Make $500 a Day in 10 Minutes with an Easy AI Side Hustle

Make $500 a Day in 10 Minutes with an Easy AI Side Hustle

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of Facebook for Making Money
  3. Creating a Facebook Fan Page
    • 3.1 Choosing a Niche
    • 3.2 Naming Your Page
    • 3.3 Selecting Categories
    • 3.4 Writing a Bio
    • 3.5 Adding Profile and Cover Photos
  4. Building an Audience for Your Page
  5. Using InVideo to Create Engaging Videos
    • 5.1 Selecting the YouTube Shorts Workflow
    • 5.2 Generating Video Ideas with Chat GPT
    • 5.3 Creating and Customizing the Video
    • 5.4 Exporting the Video
  6. Finding and Selling eBooks with PLR Products
    • 6.1 Understanding PLR Products
    • 6.2 Exploring Different Niches
    • 6.3 Choosing an eBook
    • 6.4 Determining Pricing and Publication Details
  7. Setting Up Payment Processing with Kji
    • 7.1 Creating an Account
    • 7.2 Configuring the eBook Settings
    • 7.3 Uploading Your eBook and Cover
    • 7.4 Generating a Sales Link
  8. Uploading Videos and Promoting Your eBook
    • 8.1 Uploading Videos to Facebook Reels
    • 8.2 Leaving Comments with Your Sales Link
    • 8.3 Analyzing Clicks and Conversions
  9. Conclusion

The Power of Facebook for Making Money 💰

Are you looking for a way to make money online? Are you tired of the same old methods that promise big returns but deliver little results? Well, my friend, I have some good news for you. In this step-by-step guide, I'm going to show you how you can make $500 a day using Facebook and a brand new AI Tool.


Are you eager to discover a new side hustle that can bring you a steady income of $500 a day? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the process of leveraging Facebook and a cutting-edge AI tool to create and upload short videos that generate serious cash. Don't worry if you're camera shy or lack editing skills – this tool does all the work for you, allowing you to earn thousands of dollars per month with just a few minutes of effort each day. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced marketer, this method is scalable and accessible to all. So, let's dive in and explore the lucrative world of Facebook monetization!

Creating a Facebook Fan Page 📷

Before we delve into the strategy, we need to establish a strong foundation on Facebook. This starts with creating a fan page, which will serve as the hub for your money-making activities. Let's go through the process step by step.

3.1 Choosing a Niche

Selecting the right niche is crucial for your success on Facebook. While many experts advise picking a niche you're passionate about, I believe that passion should not be a barrier to entry. Instead, choose a niche that interests you, but also has a proven track Record of generating results. This way, you can tap into existing demand while maintaining your motivation. Don't worry if you're not an expert in the niche – the AI tool we'll be using will handle the heavy lifting for you.

3.2 Naming Your Page

Now that you have your niche in mind, it's time to come up with a catchy and Relevant name for your fan page. The name should clearly convey the purpose and theme of your page, ensuring that it attracts your target audience. If you're struggling to find inspiration, you can use online tools like Chat GPT to generate page name ideas based on your niche. Remember, the name of your page plays a critical role in determining its visibility and reach, so choose wisely.

3.3 Selecting Categories

Once you've named your page, it's essential to select suitable categories that Align with your niche. This step helps Facebook's algorithm understand the nature of your page and target the right audience. Take some time to research and identify two or three categories that accurately represent your niche. For example, if you're in the health and Fitness niche, consider selecting categories like "Fitness Trainer" and "Health and Wellness Website." These categories will boost your page's visibility to users interested in these topics.

3.4 Writing a Bio

Your page's bio is an opportunity to make a strong first impression on potential followers. Use this space to convey your page's value and capture the attention of your target audience. Write a concise and compelling bio that clearly explains what your page is about and what visitors can expect to find. Consider including key phrases related to your niche to enhance the discoverability of your page. If you're struggling to come up with a bio, Chat GPT can provide you with some ideas to get started.

3.5 Adding Profile and Cover Photos

Visual appeal matters on Facebook, even if you're running a faceless page. To ensure your page looks professional and engaging, add a profile picture and cover photo that relate to your niche. If you don't have original images to use, you can find high-quality, royalty-free stock images on websites like Pixabay. Choose images that align with your niche and Evoke a sense of quality and credibility. Remember, first impressions are crucial in capturing your audience's attention.

Building an Audience for Your Page 🎯

Now that your fan page is set up, it's time to start building an audience. Without a dedicated following, your money-making efforts will fall flat. Here's how you can attract and engage potential followers.

⭐️ Pro Tips:

  • Engage with other pages and profiles in your niche by leaving comments, sharing their content, and interacting with their audience. This will increase the visibility of your page and attract more targeted followers.
  • Spend at least two to three days actively participating in relevant communities and engaging with other Facebook pages. This initial effort will help jumpstart the growth of your own fan page.

Using InVideo to Create Engaging Videos 🎥

Videos are a powerful tool for capturing attention and generating engagement on Facebook. However, creating high-quality videos can be time-consuming and intimidating. That's where InVideo, a cutting-edge AI tool, comes in. With InVideo, you can effortlessly create captivating videos that require minimal effort. Let's explore the process of using this tool step by step.

5.1 Selecting the YouTube Shorts Workflow

InVideo offers several workflows for different video formats, but for our purposes, we'll be selecting the YouTube Shorts workflow. While there isn't a specific workflow for Facebook Reels, the videos created using YouTube Shorts are the same in terms of length and size. So, don't worry – this method works seamlessly on Facebook as well.

