing X20 Robots

🤖 Deep Robotics, known for their advanced robotics solutions, recently conducted an intriguing experiment with their Duaing X20 quadruped robots. In a field full of objects, these robots showcased their collective intelligence by working together to find specific targets. Using a local mesh net for communication, the robots efficiently completed their assigned tasks. While the demonstration focused on search and rescue applications, the potential for other applications in complex and hazardous environments is not far-fetched.

Boston Dynamic Spot Robot

🤖 The Boston Dynamics Spot robot, which was previously recalled due to public concerns, has made a comeback in collaboration with the NYPD. The Spot robot will be utilized in situations deemed too dangerous for human officers, providing live feeds of events. Although initially deployed for surveillance purposes, the implications of such technology raise ethical questions about privacy and potential misuse. As the use of robotic assistance in law enforcement expands, society must carefully navigate the balance between security and individual rights.

Low-cost Soft Robotic HAND

🤖 Researchers from Cambridge have developed an affordable and low-energy soft robotic hand. Designed to pick up and hold various objects, this gel-like hand incorporates built-in sensors for tactile feedback. Although the fingers are not independently movable, the hand can still sense and grasp objects with precision. The simplicity and cost-effectiveness of this design make it a promising solution for applications that require adaptive gripping and delicate interactions.

DIY Analog to Digital Camera Conversion

🤖 Photographer Malcolm J showcases his impressive skills by converting an old broken 35mm film camera into a digital camera using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a high-quality camera module. By adding custom lens mounts and other modifications, Malcolm transforms the classic Yashica Electro into a unique hybrid camera. This project exemplifies the accessibility and creativity of DIY electronics, demonstrating how individuals can experiment and repurpose existing devices to create their own cutting-edge tools.

Open Source Drawing Animator

🤖 Meta AI research recently released an open-source drawing animator capable of automatically animating hand-drawn humanoid characters. Using a web-based interface or command line utility, this project brings drawings to life with motion. Whether for artistic expression or entertainment purposes, the open-source drawing animator offers a unique and accessible tool for creating captivating animated content.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality technologies continue to advance, enabling new immersive experiences across various industries. From medical procedures to entertainment and gaming, these technologies are revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with our environment. In this section, we explore some of the latest applications of virtual and augmented reality and how they are reshaping different fields.

Senti AR's Augmented Reality System

👓 Senti AR, a leader in augmented reality, has raised 8.5 million dollars to deploy their system in more clinical settings. Their flagship product, Command DP, integrates seamlessly with existing imaging data systems, creating real-time 3D holograms that medical staff can interact with during procedures. Surgeons can view these 3D images in 360 degrees, enhancing their understanding of a patient's anatomy and improving the precision of surgeries. Senti AR's innovative solution holds great potential for revolutionizing medical practices by providing medical professionals with immersive and accurate visualizations.

Finnish National Opera and Ballet's VR Stage

👓 The Finnish National Opera and Ballet have embraced virtual reality by creating a one-to-one scale recreation of their stage and auditorium. Known as the XR stage, this virtual environment allows the opera and ballet company to test various stage designs, lighting setups, and sound configurations without the need for physical setups. With photorealistic simulations, staff members can collaborate remotely and make informed decisions, saving both time and resources. This innovative use of virtual reality showcases its potential for revolutionizing the production development process in the performing arts industry.

Vertex's Virtual Reality Esports Stadiums

👓 Vertex, in partnership with esports events and Game developers, is revolutionizing the way audiences experience esports competitions. Their virtual reality esports stadiums offer viewers a new level of immersion, allowing them to watch games from a first-person perspective, directly in the heart of the action. With a click of a button, spectators can transport themselves to virtual stadiums and join a community of other viewers. This closed beta platform has the potential to Shape the future of esports, providing an unparalleled and interactive viewing experience.

Paradiddle's Augmented Reality Drum Kit

👓 Paradiddle, a popular drumming app, has introduced an exciting new feature: an augmented reality drum kit. With this feature, drummers can connect their Roland drum kits to the app and utilize the pass-through option on an Oculus headset to create an immersive drumming experience. This innovative tool allows beginners to learn and practice drumming in a more interactive and engaging manner.

MIT and GIST's Intelligent Carpet for VR

👓 Researchers at MIT and GIST have developed an intelligent carpet that enhances the virtual reality experience without the need for large-scale equipment like treadmills. This high-tech carpet can sense foot movements, pressure, and gait information, allowing users to simulate walking and running in virtual environments. While it may seem amusing, this technological innovation presents an affordable and space-saving alternative to traditional locomotion methods. The intelligent carpet has the potential to add an extra layer of immersion to virtual reality experiences for a wide range of users.

