Learn how to open a window with Vulkan Game Engine

Learn how to open a window with Vulkan Game Engine

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Computer Graphics with Vulkan and C++ 1.1. Setting up the Development Environment 1.2. Following Along with the Coding 1.3. Downloading the Code from GitHub
  2. Creating a Window Wrapper Class with GLFW 2.1. Initializing GLFW 2.2. Setting Window Hints 2.3. Creating and Opening the Window 2.4. Implementing the Destructor
  3. Creating an Application Class 3.1. Initializing the LVE Window 3.2. Defining Window Width and Height Constants 3.3. Adding a Run Function
  4. Implementing the Run Function 4.1. Checking for Window Close Events
  5. Handling Window Close Events 5.1. Adding a Should Close Function
  6. Removing Copy Constructor and Copy Operator
  7. Conclusion and Next Steps
  8. FAQ

Introduction to Computer Graphics with Vulkan and C++

In this tutorial series, we will provide an introduction to computer graphics using Vulkan and C++. This tutorial assumes that You have already set up your development environment. If you haven't done so, please refer to the introduction video and follow the instructions provided there. We recommend following along with the coding examples in each video, but if you prefer, you can also download the code from the GitHub repository and make your own adjustments.

Creating a Window Wrapper Class with GLFW

To start, we will Create a class to wrap some window-Based functionality using GLFW. This platform-agnostic windowing tool allows us to open a window without worrying about the specific operating system We Are using. We will create a private variable that is a pointer to a GLFW window, and a Helper function to initialize our window. Additionally, we will define member variables to store the window's width, Height, and name. We will also implement a constructor and destructor for the window class to handle initialization and cleanup.

Creating an Application Class

Next, we will create an application class that controls our application. This class will have a private member variable for the LVE window, which will be created and opened when the first app class is created. We will define constants for the window width and height, and add a run function that currently has an empty implementation. We will further implement the run function to handle window events.

Implementing the Run Function

In the run function, we will use a while loop to continually check if the window wants to close. We will call a function on our window class called "shouldClose" to determine if the user has clicked the 'x' button to dismiss the window. We will also call GLFW's "pollEvents" function inside the loop to check for and process any window-level events such as keystrokes or window resizing.

Handling Window Close Events

To handle window close events, we will add a public function to the LVE window class called "shouldClose". This function will return a boolean value based on whether or not the user has tried to dismiss the window using the 'x' button. By implementing this function, we can safely check for window close events in our run loop.

Removing Copy Constructor and Copy Operator

To adhere to the principle of resource acquisition is initialization, we will remove the copy constructor and copy operator from our window class. Since we are using a pointer to the GLFW window, duplicating the window object could lead to dangling pointers and incorrect resource cleanup when the objects are destroyed.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In conclusion, we have created a window wrapper class using GLFW and implemented a basic application class. We have also handled window close events and ensured proper resource cleanup. In the next tutorials, we will Delve deeper into computer graphics concepts using Vulkan and C++. Stay tuned for more exciting content!


Q: Can I use a different windowing tool instead of GLFW? A: While we recommend using GLFW for its platform-agnostic capabilities, you can use a different windowing tool if you prefer. However, you will need to make necessary adjustments to the code accordingly.

Q: Is Vulkan the only graphics API supported in this tutorial series? A: Yes, this tutorial series focuses specifically on Vulkan as the graphics API. However, many concepts discussed can be applied to other graphics APIs with some modifications.

Q: What are the advantages of using resource acquisition is initialization (RAII)? A: RAII ensures that resources are properly acquired and initialized when objects are created, and cleaned up when objects are destroyed. This helps prevent resource leaks and simplifies resource management in C++.

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