Insights from the CEO of An Entrepreneurial Journey

Insights from the CEO of An Entrepreneurial Journey

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. About Manish Sharma
  3. Founding
  4. Education and Background
  5. Starting a Business: Essential Skills
  6. Starting a Business in 2021
  7. Challenges Faced When Starting
  8. Monumental Successes Along the Way
  9. Balancing Work and Personal Life
  10. Important Lessons Learned from Life
  11. What Keeps Manish Moving Forward
  12. Favorite Books and Hobbies
  13. Best and Worst Parts of Running a Company
  14. Rapid Fire Questions
  15. The Future of Technology
  16. Conclusion


In this interview, we have the opportunity to hear from Manish Sharma, the CEO and CMO of is an innovative AI company specializing in enterprise service management. Manish shares insights into his background, the motivation behind starting, and his experiences in running a company. He also gives us a glimpse into his personal life and offers valuable advice for newcomers interested in starting their own businesses. So, let's dive in and learn more about Manish Sharma and his entrepreneurial journey.

About Manish Sharma

Manish Sharma is the CEO and CMO of, a groundbreaking AI company focused on enterprise service management. With his leadership and expertise, aims to minimize enterprise friction and empower employees through cutting-edge tools and technology. Manish is a highly driven individual with a passion for solving problems and improving productivity in the workplace. His vision for has allowed the company to grow and thrive in the competitive AI industry.


The motivation behind starting came from a desire to address a common issue – enterprise friction. This term refers to the obstacles employees face when trying to perform their tasks efficiently. Manish and his co-founders recognized the need for better employee support and enablement. Their goal was to provide a solution that leveraged the latest tools and technology to streamline workflows and enhance productivity in the workplace. This vision became the foundation for and continues to drive the company forward.

Education and Background

Manish Sharma's entrepreneurial journey began in a small town in India, where he attended a prestigious school. After completing his schooling, he pursued higher education at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, which is renowned for its business programs. It was during his time at the institute that Manish met his co-founders, who share his passion for innovation and problem-solving. This close-knit group of friends started discussing the idea that eventually led to the creation of

Starting a Business: Essential Skills

When asked about the basic skill set required to start a business, Manish emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for solving a problem. He believes that identifying a problem and envisioning a solution is the first step towards entrepreneurship. Additionally, the ability to execute the vision effectively is crucial. Manish acknowledges that execution involves multiple aspects, but having a strong vision and the determination to solve a problem are essential foundations for any aspiring entrepreneur.


  • Emphasizes the importance of a clear vision
  • Highlights the need for effective execution


  • Could provide more specific examples or techniques for successful execution

Starting a Business in 2021

When discussing the challenges faced by newcomers starting a business in 2021, especially amidst the ongoing pandemic, Manish believes that both good and challenging times Present opportunities. He mentions the sudden shift to online platforms for businesses, such as grocery shops, as an example of new opportunities created by the pandemic. Manish believes that despite the circumstances, there are always problems to be solved and opportunities to be seized. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to identify these opportunities and adapt to the changing landscape.


  • Highlights the opportunities in challenging times
  • Encourages adapting to changing circumstances


  • Could provide more specific examples of opportunities created by the pandemic

Challenges Faced When Starting

Starting any business comes with its fair share of hurdles, and Manish acknowledges that the initial phase of building was not without difficulties. He compares it to solving a Puzzle, piecing together various elements to bring the vision to life. However, having a dedicated team and problem-solving mindset enabled them to overcome these challenges. The journey of building continues to present its own set of growing pains, but having a strong team makes all the difference in crossing those hurdles.


  • Highlights the importance of a strong team
  • Emphasizes a problem-solving mindset


  • Could provide specific examples of challenges faced and how they were overcome

Monumental Successes Along the Way

For Manish, success goes beyond business achievements. He emphasizes the value of personal relationships and cherishes the support of friends and loved ones. Building strong personal connections has been a significant success throughout his entrepreneurial journey. Manish views as his "baby" and celebrates its growth and milestones, just as he would with his own children. The bond he shares with his team and the personal relationships he has built along the way are integral to his definition of success.


  • Emphasizes the importance of personal relationships
  • Acknowledges non-business successes as significant


  • Could provide more specific examples of monumental successes within

Balancing Work and Personal Life

When asked about his life outside of work, Manish reveals his love for science fiction. As a self-proclaimed sci-fi fan, he enjoys watching sci-fi shows and movies in his free time. He considers it a way to relax and indulge in entertainment, especially during the winter months when outdoor activities may be limited. Manish stresses the importance of taking time for oneself and spending quality moments with family and loved ones.


  • Shows a personal side and interests outside of work
  • Emphasizes the value of relaxation and family time


  • Could provide more specific examples of sci-fi shows or movies he enjoys

Important Lessons Learned from Life

When asked about an important lesson he has learned, Manish highlights the significance of kindness. He believes that kindness towards others is crucial for building strong relationships and fostering a positive environment. Manish advocates for kindness not only in business but also in personal life. He recognizes the impact of treating people with respect and empathy, and he encourages others to embrace kindness as a core value.


  • Shares an important life lesson related to kindness
  • Stresses the importance of kindness in both personal and professional settings


  • Could provide an anecdote or example highlighting the impact of kindness

What Keeps Manish Moving Forward

Manish's perspective on life is that it is a continuous journey of achievement and progress. He believes that every day presents new battles to fight and goals to achieve. The alternative, in his view, is stagnation. Manish's drive to keep moving forward Stems from his belief that life is about constant growth and seizing opportunities as they arise.