Skydrop's Drone Deliveries

🛩️ Skydrop has become the first company to receive approval for live drone deliveries in New Zealand. With the ability to conduct beyond-line-of-sight operations, as well as deliveries over people and property, Skydrop is set to revolutionize the delivery industry. Partnering with Domino's Pizza, they will soon start drone deliveries in the town of Huntly. As a pioneer in the field of autonomous deliveries, Skydrop's success showcases the potential for drones to transform logistics and last-mile delivery services.

X-Wing's Unmanned Cargo Flights

🛩️ X-Wing, a trailblazer in autonomous flight operations, aims to bring uncrewed cargo flights to regional air cargo services. By seamlessly integrating their unmanned aircraft into the national airspace, X-Wing plans to connect communities with affordable and sustainable air service. These autonomous cargo flights have the potential to turn smaller airports into logistics hubs, enhancing connectivity and improving transportation efficiency. X-Wing's dedication to automation and sustainability positions them as a key player in the future of air cargo operations.

Modbot's Dual Extruder 3D Printing

🖨️ YouTuber modbot explores the possibility of using different types of 3D printing filaments on a dual extruder printer to create clean and easily removable supports. By combining materials like PETG and PLA in a single print, complex geometries with extreme overhangs become more feasible. This innovative approach to 3D printing demonstrates the potential for improving printing techniques and expanding the possibilities of additive manufacturing.

Adafruit's Guide for Transparent Plastic Parts

🖨️ Adafruit, a prominent DIY electronics platform, shares a guide on obtaining transparent plastic parts for hardware projects. By leveraging resin 3D printing technology, parts can be 3D printed with transparent or semi-transparent finishes, reminiscent of the aesthetics of 1990s electronics. This guide demonstrates the progress made in transparent resin printing and its accessibility, allowing makers and hobbyists to create customized high-quality parts at an affordable cost.


The world of automation, robotics, and immersive technologies continues to evolve and shape various industries. From the implementation of advanced robotic sorting systems to the integration of virtual and augmented reality in fields like healthcare, entertainment, and gaming, these technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and progress. As the boundaries of what is possible continue to be pushed, it is crucial to explore the ethical implications and ensure responsible deployment of these transformative technologies.


  • Turkish Postal Services Company koreanet implements the largest robot-based sorting system in Europe.
  • Stanford's intelligent and interactive autonomous systems group develops a robotic arm for seamless feeding.
  • Czech supermarket brand Albert utilizes autonomous cleaning bots to ensure cleanliness in their stores.
  • Ford introduces Blue Cruise, allowing hands-off driving on UK highways.
  • Kodiak Robotics unveils its fifth-generation autonomous truck for real-world commercial use.
  • Gatic partners with Kroger for autonomous food deliveries using self-driving box trucks.


Q: What are some potential applications of the intelligent carpet developed by MIT and GIST? A: The intelligent carpet has the potential to enhance virtual reality experiences by simulating walking and running without the need for large-scale equipment like treadmills. It can be used in various applications, including gaming, physical rehabilitation, and training simulations.

Q: How can virtual reality technology benefit the medical field? A: Virtual reality technology offers several advantages in the medical field. Surgeons can use 3D holograms to visualize complex anatomical structures during procedures, improving precision and reducing risks. Additionally, virtual reality training simulations can provide a safe environment for medical professionals to practice procedures and enhance their skills.

Q: What are the advantages of using autonomous cargo flights for regional air cargo services? A: Autonomous cargo flights have the potential to transform regional air cargo services by increasing efficiency and reducing costs. By integrating unmanned aircraft into the national airspace, logistics hubs can be established in smaller airports, connecting communities and providing convenient and sustainable air service.

Q: How can transparent resin printing be beneficial for hardware projects? A: Transparent resin printing allows for the creation of customized transparent or semi-transparent plastic parts. This can be particularly useful for aesthetic purposes or when visualizing internal components of hardware projects. It provides a cost-effective and accessible method for producing high-quality one-offs or short production runs.

Q: What are some potential concerns regarding the use of robotics in law enforcement, as demonstrated by the Boston Dynamics Spot robot? A: The deployment of robots in law enforcement raises ethical concerns regarding privacy and potential misuse. While the Spot robot can provide valuable assistance in dangerous situations, ensuring appropriate oversight and safeguards is essential to prevent potential abuses of power or infringement on individual rights.

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