Learn how to crop and upload images with Symfony 4

Learn how to crop and upload images with Symfony 4

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a System for Uploading and Previewing Pictures
    • Setting up the Profile Section
    • Handling the Image Upload
    • Using the Cropper Tool
  3. Configuring the Symphony Encore and Installing Dependencies
  4. Creating the JavaScript Functionality
  5. Handling the AJAX Request
  6. Handling the File in Symfony
  7. Creating the Form and Persisting Data
  8. Conclusion

Creating a System for Uploading and Previewing Pictures

In this article, we will explore how to Create a system where users can upload a picture, preview it in the front-end interface, crop it, and send it to the back-end server for further processing. We will also cover the steps involved in persisting the image data to a database.

Setting up the Profile Section

To begin, we will set up a simple profile section that will display the user's profile picture. We will allow users to upload a new picture, preview it, and eventually save it. We will be using Symphony as our framework for this implementation.

Handling the Image Upload

We will use Ajax to handle the image upload process. By implementing the Ajax functionality, users will be able to select an image file and have it processed and saved to the server without the need for a full-page refresh. We will be using the Axios library for our Ajax requests.

Using the Cropper Tool

To enable users to crop and edit the uploaded image, we will be utilizing the Cropper tool. The Cropper tool provides a user-friendly interface with features such as zooming, rotating, and scaling. We will implement the Cropper tool using JavaScript and adjust the settings according to our requirements.

Configuring the Symphony Encore and Installing Dependencies

To effectively handle the assets and JavaScript, we will use Symphony Encore. Symphony Encore is a powerful tool that simplifies the management and compilation of assets. We will perform all necessary installations and configurations to integrate Encore into our project.

Creating the JavaScript Functionality

Next, we will create the JavaScript functionality that will handle the image upload, preview, and cropping features. Using the Axios library, we will send the image data to the back-end server and receive a response. We will also utilize the FileReader API to achieve real-time image previews.

Handling the AJAX Request

To handle the AJAX requests made during the image upload process, we will use the Axios library. We will set up the necessary headers and parameters to properly send the request to the back-end server. Additionally, we will implement error handling to manage any potential issues that may occur during the AJAX process.

Handling the File in Symfony

In order to process the uploaded file on the back-end, we will utilize the functionality provided by the Symfony framework. We will create a controller action that will handle the image file data. Using the UploadedFile class, we will manipulate and persist the file to the desired location on the server.

Creating the Form and Persisting Data

To handle the additional data that accompanies the image upload, we will create a form in Symfony. This form will allow us to Gather information such as the user's profile details. We will use the form to validate and transform the submitted data before persisting it to the database. Finally, we will utilize the EntityManager to store the data and complete the process.


In conclusion, we have covered the steps required to create a system for uploading and previewing pictures in a user-friendly manner. By utilizing Symphony, JavaScript, and the Ajax functionality provided by Axios, we have successfully implemented an interactive and efficient workflow. This system allows users to upload, preview, and save their profile pictures while ensuring data integrity and a seamless user experience. By following the provided instructions and examples, developers can easily replicate this functionality in their own projects.


  • Create a system for uploading and previewing pictures
  • Utilize Symphony, JavaScript, and Ajax to implement an interactive workflow
  • Enable users to crop and edit uploaded images using the Cropper tool
  • Utilize the Axios library for efficient and reliable Ajax requests
  • Persist image and profile data to a database using Symfony forms and EntityManager


Q: Can users upload multiple pictures at once? A: The current implementation only allows users to upload one picture at a time. To enable multiple uploads, additional modifications to the code would be required.

Q: Does the system support image formats other than PNG? A: Yes, the system can handle various image formats. The Cropper tool and Symfony framework support a wide range of image formats, including commonly used ones such as JPEG and GIF.

Q: How can I customize the appearance and functionality of the Cropper tool? A: The Cropper tool provides numerous options and configurations that allow for extensive customization. By modifying the Cropper tool settings in the JavaScript code, developers can adjust the appearance, behavior, and functionality of the tool to meet their specific requirements.

Q: Can I integrate this system with an existing user authentication system? A: Yes, it is possible to integrate this system with an existing user authentication system. The Symfony framework provides robust authentication and security features that can be easily incorporated into this system. Developers can utilize Symfony's authentication components to secure the profile picture upload functionality and ensure that only authorized users can access and modify their profile pictures.

Q: How can I handle image size restrictions or resizing? A: Image size restrictions and resizing can be implemented by adding additional logic to the back-end code. Symfony provides various methods and libraries for image manipulation and resizing. Using these tools, developers can add size constraints and automatically resize images during the uploading and saving process.

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