Learn to Create an App Easily

Learn to Create an App Easily

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting the New Playground
  3. Opening the Playground
  4. Adding Text
  5. Formatting the Text
  6. Adding an Image
  7. Resizing the Image
  8. Finalizing the Code
  9. Previewing the App
  10. Conclusion

How to Create an App Using Swift Playgrounds


Are You interested in creating your own app using Swift Playgrounds? Well, good news! Swift Playgrounds has been updated to include a specific app playground, making it even easier to Create and view apps. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an app using Swift Playgrounds, step by step.

Getting the New Playground

Before we dive into the app creation process, you need to ensure that you have the latest version of Swift Playgrounds. Once updated, you will find a new playground called "app" in the app library. If you don't see it, simply click on "see all" and you'll find it there. Add a blank app playground to your library and give it a suitable name.

Opening the Playground

Once you have the new playground added to your library, double click on it to open it. The playground now consists of three windows: the file window on the left, the coding window in the middle, and the preview window on the right. The preview window is the most exciting addition in the new app playground as it allows you to Instantly see the results of your app creation.

Adding Text

To add text to your app, navigate to the coding window and delete any existing code that may be present. Then, use the text("") function to add text. As you Type, you will see the text instantly previewed in the preview window. This real-time update feature makes it incredibly convenient for making small changes to your app.

Formatting the Text

Want to make your text more interesting? You can easily format it in Swift Playgrounds. For example, you can change the font size by using the .title modifier, make it rounded using the .rounded modifier, or make it bold using the appropriate option. All these changes are reflected in the preview window, allowing you to perfect the appearance of your app.

Adding an Image

In addition to text, you may want to include images in your app. To do so, first, locate the image file on your computer and drag it onto the file section of the playground window. This action will create a new assets section where you can store all the images and other assets required for your app. To reference the image in your code, use the image() function followed by the name of the image file. The preview window will display the image accordingly.

Resizing the Image

If your image is too large, you can resize it to fit your app's design. To resize the image, add the .resizable() modifier to the image code and use the .frame(width: , Height: ) modifier to set the desired width and height. This allows you to customize the size of the image to suit your app's layout.

Finalizing the Code

By this point, you should have added text and an image to your app. Take a moment to review your code and make any necessary adjustments. Ensure that all your elements are properly positioned and styled. Once you are satisfied with the code, you are ready to move on to the next step.

Previewing the App

The beauty of Swift Playgrounds is the ability to see your app come to life in real-time. To preview your app, simply observe the changes taking place in the preview window as you make adjustments in the code. Small changes such as text modifications will be visible instantly, while larger changes may require you to restart the preview. Take this opportunity to fine-tune your app until it meets your expectations.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create an app using Swift Playgrounds. The updated app playground has made the app development process simpler, easier, and cleaner. The real-time preview feature allows you to instantly see the impact of your code changes, which greatly enhances the learning experience. Now you can explore more complex app ideas and Continue to expand your app development skills.


  • Swift Playgrounds has been updated with a specific app playground, making app creation and viewing easier.
  • The new app playground includes a preview window that instantly shows the results of the code changes.
  • Adding text and formatting it is straightforward and instantly reflected in the preview window.
  • Images can be easily added by dragging them into the playground and referencing them in the code.
  • Images can be resized using the .resizable() and .frame(width: , height: ) modifiers.
  • The real-time preview feature provides a convenient way to see the changes made to the app.
  • Swift Playgrounds is an excellent tool for learning app development and exploring app ideas.


Q: Can I create a complete app using Swift Playgrounds? A: While Swift Playgrounds is great for learning and prototyping, it may not provide all the capabilities and features required for a complete production-level app. It is more suitable for educational purposes and beginner-level projects.

Q: Can I publish apps created with Swift Playgrounds to the App Store? A: No, apps created with Swift Playgrounds cannot be submitted directly to the App Store. To publish an app on the App Store, you need to use Xcode, Apple's official integrated development environment for app development.

Q: Is Swift Playgrounds available on all Apple devices? A: Swift Playgrounds is available on iPad and Mac devices. It is designed to provide an interactive coding experience and is particularly well-suited for iPad users.

Q: Can I use Swift Playgrounds to develop apps for Android or Windows devices? A: No, Swift Playgrounds is primarily focused on developing apps for Apple devices running iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS. It is not intended for cross-platform development.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Swift Playgrounds for app development? A: Swift Playgrounds is a powerful tool for learning app development, but it does have some limitations. It may not support all the advanced features and frameworks available in full-fledged app development environments like Xcode. It is best suited for beginners and educational purposes.

Q: Can I collaborate with others on app development using Swift Playgrounds? A: Unfortunately, Swift Playgrounds does not currently support collaborative features. It is primarily designed for individual learning and experimentation. However, you can share your playground files with others for them to explore and learn from.

Q: Can I transfer my app from Swift Playgrounds to Xcode for further development? A: Yes, it is possible to transfer your app from Swift Playgrounds to Xcode. Swift Playgrounds provides an option to export your playground file, which can then be imported into Xcode for further development and refinement.

Q: Can I run the apps created in Swift Playgrounds outside of the playground environment? A: By default, apps created in Swift Playgrounds run within the playground environment. However, with some modifications and additional code, you can export and run your app on a physical device or simulator using Xcode.

Q: Can I monetize or sell the apps created in Swift Playgrounds? A: Swift Playgrounds is primarily for learning and educational purposes, so there are restrictions on monetizing or selling the apps created within the playground. To distribute and monetize your app, you would need to go through the official App Store submission process using Xcode.

Q: Is Swift Playgrounds suitable for experienced developers? A: Swift Playgrounds is primarily aimed at beginners and those new to app development. However, experienced developers can still use it for rapid prototyping, experimenting with new ideas, and teaching introductory concepts to others.

Q: Can I use Swift Playgrounds to create games? A: While Swift Playgrounds primarily focuses on app development, you can certainly create simple games and interactive experiences within the playground environment. However, for more complex and feature-rich games, you would typically use game development frameworks like SpriteKit or Unity.

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