Learn Bootstrap 5 and HUGO: Complete Tutorial

Learn Bootstrap 5 and HUGO: Complete Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Hugo and Bootstrap 5
  3. Setting Up Hugo and Visual Studio Code
  4. Creating a New Hugo Website
  5. Customizing the Base Template
  6. Creating Content Pages
  7. Managing Data with Hugo
  8. Creating Layouts and Partial Templates
  9. Styling with CSS and SASS
  10. Adding JavaScript Functionality
  11. Working with the Resources Folder and Static Files
  12. Using Themes in Hugo
  13. Configuring Your Hugo Website
  14. Enabling Render of Unsafe HTML


Hello and welcome back to the Channel! This is a newly updated version of my most popular video, which is all about getting started with Hugo and Bootstrap 5. In this article, we will cover everything You need to know to Create a Hugo website from scratch and customize it using Bootstrap 5. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find this article helpful in building modern and responsive websites with ease. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the wonderful world of Hugo and Bootstrap 5!

Getting Started with Hugo and Bootstrap 5:

Before we get started, a quick word from the sponsor of today's video. I actually produce full-length Hugo and Bootstrap 5 courses on Skillshare about a number of topics. So if you like what you see today, please consider clicking on the link in the description below to get a free one-month trial of Skillshare. You can cancel at any time and watch all of my full-length courses and courses by many other great teachers on Skillshare.

Setting Up Hugo and Visual Studio Code:

Let's assume you've already got Hugo and Visual Studio Code set up. If you haven't, don't worry. I've got a video that covers the installation and setup process, which I've linked above. Make sure to check it out before proceeding.

Creating a New Hugo Website:

To create a new Hugo website, you'll need to use a command called "hugo new site". This command will create a skeleton directory structure for your website. To do this, navigate to a directory on your computer where you'd like to keep your Hugo websites and create a folder for your new website. For example, let's call it "getting started". Then, open up that folder in Visual Studio Code.

Once you're inside the folder, open a new terminal from the menu and run the command "hugo new site ./" (without the quotes). This command will initialize a new Hugo site in the Current directory. You'll see that the necessary folders and files have been created.

Now, let's create a theme for our website by running the command "hugo new theme temp". This will create all the files and folders required for a basic theme inside the "themes" directory. Don't worry, we won't actually be using this theme. We'll just copy and paste its Contents into our website.

Once the theme files are created, copy the contents of the "layouts" folder and paste them into the "layouts" folder of your website. Do the same for the "static" folder. We don't need the "archetypes" or "data" folders from the theme, so you can delete them. Finally, delete the "temp" theme folder.

Customizing the Base Template:

Now that we have our skeleton directory structure set up, let's customize the base template of our website. Open the "baseof.html" file in the "layouts" folder. This file defines the skeleton of our website, including the HTML tags and the basic structure. You'll Notice that it already contains the Bootstrap 5 starter template code.

Feel free to modify the base template to suit your needs. You can add, remove, or rearrange the elements as desired. Make sure to keep the necessary Bootstrap classes and styling intact for proper functionality. Once you're done customizing the base template, save the file.

Creating Content Pages:

Now that our base template is ready, let's create some content pages for our website. Each page in Hugo is represented by a markdown file, which contains the content and metadata for that specific page. To create a new page, use the command "hugo new" followed by the path and filename of the page. For example, to create an About page, run the command "hugo new about/index.md".

Open the newly created markdown file in your text editor and add the desired content using Markdown syntax. You can structure your content with headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and other Markdown elements. Hugo uses Goldmark as its default Markdown renderer, which supports a wide range of syntax features. Feel free to experiment and get creative with your content.

Managing Data with Hugo:

Hugo allows you to manage data through the use of variables and parameters. You can define custom parameters in the front matter of your Markdown files or store data in separate YAML, TOML, or JSON files. These data files can be accessed and used within your templates to provide dynamic content.

In the "params" section of your website's configuration file, you can define global variables that can be accessed throughout your website. These variables can be used to store static data, such as site title, description, and social media links.

In addition to global variables, you can also define page-specific parameters in the front matter of your Markdown files. These parameters can be used to customize the content, layout, and styling of each individual page on your website.

Let's take a look at an example. In your Markdown file, you can define a custom parameter called "subtitle" by adding it to the front matter section. You can then access this parameter in your template using the syntax "dot params.subtitle". This allows you to dynamically display the custom subtitle on the page.

Creating Layouts and Partial Templates:

Hugo uses a powerful templating system that allows you to create reusable layouts and partial templates. Layouts define the structure and presentation of your content, while partials are smaller templates that can be included within larger ones.

To create a layout template, simply create an HTML file in the "layouts" folder with the desired structure and content. You can define blocks within your layout template, which can be overridden in individual content pages. This allows for easy customization and flexibility.

Partials, on the other HAND, are smaller chunks of code that can be included within your layout templates. They are located in the "partials" folder and can be included using the "partial" or "block" functions. Partials can be used to modularize your code and avoid repetition.

In your layout or partial templates, you can access page variables using the "dot" syntax. For example, to access the page title, you can use "dot Title". You can also use conditionals and loops to create dynamic content Based on certain criteria.

Styling with CSS and SASS:

Hugo provides built-in support for CSS and SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) to help you style your website. You can create CSS files in the "static" folder and link them in your HTML templates for styling purposes.

