Lessons Learned from Banning AI Tools in a University Course

Lessons Learned from Banning AI Tools in a University Course

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background and Context
  3. The Decision to Ban AI Tools
  4. Outcomes of the Ban
  5. Reflecting on the Decision
  6. The Importance of AI in Higher Education
  7. Integrating AI into Pedagogy
  8. Ethical Considerations of AI in Education
  9. The Role of Educators and Students
  10. Moving Forward


In this article, we will explore the use of AI tools in higher education, focusing on the experience of teaching a large undergraduate Course without integrating AI. We will discuss the decision to ban AI tools, the outcomes of this ban, and the implications for both educators and students. Additionally, we will delve into the importance of AI in higher education and the need to integrate it into pedagogy. Ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI will also be examined, along with the role of educators and students in the changing landscape of education. Let's dive in!

Background and Context

Before diving into the decision to ban AI tools in the course, it is important to understand the background and context. The use of AI in education has been on the rise, with many institutions and educators embracing AI tools to enhance learning experiences. However, there are also concerns about the potential drawbacks and ethical implications of relying too heavily on AI.

The Decision to Ban AI Tools

In September 2023, the author made the decision to ban AI tools in a large undergraduate course. While open to the idea of using AI initially, the author realized that the Scale of the course made it difficult to execute effective strategies that had been used in smaller, graduate-level courses. The aim of the ban was to prioritize foundational skills such as paper writing, logical thinking, and citation formatting before students relied on AI tools.

Outcomes of the Ban

During the course, a range of outcomes was observed. Some students who did not use AI performed exceptionally well, while others who also refrained from using AI did not achieve the same level of success. Some students who used AI produced satisfactory work, while others struggled with issues such as plagiarism due to ineffective citation and reliance on questionable content generated by the AI. This variation in outcomes showcased the complexities of using AI in an educational setting.

Reflecting on the Decision

Looking back on the decision to ban AI, the author admits that in hindsight, it would have been beneficial to dedicate time during the first week of the course to teach students how to effectively leverage AI tools. By incorporating an analogy of using a highway, such as the famous Route 5 in California, the author could have highlighted the importance of taking pit stops and exploring alternative paths instead of solely relying on the fastest route. This reflection emphasizes the need for educators to adapt and evolve their approach to meet the changing educational landscape.

The Importance of AI in Higher Education

Despite the challenges and complexities surrounding AI, there is a growing recognition of its importance in higher education. With industries investing heavily in AI and job roles evolving in response, it is crucial for students to develop Relevant AI skills that will give them a competitive edge in the workforce. However, it is equally important to strike a balance and ensure that students also engage with the material on a deeper level, rather than solely relying on AI.

Integrating AI into Pedagogy

The integration of AI into pedagogy requires careful consideration and planning. Educators need to communicate to students when it is appropriate to use AI and when it is necessary to dive deeper into the material. Collaborating with AI rather than viewing it as a threat can lead to a harmonious and productive relationship. Roadmaps and intentional discussions on integrating AI into pedagogy must be initiated by educators and institutions to better prepare students for the evolving landscape of the workforce.

Ethical Considerations of AI in Education

While embracing AI in education has its benefits, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of decision-making. Respecting the intent of human users and ensuring the safe and productive use of AI is crucial. It is essential to strike a balance between utilizing AI for productivity and not becoming overly dependent on it. Awareness of the potential dangers and responsible use of AI will Shape how it is integrated into the educational experience.

The Role of Educators and Students

Both educators and students have a role to play in the effective integration of AI in education. Educators must be intentional about how they utilize AI, ensuring that it works for them and enhances the learning experience. Similarly, students need to respect and honor the depth of education that comes with engaging with the material beyond relying solely on AI tools. Collaborative efforts between educators and students are essential for navigating the AI landscape and reaping its benefits while avoiding pitfalls.

Moving Forward

As the article comes to a close, it is evident that the presence of AI in higher education is inevitable and growing. The responsibility lies with both educators and students to navigate this landscape deliberately. Institutions must take steps to incorporate AI into pedagogy, and educators must adapt their teaching methods accordingly. By doing so, students will be better equipped to leverage AI for their own advantage and maintain a competitive edge in the workforce.


  • The decision to ban AI tools in a large undergraduate course led to varied outcomes, highlighting the complexities of using AI in education.
  • The integration of AI into pedagogy requires intentional planning and collaboration between educators and students.
  • Ethical considerations must guide the use of AI tools in education to ensure responsible and safe practices.
  • Both educators and students have a role to play in effectively harnessing the power of AI in education.
  • Moving forward, institutions and educators must adapt to the evolving landscape and equip students with AI skills while emphasizing the importance of deep engagement with the material.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do AI tools benefit students in higher education? AI tools can enhance students' learning experiences and provide them with a competitive edge in the workforce. They enable rapid data processing, assistance with complex tasks, and the development of analytical skills that are in high demand in today's job market.

Q: What are the ethical concerns of using AI in education? Ethical concerns surrounding AI in education include issues of privacy, bias, and overreliance on AI-generated content. It is important to ensure that AI is used responsibly and that its limitations and potential pitfalls are acknowledged and addressed.

Q: How can educators effectively integrate AI into their teaching methods? Educators can begin by incorporating AI tools into their pedagogy gradually and intentionally. Providing guidance and instruction on how to effectively use AI, as well as promoting critical thinking and deep engagement with the material, can help strike a balance between technology and human learning.

Q: What role do students play in the integration of AI in education? Students have a responsibility to engage with AI tools in an ethical and informed manner. It is crucial for them to prioritize foundational skills and understand the limitations of AI, while also leveraging its benefits to enhance their learning experience and prepare for future career opportunities.

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