Massive Manga Haul: 51 Volumes and Rare Out-of-Print Titles!

Massive Manga Haul: 51 Volumes and Rare Out-of-Print Titles!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Manga Haul Time: April Edition 2.1 Blood on the Tracks 2.2 Shangri-La Frontier 2.3 From Far Away 2.4 O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2.5 The Country Without Humans 2.6 I Am a Cat Barista 2.7 Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand 2.8 Kowloon Generic Romance 2.9 Something's Wrong with Us 2.10 Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
  3. Other Manga Picks 3.1 Tuskiyomi Fujimoro Before Chainsaw Man 3.2 No Longer Allowed in Another World 3.3 What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? 3.4 Heavenly Delusion 3.5 LDK 3.6 Run with Your New Legs! 3.7 Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro 3.8 Zelda Twilight Princess 3.9 Kaiji No. 8 3.10 Love Sick Ellie
  4. Conclusion

Manga Haul Time: April Edition

Welcome back to my Channel! It's that time again - manga haul time. In the month of April, I went on a manga spree and acquired quite a hefty pile of new titles. So, let's dive right into it and explore what manga I've got this time.

Blood on the Tracks

One of the early releases I managed to get my hands on was "Blood on the Tracks". This psychological thriller manga had me hooked from the moment I started reading it. Volume 13 marks the beginning of a new arc that is just as gripping as the first one. I highly recommend this series to fans of thrillers and psychological suspense.

Shangri-La Frontier

After hearing about "Shangri-La Frontier" from a fellow manga enthusiast, I decided to give it a try. This manga follows the story of a main character who loves playing terrible video games that nobody else enjoys. The art style and gaming elements in this series reminded me of "Zelda", which made it even more appealing. If You're into gaming and want a manga with a unique twist, give "Shangri-La Frontier" a shot.

From Far Away

"From Far Away" is an older shoujo manga series that caught my Attention after a recommendation from a friend. It tells the story of a girl who suddenly finds herself in a different realm and is unable to understand the language spoken there. This isekai tale adds an interesting language barrier aspect to the genre. I'm excited to see where the story goes in volume two.

O Maidens in Your Savage Season

Another series that I picked up Based on recommendations is "O Maidens in Your Savage Season". This slice-of-life manga revolves around a literature club of teenage girls who are curious about love, sex, and dating. It tackles these topics with humor and candor, making for an entertaining and relatable Read. I picked up volumes one through three and can't wait to Delve deeper into the lives of these four girls.

The Country Without Humans

"The Country Without Humans" caught my attention with its dystopian, post-apocalyptic premise. The story revolves around a girl who is the only human in a world filled with robots. It explores her Journey of survival and adaptation in this strange society. I'm intrigued by the unique concept and excited to see how the story unfolds.

I Am a Cat Barista

When I first heard about "I Am a Cat Barista", I was hesitant due to the humanoid cat characters. However, after a rough day, I decided to give it a chance - and I'm so glad I did. This cozy and heartwarming manga follows a cat who runs a coffee shop and serves customers with the perfect beverage to soothe their souls. It's a delightful read that Never fails to brighten my day.

Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand

"Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand" initially didn't impress me with its art style, but the story hooked me right away. This mysterious and atmospheric manga takes place in a town filled with Lore and enigma. While the art may be minimal, it blends well with the storytelling and creates a compelling read. If you enjoy chill mystery stories, give this one a try.

Kowloon Generic Romance

I am absolutely obsessed with "Kowloon Generic Romance". Volume 6 left me with a mix of answers and more questions, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment. This manga combines gorgeous art, mysterious storytelling, and a touch of romance to Create an irresistible Package. If you haven't delved into this series yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

Something's Wrong with Us

"Something's Wrong with Us" has become one of my favorite series. Volume 14 continues to captivate me with its gripping story. The main character's journey to save his girlfriend from a tragic fate is emotionally riveting. Each volume leaves me desperately wanting to know if he will succeed. If you enjoy mystery and dark undertones, do yourself a favor and pick up this manga.

Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet

"Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet" is a sweet, age-gap romance series that never fails to warm my heart. If you enjoyed "Daytime Shooting Star", you'll love this manga. The art and storytelling by the mangaka are simply delightful. I highly recommend this wholesome and charming series to fans of heartwarming romance.


In this manga haul, I discussed some of the exciting titles I acquired in the month of April. From psychological thrillers like "Blood on the Tracks" to heartwarming romances like "Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet", there's a little something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a thrilling read, a cozy escape, or a captivating story, these manga series won't disappoint. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and lose yourself in the captivating world of manga storytelling.


  • A diverse manga haul featuring a range of genres, including thrillers, romance, and mystery.
  • Recommendations for thrilling reads such as "Blood on the Tracks" and "Something's Wrong with Us".
  • Heartwarming series like "Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet" and "I Am a Cat Barista" provide cozy escapes.
  • Unique concepts in series like "From Far Away" and "The Country Without Humans".
  • Engaging artwork in "Kowloon Generic Romance" and "Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand".
  • Ongoing series that keep readers eagerly anticipating the next volume.


Q: Which series in this manga haul would you recommend for someone looking for a thrilling read? A: "Blood on the Tracks" and "Something's Wrong with Us" are both excellent choices for thrilling and suspenseful manga.

Q: Are there any slice-of-life or romance series in this haul? A: Yes, "O Maidens in Your Savage Season" and "Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet" are both delightful slice-of-life manga with romance elements.

Q: Are there any unique or unconventional manga series in this haul? A: Absolutely! "From Far Away" offers an isekai story with a language barrier twist, while "The Country Without Humans" explores a post-apocalyptic world filled with robots.

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