Learn How to Install and Use FGPS for AI Movement Path in Sandbox Editor

Learn How to Install and Use FGPS for AI Movement Path in Sandbox Editor

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installing the FGPS
2.1 Downloading the FGPS
2.2 Installing the FGPS
3. Setting Up the Flow Graph Plugins
3.1 Locating the Flow Graph Plugin Folder
3.2 Understanding the Readme Files
3.3 Copying the Plugins
3.4 Finalizing the Installation
4. Launching the Mod
4.1 Creating a Shortcut
4.2 Adding a Launch Condition
4.3 Launching Sandbox Editor
5. Creating a Flow Graph
5.1 Opening the Flow Graph Window
5.2 Creating a New Flow Graph
5.3 Viewing the Installed Nodes
6. Creating an AI Movement Path
6.1 Cleaning Up the Interface
6.2 Entering Game Mode
6.3 Creating an AI Path
6.4 Creating the Flow Graph
6.5 Customizing the AI Movement
6.6 Testing the AI Movement
7. Conclusion


Welcome to this UNSW student Tutorial on installing and using the FGPS (Flow Graph Plugin System) for Crisis Wars Sandbox 2. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing the FGPS and creating a flow graph with an example of an AI movement path. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of how to use the FGPS and create flow graphs for your Game.

Installing the FGPS

Downloading the FGPS

Before we begin, ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of the FGPS. You can find the download links provided below for your convenience.

Installing the FGPS

Once you have downloaded the FGPS, locate the downloaded file and double-click on the executable file to start the installation process. Follow the instructions on the screen, making sure to read and understand each step.

First, specify the location of your Mods folder. The installer will then Prompt you to choose a subfolder for the installation. Select a name that is Meaningful to you. For example, in this tutorial, we'll name it "Flow Graph Plugin Test."

Next, the installer will ask if you want to create a folder with the chosen name. Click "Yes" to proceed. If you are satisfied with the settings, click "Install" to begin the installation.

Setting Up the Flow Graph Plugins

To set up the flow graph plugins, navigate to the location where you have installed the FGPS, typically in the C drive. We highly recommend reading the accompanying help file called "help.html" to gain a better understanding of the FGPS.

In the FGPS installation folder, you will find the flow graph plugin folder. Here, you will find the help file, as well as other folders. Each plugin in the flow graph plugin folder has its own readme file, which we also recommend reading. These readme files provide valuable information about the different nodes and their uses.

The FG plugins folder contains the plugins that come with the FGPS. You will find two versions of each plugin: bin32 and bin64. Copy all the plugins from the FG plugin bin64 folder and the accompanying bin32 folder, and paste them into their corresponding bin folders in the root of the FGPS installation.

By completing these steps, you have successfully installed the bin64 and bin32 plugins.

Launching the Mod

To ensure that the mod launches when you start the Sandbox Editor, you need to create a shortcut to the editor on your desktop. You can do this by clicking "Start," searching for "Sandbox," right-clicking to bring up the menu, and selecting "Send to Desktop." This will create a shortcut on your desktop.

Next, right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties." In the properties menu, add a launch condition that triggers the mod when you click the shortcut. To do this, type "-mod" followed by a space and the name you have given to your mod. Remember to include a space before "-mod."

For example, if you named your mod "Flow Graph Plugin Test," your target should look like this: "-mod Flow Graph Plugin Test."

With these steps, you have finalized the installation of the FGPS. You can now launch the Sandbox Editor using the shortcut you created.

Creating a Flow Graph

To create a new flow graph, open the Sandbox Editor and select "File," then "New." This will open a new flow graph window.

In the flow graph window, you can view all the nodes that you have installed. Simply right-click anywhere in the window and select "Add Node" to access the available nodes. These nodes form the building blocks for your flow graph.

Creating an AI Movement Path

Now, let's create a flow graph for an AI movement path. Before we proceed, let's clean up our interface for a better user experience. To remove the info display on the top right corner, click on "Tools," then "User Commands," and select "Display Info."

To enter game mode and remove the HUD elements, press Ctrl+G. Additionally, you can remove the HUD elements by typing "con_restricted" in the console, followed by "cl_hud 0." This will give you a clean video capture.

To create an AI movement path, select the entity toolbar on your right, click on "AI," and choose an avatar for your AI. Place the avatar in the world.

Next, click on "AI Path" in the toolbar and click on the ground to create a path for your AI to follow. Double-click to finish the path creation.

Now, select your avatar, scroll down, and find "Create" under "Flow Graph." This will create the flow graph for your AI movement path.

In the flow graph window, name a group for your flow graph. Right-click in the window, add a "Start" node (essential to begin the flow graph), and any logic node. Then, add the "AI Follow Path Speed Stance" node to determine your AI's movement behavior.

Connect the input and output nodes as required. Select your avatar, right-click to choose the entity, and assign the selected entity to the flow graph. To specify the AI path, click on the AI path in the toolbar and enter the path name.

You can customize the speed and mood of your AI by changing the respective values. Once you're satisfied with the settings, close the window and step into your world (Ctrl+G).

You will now see your AI following the movement path you created. Congratulations on successfully creating an AI movement path flow graph!


In this tutorial, we have covered the installation process of the FGPS, setting up the flow graph plugins, launching the mod, and creating a flow graph for an AI movement path. You are now equipped with the knowledge to create your own flow graphs and enhance your game experience. Remember to refer to the accompanying help file for further guidance on the FGPS.

Thank you for following this tutorial, and feel free to revisit it anytime. Best of luck with your game development journey!


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