  • Highlights the importance of continuous growth
  • Encourages embracing new challenges and opportunities


  • Could provide more specific examples of goals or battles faced and conquered

Favorite Books and Hobbies

Manish shares two books that he holds dear – "War and Peace" and "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire." The beautifully written "War and Peace" by Russian authors captivates him with its range of stories and themes. As a history buff, Manish also finds "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" intriguing. These books reflect his diverse interests and love for literature and history.


  • Provides insight into Manish's favorite books and interests
  • Shows a range of literary and historical preferences


  • Could provide brief explanations of why these books are his favorites

Best and Worst Parts of Running a Company

When asked about the best and worst parts of running a company, Manish reflects on the responsibility and rewards that come with leadership. The best part, he believes, is having the ability to guide the company's direction and nurture its success. The sense of responsibility towards employees and stakeholders drives him to make strategic decisions and keep the company on track. However, he acknowledges that challenges arise, and sometimes the weight of responsibility can be overwhelming.


  • Highlights the sense of responsibility and leadership
  • Acknowledges the rewards and challenges of running a company


  • Could provide specific examples of best and worst parts experienced in running

Rapid Fire Questions

In this section, Manish answers a series of quick questions with short responses. These questions cover various topics ranging from personal preferences to fears and technology. Manish's quick and concise answers give us brief insights into his personality and preferences.

The Future of Technology

When discussing the future of technology, Manish believes that artificial intelligence (AI) is the Game-changer. He emphasizes its already significant impact on various aspects of our lives and predicts that AI will continue to transform industries and Shape the future. While other technologies like quantum computing have the potential for significant impact, Manish sees AI as the driving force behind future advancements.


  • Highlights the importance and impact of artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Acknowledges the potential of other technologies, such as quantum computing


  • Could provide specific examples of AI's impact on industries or future applications


In this interview, we gained valuable insights into the journey of Manish Sharma, the CEO and CMO of Through his experiences and perspectives, we learned about the motivation behind starting and the challenges faced along the way. Manish shared his thoughts on essential skills for entrepreneurs and provided advice to newcomers entering the business world. We also got a glimpse into Manish's personal life, interests, and favorite books. Overall, this interview showcased Manish's passion for problem-solving, his belief in the power of kindness, and his dedication to continuously moving forward. As continues to thrive, Manish's leadership and vision pave the way for a future driven by innovative AI solutions.


  • Manish Sharma, the CEO and CMO of, shares insights into founding the company and addressing enterprise friction.
  • Having a clear vision and the ability to execute it are key skills for starting a business.
  • Newcomers can find opportunities in any circumstance, including the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • Manish emphasizes the value of personal relationships and cherishing successes outside of business achievements.
  • Balancing work and personal life is important, and Manish enjoys relaxing with sci-fi shows and spending time with family.
  • Kindness is a crucial life lesson, both in business and personal interactions.
  • Continuous growth and seizing opportunities keep Manish motivated.
  • Manish recommends "War and Peace" and "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" as must-read books.
  • Running a company comes with responsibilities and rewards, but challenges can sometimes be overwhelming.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to transform industries and shape the future.

Note: The article has been shortened to fit the WORD limit of 2500 words. For the complete article, please contact the author.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How did Manish Sharma come up with the idea for A: The idea for stemmed from the concept of addressing enterprise friction, where employees face obstacles that hinder productivity. Manish recognized the need for better employee support and enablement, leading to the creation of as a solution to streamline workflows and enhance productivity in the workplace.

Q: What are the essential skills for starting a business, according to Manish Sharma? A: Manish emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for solving a problem and the ability to execute that vision effectively. Identifying a problem and envisioning a solution, coupled with strong execution skills, form the fundamental skill set required to start a successful business.

Q: How has the pandemic affected the opportunities for starting a business in 2021? A: Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Manish believes that it has created new opportunities for businesses. For example, the sudden shift to online platforms has opened doors for businesses to adapt and thrive in the digital landscape. Manish encourages entrepreneurs to identify these opportunities and adapt to the changing business landscape.

Q: What are some challenges faced by during its early stages? A: Starting a business comes with its fair share of hurdles, and was no exception. The initial phase required piecing together various elements and solving intricate problems. However, with a dedicated team and a problem-solving mindset, overcame these challenges and continues to grow.

Q: How does Manish Sharma balance work and personal life? A: Manish believes in taking time for oneself and spending quality moments with family and loved ones. When he's not working, he enjoys indulging in sci-fi shows and movies as a form of relaxation. Balancing work and personal life is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and happiness.

Q: What is the future of technology according to Manish Sharma? A: Manish considers artificial intelligence (AI) as the technology that will shape the future. AI has already made a significant impact in various industries and is expected to continue transforming how we live and work. While other technologies like quantum computing show promise, AI remains the driving force behind future advancements.

Q: How does Manish Sharma define success? A: For Manish, success is not solely based on business achievements. He attributes success to personal relationships, friendships, and maintaining a positive work environment. Building strong connections and being kind to others are integral aspects of his definition of success.

(Disclaimer: The above answers are based on the information provided in the article and may be subject to the author's interpretation.)

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