Incredible Tale: Man Trapped on Women's Island Forced To Make Babies

Incredible Tale: Man Trapped on Women's Island Forced To Make Babies

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Mysterious Village
    1. Gao's Encounter with Xing
    2. A Gender-Reversed Society
  3. Gao's Attempts to Escape
    1. Trapped in the Village
    2. The Search for a Map
    3. Gao's Guilt and Change of Heart
  4. The Wedding Proposal
    1. Xing's Love Confession
    2. Gao's Agreement and Escape Plan
    3. The Wedding Ceremony and Plan Execution
  5. Return to the City
    1. Gao's Reunion with His Friends
    2. Li An's Threat and Gao's Rescue
  6. Xing's Quest for Gao
    1. Xing's Arrival in the City
    2. Meeting Yi Tian and the Search for Gao
  7. Reunion and Revelation
    1. Gao's Awkward Encounter with Xing
    2. Xing's Adaptation to the Modern World
    3. Xana's Introduction and Conflict
  8. The Unwelcomed Visitor
    1. Yi's Persistence and Gao's Warning
    2. Confrontation with Li An
  9. Conclusion

The Mysterious Village

In this captivating tale, the movie begins with an intriguing scene of a young man named Gao lying unconscious in a wrecked car at the bottom of a cliff. Little did he know that his life was about to take a drastic turn. Xing, a native village girl, stood at a distance, observing the wreckage. Gao suddenly woke up and stumbled away from the crash site, only to be knocked unconscious by Xing using a stone. The movie then shifts to eight hours before the accident, where Gao, a gem hunter, becomes aware of two sketchy men watching him from a car. He realizes that he is being followed and experiences a fierce car chase that ultimately leads to the accident.

The Mysterious Village

Hidden away from the outside world, Gao wakes up in a primitive yet bizarre village. Here, women lead while men take on household chores, and the villagers live without technology or scientific knowledge. Gao is astonished to discover that Xing, the village girl who knocked him out, is the Queen of the tribe. At first, Gao dismisses the villagers as nerdy cosplayers, but he soon realizes they are genuine. However, he is determined to escape and return to the city as soon as possible. Gao learns that he cannot leave the village without Xing's permission, and he devises a plan to trick her into freeing him. However, his attempt goes awry when he accidentally hurts Xing, causing her to pass out.

As the villagers rush to extinguish the flames engulfing Xing, Gao's guilty conscience compels him to rescue her. Carrying her to safety, they both narrowly escape the explosion. Back in the village, Gao discovers his phone in his backpack and uses it to play music, which intrigues Xing. They bond over the strange device and gradually develop a connection. However, Gao's true intentions come to light when he offers Xing several items in exchange for her most prized possession, a sapphire gemstone. When Xing refuses, Gao resolves to steal the gem instead.

Xing, unaware of Gao's plan, invites him to watch the stars together in an open field at night. However, their interpretation of "watching the stars" differs, leading to a heated argument and Gao fleeing back to the city. Xing, angered by his actions, imprisons him upon his return to the village. Gao explains the misunderstanding to Xing, and she finally understands his perspective. Despite their differences, they find a mutual understanding and respect.

Meanwhile, Gao's friends in the city, Xana and Qin, are desperately searching for him. They are confronted by Li An, a businesswoman with whom Gao signed a contract. Li An gives Xana and Qin 48 hours to find Gao before taking legal action. In the village, Xing tries to make amends with Gao by proposing marriage. Gao reluctantly agrees, hoping to use the wedding as an opportunity to escape. However, the discovery of Qin's blade reinforces Gao's determination to leave the village.

Gao and Xing plan their escape. Gao learns about a secret cave that could lead them back to the outside world and decides to steal a drugged wine reserve to incapacitate the villagers during their wedding ceremony. As the plan is set into motion, Gao gives Xing her sapphire stone as an early wedding gift, feeling guilty about his intentions.

The day of the wedding arrives, and as the villagers fall asleep from the drugged wine, Gao seizes the opportunity to escape. He manages to leave the village through the secret cave, reentering the modern world. Back in the city, Li An confronts Xana and Qin, holding them captive while waiting for Gao's return. However, Gao arrives just in time to save them, and Li An retreats.

