Insult Generator using ChatGPT & Python

Insult Generator using ChatGPT & Python

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Setting Up the Project
  • Creating an Insult Generator
  • Setting Up the Files
  • Setting Up the Route and Basic Function
  • Setting Up the Json Sources
  • Writing the Insult Function
  • Testing the Program
  • Extending the Program
  • Conclusion


Welcome to Willett AI, where we strive to turn certain tasks into code and Create programs that can execute those tasks. In this episode, we will be creating an insult generator using Python, vs code, Postman, and chat GPT. By following the steps provided in this tutorial, You will be able to learn how to set up the project, write the necessary code, and test the program.

Setting Up the Project

Before we start writing the code, let's make sure we have all the prerequisites installed. You will need vs code or any other preferred development environment, Python, Postman, and chat GPT (version 4 recommended).

To set up the project, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the project folder.
  2. Create the necessary files, including and
  3. Set up the required Json sources, such as relations.json, size.json, body_part.json, and silly_word.json.

Creating an Insult Generator

Now let's dive into the process of creating the insult generator. We will start by setting up the route and basic function. Then, we will work on the Json sources and write the insult function. Finally, we will test the program to ensure its functionality.

Setting Up the Files

In order to proceed, we need to set up the necessary files for our insult generator. Create a file and a file. Additionally, create a "Static" folder within the project directory and add the following Json files: relations.json, size.json, body_part.json, and silly_word.json.

Setting Up the Route and Basic Function

To Interact with the insult generator, we will set up a route that will point to a basic function. This function will initially return a simple "Hello World" message to ensure the API works correctly. We will be using flask to create the API.

Setting Up the Json Sources

The insult generator relies on Json files to retrieve different words and phrases. These files contain objects that consist of strings of text. We will populate these Json files with various examples of relationship terms, body parts, sizes, and silly words.

Writing the Insult Function

The insult function is responsible for generating insults by randomly selecting words from the Json files. It will construct a sentence using the selected words, following the format "Your [relation] has [size] [body part] [silly word]." The insults will be returned as a compiled STRING.

Testing the Program

To ensure the functionality of our insult generator, we will test the program using Postman. We will send an API call to the server and expect a generated insult as the response. This will help us verify that the route, function, and Json sources are working correctly.

Extending the Program

Once we have successfully created the insult generator, we can explore ways to extend its functionality. This may include building a front-end interface for user interaction, adding authentication to API calls for security purposes, and even synthesizing the insult text into voice using MP3 files.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to create an insult generator using Python, vs code, Postman, and chat GPT. We have gone through the process of setting up the project, writing the necessary code, and testing the program. By following this step-by-step guide, you can now generate insults programmatically and explore further enhancements to the program's functionality.


  • Learn how to create an insult generator program using Python, vs code, Postman, and chat GPT.
  • Set up the project, including files and Json sources.
  • Write code for the API route, function, and insult generation.
  • Test the insult generator using Postman.
  • Explore possibilities for extending the program's functionality.


Q: What is an insult generator? A: An insult generator is a program that randomly selects words and phrases to create humorous or offensive insults.

Q: How can I set up the insult generator project? A: To set up the insult generator project, you will need to install the necessary prerequisites, including Python, vs code, Postman, and chat GPT. Then, create the project folder, set up the files, and configure the Json sources.

Q: How does the insult generator work? A: The insult generator reads from Json files containing different words and phrases. It randomly selects a word from each category (relation, size, body part, silly word) and constructs an insult sentence. The insult is returned as a compiled string.

Q: Can I extend the insult generator's functionality? A: Yes, you can extend the insult generator's functionality by building a front-end interface, adding authentication to API calls, or even synthesizing the insult text into voice using MP3 files.

Q: How do I test the insult generator? A: To test the insult generator, you can use Postman to send an API call to the server. The response should contain a generated insult Based on the selected words from the Json files.

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