Insights from Maddy Martin of Smith ai

Insights from Maddy Martin of Smith ai

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Smith AI
  3. The Role of Smith AI during the COVID-19 Crisis
  4. Providing Helpful Content for Bar Leaders and Opinion Leaders
    • 4.1 Blog Articles on Remote Law Firm Management
    • 4.2 Essential Tech Tools for Remote Work
    • 4.3 Free Webinars for Bar Associations
    • 4.4 Law Firm Communications Playbook and Script Library
  5. The Importance of Virtual Resources
  6. Planning for the New Normal
    • 6.1 Keeping Virtual Resources as Alternatives
    • 6.2 The Future of In-Person Events
  7. Contacting Smith AI for Assistance
    • 7.1 Reach Out Via Email or Phone
    • 7.2 Taking AdVantage of the Free Trial

Smith AI: Supporting Bar Leaders and Opinion Leaders during the COVID-19 Crisis

In these challenging times, the COVID-19 crisis has forced many businesses to adapt and find innovative solutions to Continue their operations. Bar leaders and opinion leaders, in particular, have faced unique challenges in maintaining communication, providing resources, and organizing events for their members and constituents. However, companies like Smith AI have stepped up to provide valuable assistance and support. Smith AI, a virtual receptionist company specializing in phone calls, Website chats, text answering, and Facebook messages, has been actively helping bar leaders and opinion leaders navigate through these uncertain times.

About Smith AI

Smith AI is a virtual receptionist company that offers a range of services for small businesses, with a significant focus on serving law firms. With a remote and virtual infrastructure in place for the last five years, Smith AI has a unique advantage when it comes to adapting to a world that has suddenly shifted the majority of business operations online. By leveraging their expertise in handling conversations for businesses, Smith AI has enabled bar leaders and opinion leaders to effectively communicate with their members and constituents during the COVID-19 crisis.

The Role of Smith AI during the COVID-19 Crisis

Smith AI has shown a remarkable commitment to assisting bar leaders and opinion leaders during these challenging times. They have actively reached out to bar associations, presidents' groups, and other organizations in need of help and support. By collaborating with experts in their network and clients' partners, Smith AI has been able to produce helpful and actionable content that addresses the specific needs of bar leaders and opinion leaders.

Providing Helpful Content for Bar Leaders and Opinion Leaders

One of the primary ways in which Smith AI has supported bar leaders and opinion leaders is by providing valuable content through their blog. This content covers a wide range of topics, including remote law firm management, essential tech tools for remote work, and effective communication strategies. By offering insights from industry experts and sharing best practices, Smith AI has enabled bar leaders to effectively manage their organizations and adapt to the new normal.

4.1 Blog Articles on Remote Law Firm Management

Smith AI's blog features articles from small law firm owners who share their experiences, challenges, and solutions for remotely managing their firms. These articles provide practical advice that addresses the unique issues faced by law firms during these times. From evaluating and securing cloud phone systems to incorporating team collaboration tools like Slack and implementing project management software, the blog helps bar leaders and opinion leaders make informed decisions about embracing technology and streamlining their operations.

4.2 Essential Tech Tools for Remote Work

With the sudden shift to remote work, many businesses, including law firms, have had to quickly adapt to new technologies. Smith AI's blog provides comprehensive insights into essential tech tools that can enhance productivity, collaboration, and communication for remote teams. From virtual meeting platforms to shared calendaring systems, these tech tools are crucial for maintaining efficiency and professionalism, regardless of the volume of work or business Type.

4.3 Free Webinars for Bar Associations

In addition to their blog content, Smith AI has been offering free webinars to bar associations and other organizations. These webinars cover various topics related to remote work, virtual communication, and maintaining business continuity. By sharing their expertise and insights, Smith AI helps bar leaders and opinion leaders level up their virtual communication skills and navigate the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.

4.4 Law Firm Communications Playbook and Script Library

Smith AI has developed a comprehensive law firm communications playbook and script library, specifically designed to assist bar leaders and opinion leaders in managing their organizations effectively. This resource provides guidance on evaluating existing communication channels, creating contingency plans, and implementing virtual resources for member outreach and engagement. Bar associations, law firms, and other organizations can access this playbook and script library to ensure that their communication strategies are efficient and in line with best practices.