As Gao reunites with his friends, he keeps the villagers' secret to safeguard their way of life. Together, they visit Gao's uncle and entertain elderly occupants at a nursing home. However, Xing remains determined to find Gao and embarks on a Journey to the city. She encounters Yi Tian, a social media influencer, who becomes interested in her unique character. Yi traces Gao's location and takes Xing to the nursing home, but Gao hides from Xing's sight, fearing her reaction.

Heartbroken by the missed opportunity, Xing waits outside the nursing home, refusing to leave without Gao. Eventually, Gao realizes his mistake and rushes to reunite with Xing. They return to Gao's house, where Xana confronts Xing, leading to a tense standoff. Gao resolves the conflict and reveals the truth about the mysterious village to Xana. However, their peaceful reunion is interrupted by Yi, who persists in his attempts to get closer to Xing.

Despite the chaos, Gao and Xing manage to resolve the situation and focus on adapting to the modern world. They spend time exploring the city and sharing Memorable moments. Gao's guilt about the stolen sapphire stone still lingers, but Xing embraces the wonders of the new world she has discovered.

The story concludes with Gao, Xana, and Qin visiting Gao's uncle at the nursing home, where they bring joy to the elderly residents. The villagers awaken to the disappearance of Gao and search for him in vain. Xing decides to leave the village and returns to the city in search of Gao. She encounters Yi again, who offers assistance in finding Gao. They return to the nursing home, but Gao eludes detection and witnessing Xing's determination, eventually reveals himself. Gao and Xing are reunited, leaving the village and their adventures behind as they face the challenges and joys of the outside world together.


  • A mysterious car accident leads a gem hunter named Gao to a secluded village ruled by women.
  • Gao's attempts to escape the village and return to the city.
  • The misunderstanding between Gao and Xing about the city's customs and traditions.
  • Xing's wedding proposal and Gao's plan to escape during the ceremony.
  • The return to the city and confrontation with Li An.
  • Xing's quest to find Gao and the involvement of Yi Tian, a social media influencer.
  • The reunion and adaptation of Gao and Xing in the modern world.
  • Conflict with Yi and resolution of misunderstandings.
  • Xing's determination to find Gao and their ultimate reunion outside the village.
  • The conclusion of the story as Gao and Xing face the challenges of the outside world together.


Q: What is the main conflict in the story?

A: The main conflict in the story revolves around Gao's attempts to escape the secluded village and return to the city while navigating the complicated relationships and misunderstandings between him, Xing, and the other characters.

Q: Is the village a real place?

A: No, the village depicted in the story is a fictional location created for the movie. It serves as an isolated community with its own unique customs and traditions.

Q: How does Gao's relationship with Xing evolve throughout the story?

A: Initially, Gao has a dismissive attitude towards Xing and the villagers, but as they spend more time together, they develop a connection and understanding. Their relationship becomes more complex as misunderstandings arise but ultimately resolves into a mutual respect and affection.

Q: Does Gao eventually reveal the truth about the village to his friends?

A: No, Gao keeps the villagers' secret to protect their way of life. He believes that exposing the village to the outside world may have negative consequences and wants to ensure their safety and happiness.

Q: How does Xing adapt to the modern world?

A: Xing initially finds the modern world fascinating but also confusing and overwhelming. She gradually learns about and embraces various aspects of modern life, but certain customs and technological devices still bewilder her.

Q: What is the significance of the sapphire gemstone in the story?

A: The sapphire gemstone is a symbol of Xing's memories and connection to her mother. To Gao, it represents a means to achieve his goals and escape the village. The stone's significance evolves throughout the story as intentions change and emotions are uncovered.

Q: Does Gao's uncle play a significant role in the story?

A: Gao's uncle is a minor character who provides a brief moment of joy and entertainment during a visit to a nursing home. Although his appearance is short, it showcases the unique dynamics between Gao and his friends.

Q: Is there a sequel or continuation planned for the movie?

A: As of now, there is no official confirmation of a sequel or continuation of the story. However, the open-ended nature of the ending leaves room for further exploration of Gao and Xing's journey in the future.

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