Learn to Add Images in Android Studio with Kotlin

Learn to Add Images in Android Studio with Kotlin

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Adding an Image View in Kotlin Android
  3. Adding Constraints to the Image View
  4. Adding Images to the Drawable Folder
  5. Setting the Image View from Code
  6. Running the Application on the Emulator
  7. Setting Button Click to Change the Image
  8. Conclusion

Adding an Image View in Kotlin Android

In this Tutorial, we will learn how to add an image view in a Kotlin Android application. We will start by opening the designer and dragging the image view onto the screen. Then, we will apply constraints and margins to properly position the image view.

Step 1: Opening the designer

To add an image view, we first need to open the designer in Android Studio. Once the designer is opened, we can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Dragging the image view onto the screen

In the designer, we will locate the image view component and drag it onto the screen. This will add the image view to our layout.

Step 3: Applying constraints and margins

To properly position the image view, we will apply constraints and margins. We will Pin the image view to the sides and top of the screen, and give it some margins from the top.

Adding Constraints to the Image View

In this section, we will add constraints to the image view to properly position it on the screen.

Step 1: Pinning the image view to the sides and top

To ensure that the image view stays in the desired position, we will pin it to the sides and top of the screen. This will prevent it from moving when the layout is adjusted.

Step 2: Giving margins to the image view

To create some space between the image view and the top of the screen, we will give it some margins. This will make the image view visually pleasing and avoid overlapping with other components.

Adding Images to the Drawable Folder

In order to display images in the image view, we need to add them to the drawable folder. This can be done by copying the images into the folder through Android Studio.

Step 1: Copying the images into the drawable folder

Using the file manager, locate the images that you want to add to the drawable folder. Copy the images and navigate to the drawable folder in Android Studio. Paste the images into the folder.

Step 2: Verifying the images in the drawable folder

After pasting the images into the drawable folder, verify that the images are successfully added. You should be able to see the images in the drawable folder in Android Studio.

Setting the Image View from Code

In this section, we will write code to set the image view with the desired image from the drawable folder.

Step 1: Accessing the image view in the code

To modify the image view from the code, we need to access it using its id. In the MainActivity.kt file, we will find the image view by its id and assign it to a variable.

Step 2: Setting the image resource

Once we have access to the image view, we can set its image resource using the setImageResource() method. We will provide the resource ID of the desired image from the drawable folder.

Running the Application on the Emulator

After implementing the image view and setting the image from code, we can run the application on the emulator to see the changes.

Step 1: Building and running the application

To run the application, we need to build it first. Click on the run button in Android Studio to build and run the application on the emulator.

Step 2: Verifying the image view on the emulator

After the application is running on the emulator, verify that the image view is displayed correctly with the desired image.

Setting Button Click to Change the Image

In this section, we will implement a button click event to change the image displayed in the image view.

Step 1: Connecting the image view in the code

To modify the image view on button click, we need to connect the button click event to the image view in the code. We will use findViewById() to find the image view by its id.

Step 2: Changing the image on button click

Once we have access to the image view, we can change the image displayed when the button is clicked. We will use setImageResource() method and provide the new image resource ID.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to add an image view in a Kotlin Android application. We have covered the steps to add constraints, images, and set the image view from code. Additionally, we have implemented a button click event to change the image displayed in the image view. By following these steps, you can enhance your Android application with image views.


  • Adding an image view in Kotlin Android
  • Applying constraints and margins to the image view
  • Adding images to the drawable folder
  • Setting the image view from code
  • Running the application on the emulator
  • Setting button click to change the image


Q: How can I add an image view in Kotlin Android? A: To add an image view, open the designer, drag the image view component onto the screen, and apply constraints and margins.

Q: How do I set the image view in Kotlin Android? A: You can set the image view by accessing it in the code using its id and using the setImageResource() method to provide the image resource ID.

Q: Can I change the image displayed in the image view on button click? A: Yes, you can change the image on button click by connecting the button click event to the image view in the code and using the setImageResource() method.

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