5.2 Generating Video Ideas with Chat GPT

Coming up with video ideas can be a roadblock for many content creators. To overcome this hurdle, we'll enlist the help of Chat GPT. This AI-powered tool can generate a vast array of content ideas based on your prompts. Simply ask it to provide you with ideas for short videos in your niche, and it will deliver a treasure trove of suggestions.

5.3 Creating and Customizing the Video

Once you've chosen a video idea from Chat GPT, it's time to create and customize your video using InVideo. The tool's intuitive interface makes it easy for even beginners to navigate. Simply follow the instructions to input your video idea, select voice preferences, choose visuals, and customize the look and feel of your video. Don't forget to focus on high-quality and engaging visuals that will captivate your audience.

5.4 Exporting the Video

After you've finished creating and customizing your video, it's time to export it. InVideo offers various export options, allowing you to choose the format and quality that best suits your needs. For optimal results on Facebook, select the highest available resolution (e.g., 1080p) and ensure that no watermarks or AI branding are included. Then, export the video to your desired location for easy access when it's time to upload.

Finding and Selling eBooks with PLR Products 📚💰

Now that you have engaging videos to attract an audience, it's time to monetize your efforts. One lucrative way to do this is by selling eBooks. But don't worry – you don't need to be a Writer or spend months creating your own content. With PLR (Private Label Rights) products, you can access a vast library of ready-to-sell eBooks in various niches. Let's explore how you can find and sell these eBooks to generate a steady stream of income.

6.1 Understanding PLR Products

PLR products are digital assets, such as eBooks, articles, and courses, that come with pre-granted rights for distribution, modification, and resale. In simple terms, you can purchase these products and legally sell them as your own, keeping all the profits. This eliminates the need to create content from scratch and enables you to tap into existing market demand.

6.2 Exploring Different Niches

When it comes to PLR products, variety is key. Thankfully, websites like PLR Products offer a wide range of niches to choose from. Whether you're interested in business, marketing, personal development, or any other niche, you're bound to find ready-to-sell eBooks that cater to your audience's needs. Spend some time exploring the available options and choose the niche that aligns with your Facebook fan page and audience.

6.3 Choosing an eBook

Once you've selected a niche, it's time to choose an eBook to sell. As you browse through the available options, pay attention to the suggested retail prices provided. This will give you an idea of the pricing range for eBooks in that particular niche. Select an eBook that you believe will resonate with your audience and has a suggested price within your desired range.

6.4 Determining Pricing and Publication Details

Before you start selling your eBook, you'll need to determine its pricing and publication details. While PLR Products may suggest a price range, you have the flexibility to set your own price. Consider factors such as the perceived value of the eBook, the competitive landscape in your niche, and your intended profit margin. Additionally, ensure that you enter accurate publishing details to maintain transparency and comply with legal requirements.

Setting Up Payment Processing with Kji 💳

Now that you have your eBook ready for sale, it's time to set up a seamless payment process to facilitate transactions. Kji is a comprehensive platform that provides secure payment processing, analytics, and other key features for selling digital products like eBooks. Let's explore how you can use Kji to streamline your sales process.

7.1 Creating an Account

To get started with Kji, create an account on their website. Fill in the required details and complete the necessary verification steps. Once your account is set up, you'll have access to a range of features that will simplify your eBook sales.

7.2 Configuring the eBook Settings

Within the Kji platform, select the "eBooks and Audiobooks" template to configure your eBook settings. Through a straightforward process, you'll be prompted to input your eBook's title, author, description, and other relevant details. Ensure that you accurately convey the value of your eBook and entice potential buyers with a compelling description.

7.3 Uploading Your eBook and Cover

After configuring the settings, it's time to upload your eBook and its cover. Access the eBook file you obtained from PLR Products and upload it to Kji. Ensure that the file is high-quality and properly formatted. Additionally, upload the cover image that corresponds to your eBook. Visual appeal plays a significant role in attracting buyers, so choose an engaging cover image that aligns with your eBook's content.

7.4 Generating a Sales Link

Once your eBook is uploaded, Kji will generate a unique sales link for you. This link will serve as the gateway for potential buyers to purchase your eBook seamlessly. Copy the sales link provided by Kji – we'll be using it later when promoting your eBook on Facebook.

Uploading Videos and Promoting Your eBook 📣

Now that you have your engaging videos and eBook ready, it's time to put them to work and start generating revenue. Here's how you can upload your videos to Facebook Reels, promote your eBook, and create a potent sales funnel.

8.1 Uploading Videos to Facebook Reels

To captivate your audience and promote engagement, begin uploading your videos to Facebook Reels. Drag and drop or upload your video content, ensuring that each video reflects the niche and quality your audience anticipates. Remember, consistency is key – aim to upload two to three videos per day to maintain traction and grow your following.

8.2 Leaving Comments with Your Sales Link

To convert video views into eBook sales, make sure to leave thoughtful comments below each video you upload. In these comments, include a compelling call-to-action that entices viewers to click on your sales link. Craft engaging and informative comments that showcase the value of your eBook and its benefits. Monitor the analytics provided by COI to track link clicks and optimize your comments for better conversion rates.

8.3 Analyzing Clicks and Conversions

To measure the success of your video and eBook promotions, analyze the analytics provided to you by COI. Monitor link clicks, conversions, and other relevant data to optimize your marketing strategy continually. Use the insights gained from this data to refine your videos, comments, and sales funnel, generating higher conversion rates and increasing your revenue.


Congratulations! You have now discovered a profitable side hustle that leverages Facebook's vast audience and a powerful AI tool. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can create engaging videos, build a dedicated following, and monetize your efforts by selling eBooks. Remember to stay consistent, keep learning, and adapt your approach based on data and audience feedback. With time and dedication, you have the potential to turn this side hustle into a lucrative and sustainable income stream. Good luck on your journey to financial success on Facebook! 🚀

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