Learn to Create Your Own Custom GPT with Easy Tutorial

Learn to Create Your Own Custom GPT with Easy Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Educational Beta Test
  3. The Benefits of Learning by Doing
  4. How to Join the February Cohort
  5. The Library of Content
  6. The Supportive Community
  7. Example Tutorial: GPT Builder
  8. Custom Instructions for Chat GPT
  9. Building a GPT for AI Tutorials
  10. Refining the GPT for Job Descriptions


In this article, we will explore a new approach to learning AI Tools through tutorials, case studies, and challenges. Instead of lengthy courses, these fast and focused tutorials provide high-impact learning experiences that can be completed in minutes. We will also discuss the benefits of learning by doing and how it empowers individuals to explore more AI tools. If you're interested in joining our educational beta test and gaining access to a variety of content, including videos, challenges, and a supportive community, continue reading to learn more.

The Educational Beta Test

For the past couple of months, we have been conducting an educational beta test. The aim of this beta test is to experiment with a different approach to teaching AI tools. Instead of traditional courses, we have developed a library of tutorials, case studies, and challenges. These resources provide quick and impactful learning experiences, allowing users to start learning by doing right away.

The Benefits of Learning by Doing

We have discovered that learning by doing has numerous benefits. When individuals engage in hands-on activities, they become more empowered to explore additional AI tools. By actively using these tools in real-world scenarios, users gain valuable experience and develop a deeper understanding of their capabilities. This approach not only accelerates the learning process but also enhances the practical application of AI tools.

How to Join the February Cohort

If you're interested in joining the February cohort of our educational beta test, you can sign up on our website. By becoming a member, you will gain access to a full library of content, including over 60 videos and challenges from the past couple of months. Additionally, you will receive daily drops of new tutorials, case studies, and use case videos, along with companion challenges. This is an excellent opportunity to learn and grow alongside a supportive community of individuals ranging from CEOs to professionals and enthusiasts.

The Library of Content

Our library of content covers a wide range of topics related to AI. Each tutorial, case study, and use case video provides concise and engaging explanations of various AI tools, including language models, image generators, video avatars, speech synthesizers, and editing tools. We emphasize the creative and practical applications of Generative AI and provide tips on how to effectively utilize these tools in short videos or write-ups.

The Supportive Community

One of the significant advantages of joining our educational beta test is the supportive community of individuals who are also on the learning journey. In this community, you will find CEOs, professionals, creators, and individuals with a Curiosity and interest in AI. By engaging with this community, you can exchange ideas, Seek advice, and receive support as you progress in your AI education. The collective knowledge and experience of the community will enhance your learning experience significantly.

Example Tutorial: GPT Builder

Let's take a closer look at one of the tutorials available in our library: GPT Builder. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to use GPT Builder, highlighting its features and functionalities. Through this tutorial, you will learn how to create custom GPTS, refine their instructions, and utilize them for specific use cases. GPT Builder is a powerful tool that enables you to build your AI applications, tailored to your unique needs.

Custom Instructions for Chat GPT

Another aspect of our educational beta test is the integration of custom instructions for Chat GPT. This feature allows users to provide more context and preferences for how Chat GPT responds. By specifying instructions related to your background, audience, and desired response format, you can enhance the quality of the AI-generated responses. Custom instructions ensure that Chat GPT provides explanations and information at an appropriate comprehension level, tailored to your audience's needs.

Building a GPT for AI Tutorials

As part of this beta test, you will have the opportunity to build your own GPT tailored to AI tutorials and use cases. The process involves defining the purpose and scope of your GPT, configuring its profile, and refining its instructions through a conversational process with GPT Builder. By creating a custom GPT, you can generate engaging and concise tutorial ideas, explore various AI tools, and inspire others to learn and embrace AI.

Refining the GPT for Job Descriptions

In addition to AI tutorials, you will also have the option to refine your GPT for generating job descriptions. This feature is particularly useful for AI-related projects that require hiring for different roles. By providing specific information about the project's mission, tone, and the desired job description format, you can leverage your GPT to create compelling and comprehensive job descriptions that attract qualified candidates. The GPT will emphasize the dynamic nature of the project, its commitment to empowering individuals through AI, and the skills and attributes required for each role.


Joining our educational beta test provides a unique opportunity to learn AI tools through fast and focused tutorials, case studies, and challenges. By learning through practical application, you can develop a deeper understanding of AI and its various applications. The supportive community of like-minded individuals will facilitate your learning journey and provide valuable insights. Whether you're a CEO, professional, creator, or simply curious, our educational beta test offers a wealth of knowledge and resources to empower you in the AI-powered world.


  • Fast and focused tutorials for learning AI tools
  • Benefits of learning by doing
  • Join the February cohort of the educational beta test
  • Access to a library of tutorial content
  • Supportive community of individuals Interested In AI
  • Example tutorial: GPT Builder
  • Custom instructions for Chat GPT
  • Building a GPT for AI tutorials
  • Refining the GPT for job descriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I join the educational beta test? A: To join the educational beta test, visit our website and sign up for the February cohort. You will gain access to a full library of tutorial content and become part of a supportive community of learners.

Q: What topics are covered in the tutorial library? A: The tutorial library covers various topics related to AI, including language models, image generators, video avatars, speech synthesizers, and editing tools. Each tutorial provides concise and engaging explanations of these tools' applications and creative ways to use them.

Q: Can I customize Chat GPT's responses? A: Yes, you can provide custom instructions for Chat GPT to ensure its responses align with your preferences. By specifying your background, audience, and desired response format, you can enhance the quality of AI-generated explanations and information.

Q: How can I build a GPT for my own tutorials? A: As part of the beta test, you have the opportunity to build a custom GPT tailored to AI tutorials and use cases. Through a conversational process with GPT Builder, you can define the purpose, configure the profile, and refine the instructions to generate engaging tutorial ideas.

Q: Can the GPT also help with writing job descriptions? A: Absolutely! The GPT can be refined to generate job descriptions that align with your project's mission and requirements. By specifying the desired format, tone, and skills attributes, you can leverage the GPT to create comprehensive and compelling job descriptions for various roles within your AI project.

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