Level Up Your LinkedIn Engagement With AI Hacks

​​​​​​​​Think LinkedIn is just a website for job hunting? Think again! We're willing to bet that you're barely scratching the surface of what this powerful platform can do for your career.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that has dozens of other benefits, like showcasing your experience, connecting with like-minded people, writing interesting posts, and ultimately being seen as a thought leader in your industry. Your profile might even lead you to new job opportunities!  

However, it takes more than just posting sporadically to stand out from the crowd. You’ll also need a healthy dose of creativity, interesting topics, and the right tools to truly shine…

… And that’s exactly where the magic of AI comes in. There are t​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ons of tools that will help you with your LinkedIn strategy, from brainstorming ideas to writing interesting copy that people will want to read, creating eye-catching pictures, generating a ChatGPT LinkedIn summary, and even analyzing your stats.

If you’re ready to use LinkedIn to its full potential, be sure to keep reading — this article goes over some of the best tools to help you write amazing LinkedIn posts and boost your engagement.

Tools for Brainstorming Ideas

Every great LinkedIn post starts with a spark of inspiration… but let’s be honest, sometimes that spark fizzles out the moment you open your laptop and start typing.

If you’re stuck on figuring out what to write, why not brainstorm together with ChatGPT or another AI tool? We recommend beginning with a prompt and mentioning some of the topics you’d like to write about or the style you’d like your post to have.

One of our favorite life hacks is to mention a concrete number (i.e. “come up with 15 LinkedIn post ideas on the topic of business management”), as it gives the AI a clear direction and helps it generate a list of relevant suggestions.

Once you have your basic list, you can ‘talk’ back and forth with the AI tool and mention which prompts you like and which ones need a little tweaking. Using this one simple prompt can help you generate hundreds of post ideas!

AI Tools for Writing LinkedIn Posts

Now that you have your list of ideas, it’s time to move onto the fun part — writing.

Did you wince reading that statement? You’re not alone (writer’s block is a real thing!). Once again, we can use a few trusty AI tools to generate engaging and informative copy.

If you’re completely new to using AI, we recommend starting off with LinkedIn’s native AI tool. While it’s currently available only for premium members, it’s an excellent way to ‘get in the zone’ and start writing. Just start a new post, mention the main points that you want to talk about, and click the ‘Rewrite with AI’ button. From there, you’ll get a first draft that you can easily polish, edit, and post.

Another great AI tool for content creation is Copy.ai. It was specifically designed to create copy for a variety of uses, including website text, emails, and social media captions. In fact, it even has a dedicated LinkedIn template that uses a “proven formula and best practices” to ensure your posts get maximum engagement.  

Lastly, a good rule of thumb (whether it’s on Linkedin or any platform!) is for your text to be complemented by visual content. One of the most popular AI image generators is Canva — just describe your desired image in detail and the AI ​​will do the work for you.

Analyzing Your LinkedIn Posts

After you've been posting for a while, you're probably interested in seeing how well your content performs (or what you can do to improve!)

The first step is to check LinkedIn’s post analytics, which will show you the post’s performance, engagement, and viewer demographics. Based on this data, you can determine your most popular posts and figure out which topic interests readers the most.

Why not use this information to identify repetitive tasks in your content creation process that could be automated with tools like document automation software too? If many of your top posts share a similar format, you can create templates that insert key data points while allowing you to focus on crafting your unique message for each post.

Once you've compiled a list of your top-performing posts, you can pop that information into ChatGPT to get even more ideas. For example, your prompt could be something like,

Here are my top 10 most-performing posts on LinkedIn. Use these examples and create a list of other posts or topics I can write about. Rinse and repeat!


Things to Consider and Best Practices

While we mentioned a few ways to use AI tools to boost your LinkedIn, it’s still important to keep ethics and best practices in mind.

First, don't rely too heavily on AI. Although it’s a great tool to create an initial outline and brainstorm ideas, it shouldn’t replace your actual writing. People prefer authenticity over copy-and-paste text!

Likewise, don't spam your readers too often. Figure out how often you should ideally post per week and then focus on the quality of the content and its relevance to your readers instead of the quantity.

Finally, engage with your audience. Respond to comments and questions, actively join in on discussions to foster a sense of community, and build meaningful connections. You'll be on your way to becoming a thought leader in no time!

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