The Importance of Virtual Resources

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of virtual resources for bar leaders and opinion leaders. As physical events and in-person meetings become challenging, if not impossible, virtual resources offer an alternative that can be both effective and cost-efficient. Bar leaders need to consider whether virtual events and communication platforms can replace or supplement traditional approaches. Smith AI has been instrumental in assisting bar leaders and opinion leaders in exploring these virtual alternatives and ensuring that vital communication channels remain open.

Planning for the New Normal

As the world gradually prepares for recovery and a return to normalcy, it is crucial for bar leaders and opinion leaders to plan for the future. The lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis should inform decisions about virtual resources and the importance of contingency plans. Bar leaders must consider how virtual assets can continue to be a valuable part of their organizations, even after physical events become possible again.

6.1 Keeping Virtual Resources as Alternatives

The new normal will likely involve keeping virtual resources as permanent alternatives. Bar leaders should assess the effectiveness and efficiency of virtual events and communication platforms to determine their long-term value. Emphasizing virtual resources can not only save costs but also provide increased accessibility and flexibility for members, ensuring that critical communication channels remain open.

6.2 The Future of In-Person Events

In-person events have traditionally played a significant role in bar associations and opinion leaders' activities. However, the COVID-19 crisis has forced a shift towards virtual events. Bar leaders should consider the impact of virtual events on engagement, cost, and accessibility. There may be a need to strike a balance between physical and virtual events in the future, recognizing the benefits of both approaches and finding the most effective combination.

Contacting Smith AI for Assistance

For bar leaders and opinion leaders seeking assistance and support, Smith AI is readily available to help. Smith AI offers various ways to get in touch and access their resources.

7.1 Reach Out Via Email or Phone

Bar leaders can reach out to Smith AI and connect directly with the team by sending an email to Maddie at or by calling the provided phone number on their website. The Smith AI team is dedicated to providing guidance, answering questions, and offering tailored solutions Based on individual needs.

7.2 Taking Advantage of the Free Trial

To experience the benefits of Smith AI's services, bar leaders can take advantage of their free trial offer. Smith AI has waived the setup fee for their chatbot service and doubled their regular free trial period. This allows bar leaders to explore the capabilities and value of Smith AI without any commitment and make informed decisions about incorporating their services into their organizations.

By reaching out to Smith AI, bar leaders and opinion leaders can tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will assist them in navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis and support them in planning for the future.


  • Smith AI offers virtual receptionist services for phone calls, website chats, text answering, and Facebook messages.
  • They have been actively assisting bar leaders and opinion leaders during the COVID-19 crisis by providing helpful content, webinars, and resources.
  • Smith AI's blog covers topics such as remote law firm management and essential tech tools to help bar leaders adapt to the new normal.
  • They offer a law firm communications playbook and script library tailored to the specific needs of bar associations and law firms.
  • Virtual resources will continue to play an important role in the future, and bar leaders should consider incorporating them as permanent alternatives.
  • Smith AI can be reached via email, phone, or through their website to provide assistance and support to bar leaders and opinion leaders.
  • They offer a free trial with waived setup fees and extended trial periods for bar leaders to experience the benefits of their services.


Q: What services does Smith AI offer? A: Smith AI offers virtual receptionist services for phone calls, website chats, text answering, and Facebook messages.

Q: How is Smith AI supporting bar leaders and opinion leaders during the COVID-19 crisis? A: Smith AI is providing helpful content, webinars, and resources to assist bar leaders in navigating the challenges posed by the crisis.

Q: Can bar leaders access Smith AI's resources and assistance? A: Yes, bar leaders can reach out to Smith AI via email, phone, or their website to access their resources and receive personalized assistance.

Q: Does Smith AI offer a free trial? A: Yes, Smith AI offers a free trial with waived setup fees and extended trial periods for bar leaders to experience the benefits of their services.

Q: Will virtual resources continue to be important in the future? A: Yes, virtual resources are expected to remain crucial even after the COVID-19 crisis, providing flexibility, accessibility, and cost savings for bar leaders and opinion leaders.

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