Master AI Pathfinding with Flare Engine

Master AI Pathfinding with Flare Engine

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Pathfinding GRID
  3. Creating Paths for the AI
  4. Setting Up the Player and the Ogre
  5. Configuring Bridges and Ladders
  6. Adding Multiple Ogres
  7. Fine-tuning AI Behavior
  8. Implementing an Attack State
  9. Conclusion


In this Tutorial, we will be implementing AI path binding using Flare Engine. We will create a grid map that will generate paths and get the AI to follow these paths. This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up the pathfinding grid, configuring the player and the ogre, establishing bridges and ladders, adding multiple ogres, fine-tuning AI behavior, and implementing an attack state. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to implement AI path binding in your Game using Flare Engine.

Setting Up the Pathfinding Grid

To begin, we will create an empty game object and add an AI state machine. Within the AI state machine, we will add the path binding component to create the pathfinding grid. It is important to modify the grid's position and size in the game world, ensuring that it aligns with the platforms in your level. Additionally, you should set the jump distance to determine where the AI can travel to while jumping between platforms. Once the pathfinding grid is set up, you can enable the option to show paths, which will display all the nodes in the scene. Make sure to specify the layer for the colliders you are using and click the create button to generate the nodes.

Creating Paths for the AI

Once the pathfinding grid is set up, we can now configure the AI to follow the generated paths. Create the player and target path bindings within the AI state machine. The target path binding will be responsible for following the generated paths. Set the reference to the pathfinding grid, which is responsible for generating the paths, and leave the default speeds for now. Create the follow state and add the pathfinder component to it. Set the pathfinding to target pathfinding and select the player as the target. The AI will request a new path to the target whenever the target changes its position by the reset distance. In play mode, the AI should now follow the player.

Setting Up the Player and the Ogre

In the setup phase, create the player, camera, and ogre game objects. Configure the ogre by adding a box collider 2D and a sprite renderer. Set the width of the box collider 2D to be less than the cell size of the pathfinding grid. Within the AI state machine, create the targets for the player and the target path binding. Connect the pathfinding grid to the target pathfinding and set the reference to the pathfinding grid. Leave the default speeds for now. Now, create the follow state and add the pathfinder component to it. Set the pathfinding to target pathfinding and select the player as the target. In play mode, the AI should now follow the player.

Configuring Bridges and Ladders

To set up bridges and ladders, create game objects and add the bridge components to them. Set the sprites for the bridges and configure them as desired. Enable the "Used Bridges" options for both the player and the ogre. Within the pathfinding grid, set up the nodes for the bridges and ladders. Enable the desired nodes and disable the ones that are unnecessary. If you are using a tilemap, set the geometry type to polygons to enable the Raycast used by the pathfinding tool. Recreate the path to accept the changes and test in play mode to ensure everything is working correctly.

Adding Multiple Ogres

To add multiple ogres to the scene, go to the ogre AI state machine and duplicate the game objects by the specified number. This ensures that all the units share the same code, and any changes made to the main unit will be applied to all units. Recreate and reposition the units in the scene. To prevent overlapping behavior, go to the main unit, navigate to the target pathfinding, and disable the "Ignore Units" option. This will cause the AI units to block each other if they are moving along the same line. Test in play mode to see the changes.

Fine-tuning AI Behavior

To fine-tune the AI behavior, you can adjust the fall speeds and pause the AI after it jumps. By pausing the AI, you can create a more natural movement pattern. Additionally, you can customize the attack state by adding a simple attack animation. Set up the attack state and add the attack signal. Use the slide node to perform the attack. Make sure to exit the state using the "Success On" field to ensure the AI is in a stable position before leaving the path. Enable damage and recreate the units to see the changes.

Implementing an Attack State

In the attack state, the AI will initiate an attack when the target is within a specified distance. Add a basic sprite for the attack animation and configure the settings accordingly. Use the clock to control the timing of the attack. Ensure that the AI is in a stable position before leaving the path by using the "Success On" field. By implementing an attack state, you can enhance the gameplay and create more dynamic interactions between the AI and the player.


In this tutorial, we learned how to implement AI path binding using Flare Engine. We explored the steps to set up the pathfinding grid, create paths for the AI, configure bridges and ladders, add multiple ogres, fine-tune AI behavior, and implement an attack state. By following these steps, you can create more immersive and engaging gameplay experiences in your games. Experiment with different settings and behaviors to achieve the desired results. Thank you for following along, and we look forward to seeing you in the next tutorial!


  • Implementing AI Path Binding using Flare Engine
  • Setting up the Pathfinding Grid for generating paths
  • Configuring the Player and the Ogre to follow the generated paths
  • Creating Bridges and Ladders for more dynamic gameplay
  • Adding Multiple Ogres to enhance the AI presence
  • Fine-tuning AI Behavior with fall speeds and pause times
  • Implementing an Attack State for engaging gameplay


Q: Can I use a tile map instead of Unity's Tile Map?
A: Yes, you can create a series of box collider 2D with sprite renderers arranged in a grid to create a basic level if you prefer not to use Unity's Tile Map.

Q: Can I customize the AI behavior further?
A: Absolutely! The tutorial provides a basic framework for AI path binding, but you can experiment with various settings, animations, and behaviors to achieve the desired gameplay experience.

Q: What if I want the AI to interact with other game objects or perform additional actions?
A: The Flare Engine provides a wide range of features and components to extend AI functionality. You can explore the documentation and experiment with different components to create more complex interactions and behaviors for your AI.

Q: Can I apply this tutorial to other game engines?
A: While this tutorial is specifically written for implementing AI path binding using Flare Engine, the general concepts and principles can be applied to other game engines. You may need to adapt the instructions and terminology to match the specific features and workflows of your chosen game engine.

Q: How can I optimize the performance of AI path binding in my game?
A: It is important to test the performance of your game as you build the pathfinding grid and AI behaviors. Adjust the size of the grid, limit the number of AI units, and optimize the code to ensure smooth and efficient AI path binding.


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