To create a CSS file, simply create a new file with the ".css" extension in the "static/css" folder. You can then write your custom styles in this file using CSS syntax. Remember to link the CSS file in your HTML templates using the appropriate tag.

If you prefer using SASS, you can create SASS files in the "static/sass" folder and compile them into CSS using a SASS compiler. This allows you to take AdVantage of SASS's advanced features, such as variables, mixins, and nesting.

Once your CSS or SASS file is ready, you can link it in your HTML templates like any other CSS file. Hugo will automatically include the stylesheets when building your website.

Adding JavaScript Functionality:

In addition to CSS, Hugo also supports JavaScript for adding interactivity and dynamic functionality to your website. You can create JavaScript files in the "static/js" folder and link them in your HTML templates for script execution.

To create a JavaScript file, simply create a new file with the ".js" extension in the "static/js" folder. You can then write your custom JavaScript code in this file using JavaScript syntax. Remember to link the JavaScript file in your HTML templates using the appropriate tag.

Once your JavaScript file is linked, Hugo will include it in the final build of your website. You can then use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, handle events, make API requests, and perform other advanced operations.

Working with the Resources Folder and Static Files:

The "resources" folder in your Hugo website is used to store static assets, such as images, videos, and other media files. It is managed by Hugo and should not be modified directly. Any files you place in this folder will be accessible from the root of your website.

You can organize your static assets within subfolders for better organization. For example, you can create an "images" folder inside the "resources" folder to store all your images. You can then reference these assets in your HTML templates using the appropriate paths.

Hugo also provides a built-in image processing feature that allows you to resize, crop, and optimize images on the fly. You can specify image transformations using the Hugo image processing syntax directly in your HTML templates.

Using Themes in Hugo:

Themes are a great way to customize the look and feel of your Hugo website. You can choose from a wide range of pre-designed themes or create your own custom theme from scratch. To use a theme, simply download it and place it in the "themes" folder of your Hugo website.

Once the theme is in place, you can customize it by modifying the corresponding files in the "layouts" and "static" folders. This allows you to fine-tune the theme to match your specific design requirements. You can also override theme files by placing them in your website's equivalent folder structure.

If you're not satisfied with any existing themes, you can create your own custom theme by following the Hugo theme development guidelines. This allows you to have complete control over the design and functionality of your website.

Configuring Your Hugo Website:

The configuration file of your Hugo website, "config.yaml", allows you to specify various settings and parameters for your website. This file is written in YAML (Yet Another Markup Language), which provides a simple and human-readable syntax for defining data.

In the configuration file, you can specify global variables, site parameters, and other settings. For example, you can set the title and description of your website, configure the URL structure, and enable/disable various features and functionalities.

You can also define menus, taxonomies, and additional data sections in the configuration file. This allows you to organize and structure your website's content and navigation more effectively.

Hugo also provides a powerful templating language called Go Templates, which allows you to dynamically generate content and Apply conditional logic in your templates. You can define custom variables, loops, conditions, and functions to create dynamic and interactive websites.

Enabling Render of Unsafe HTML:

By default, Hugo doesn't render any HTML tags or code that you include in markdown files for security reasons. However, in some cases, you may want to include custom HTML or scripts in your content. To enable the rendering of unsafe HTML, you'll need to modify the configuration of your Hugo website.

To enable the rendering of unsafe HTML, add the following configuration to your "config.yaml" file:

      unsafe: true

This will allow Hugo to render any HTML tags and code embedded within your markdown content. It's important to note that enabling the rendering of unsafe HTML can pose security risks, so make sure to carefully review and validate any HTML or scripts you include in your content.


Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to get started with Hugo and Bootstrap 5. You now have the knowledge and tools to create modern and responsive websites using this powerful combination of technologies. Remember to Continue experimenting, exploring, and fine-tuning your Hugo projects to make them truly unique and personalized. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding!


  • Learn how to get started with Hugo and Bootstrap 5
  • Set up Hugo and Visual Studio Code for development
  • Customize the base template of your Hugo website
  • Create content pages using Markdown syntax
  • Manage data with Hugo's built-in variables and parameters
  • Create reusable layouts and partial templates
  • Style your website using CSS and SASS
  • Add JavaScript functionality for interactivity
  • Work with static files and the resources folder
  • Use existing themes or create your own custom theme
  • Configure your Hugo website with the config.yaml file
  • Enable rendering of unsafe HTML for advanced customization


Q: Can I use Hugo without Bootstrap? A: Yes, Hugo can be used without Bootstrap. Bootstrap is just a popular front-end framework that provides pre-designed styles and components. You can choose to use any other CSS framework or create your own custom styles.

Q: Is Hugo suitable for large-Scale websites? A: Yes, Hugo is suitable for large-scale websites. It is designed to handle large amounts of content and can generate static websites quickly and efficiently. Many popular websites and blogs use Hugo as their CMS (Content Management System).

Q: Can I use Hugo with other static site generators? A: While Hugo is a powerful static site generator on its own, it is possible to integrate it with other static site generators or custom build systems. However, this may require additional configuration and customization to ensure compatibility and seamless integration.

Q: Are there any limitations or drawbacks of using Hugo? A: Like any other technology, Hugo has its own limitations. It may not be suitable for all types of websites or projects, especially those requiring dynamic content or frequent changes. Hugo is best suited for content-focused websites, blogs, documentation sites, and portfolios where there is less need for real-time updates or dynamic functionality.

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