Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT API with Spring Boot for ChatBot

Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT API with Spring Boot for ChatBot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chat GPT?
  3. How to Interact with Chat GPT using REST APIs
    1. API Authentication
    2. Available Models
    3. Using the Chat Completions API
  4. Setting up a Spring Boot Application for Chat GPT
    1. Dependencies and Project Structure
    2. Creating DTOs for API Requests and Responses
    3. Implementing the Controller
  5. Testing the Chat GPT API
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how a Spring Boot application can interact with Chat GPT, a bot developed by OpenAI. Chat GPT leverages artificial intelligence to enable human-like conversations and various other functionalities. We will learn how to interact with Chat GPT using REST APIs and build a simple Spring Boot application to demonstrate the API integration.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is a bot developed by OpenAI that utilizes artificial intelligence to facilitate human-like conversations. It is powered by deep learning models and can generate natural language responses Based on user queries. With Chat GPT, You can have interactive conversations, process text inputs, generate code, convert audio into text, and much more.

How to Interact with Chat GPT using REST APIs

To interact with Chat GPT, we will use the REST API provided by OpenAI. The API allows us to communicate with Chat GPT through HTTP requests from any programming language. Before diving into the API details, we need to understand the available models that drive the OpenAI APIs.

API Authentication

Authentication for the OpenAI API is done using API keys. These keys are generated through the OpenAI Website, and they must be included in the authorization HTTP header of each API request. It is crucial to treat the API key as a secret and avoid sharing it or exposing it in source code.

Available Models

OpenAI provides various models that can be used with their APIs. These models include GPT-4, GPT 3.5, image generation and editing models, audio-to-text conversion models, text-to-numerical format conversion models, and more. For this article, we will focus on using GPT 3.5, specifically the GPT 3.5 Dash Turbo version.

Using the Chat Completions API

The Chat Completions API allows us to retrieve model responses for a given chat conversation. To make a request to this API, we need to provide a list of messages that describe the conversation. Each message in the list contains a role (system, user, or assistant) and the corresponding content. The API returns a response containing the model-generated answers or suggestions.

Setting up a Spring Boot Application for Chat GPT

Now, let's Create a Spring Boot application that can interact with Chat GPT using the OpenAI API. We will set up the project structure, define necessary dependencies, create DTOs for API requests and responses, and implement a controller to handle the interaction with the API.

Dependencies and Project Structure

In our Spring Boot application, we will use the Spring Boot Starter Web and Lombok dependencies. Spring Boot Starter Test will be included for unit testing purposes. The project structure will follow the standard Spring Boot conventions.

Creating DTOs for API Requests and Responses

To interact with the Chat GPT API, we need to create DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) that represent the request and response structures. These DTOs will contain the necessary attributes, such as the model, messages, and choices, for making API requests and parsing the API responses.

Implementing the Controller

In our Spring Boot application, we will implement a controller class that handles the API requests and responses. The controller will have a method for handling the "/ask" endpoint, which takes a query as a request parameter. It will create the necessary request object, set up the authentication headers, make the API call, and extract the response content.

Testing the Chat GPT API

Once we have implemented the Spring Boot application, we can test the Chat GPT API by sending various queries to the "/ask" endpoint. We will see how Chat GPT responds to different queries, such as general questions, scientific inquiries, and more.


In this article, we have explored how a Spring Boot application can interact with Chat GPT using REST APIs. We learned about the authentication process, available models provided by OpenAI, and specifically focused on the Chat Completions API. We set up a Spring Boot project, defined DTOs for API requests and responses, implemented a controller, and tested the Chat GPT API. With this knowledge, you can integrate Chat GPT into your own applications and leverage its powerful conversational capabilities.


  • Chat GPT is a bot developed by OpenAI that allows human-like conversations and more.
  • OpenAI provides REST APIs for interacting with Chat GPT from any programming language.
  • The Chat Completions API retrieves model responses based on a given chat conversation.
  • A Spring Boot application can be set up to interact with the Chat GPT API.
  • DTOs are used to represent API requests and responses in the Spring Boot application.
  • The API can be tested by sending queries to the application's endpoint.
  • Integrating Chat GPT into applications enables powerful conversational functionality.


Q: Can Chat GPT handle complex queries or conversations?
A: Yes, Chat GPT is designed to handle a wide range of queries and can engage in complex conversations.

Q: How secure is the API authentication process?
A: The API authentication process, using API keys and authorization headers, ensures secure communication between your application and the Chat GPT API.

Q: Can Chat GPT be used for commercial applications?
A: Yes, OpenAI offers pricing plans that allow the commercial use of Chat GPT and other OpenAI models.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions in using Chat GPT?
A: While Chat GPT is a powerful tool, it has certain limitations. It may produce responses that are plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical. It is important to review and validate the generated responses to ensure accuracy.

Q: What are the benefits of using Chat GPT in applications?
A: Chat GPT enables applications to provide interactive and conversational experiences, allowing users to get relevant information, generate code snippets, convert audio, and much more.

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