Master AI Servo AF: Capture Moving Subjects with Canon EOS 7D Mark II

Master AI Servo AF: Capture Moving Subjects with Canon EOS 7D Mark II

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding AI Servo AF 2.1 What is AI Servo AF? 2.2 How does AI Servo AF work?
  3. Basic Autofocus Settings in AI Servo AF 3.1 Switching to AI Servo AF 3.2 Focusing on Moving Subjects
  4. Variables in Subject Movement 4.1 Subjects Moving at a Steady Pace 4.2 Erratic Movement and Obstacles 4.3 Tracking Referees and Wildlife 4.4 Dealing with Foliage and Obstructions
  5. Fundamental Parameters of AI Servo AF 5.1 Tracking Sensitivity 5.2 Acceleration Deceleration Tracking 5.3 AF Point Auto Switching
  6. The AF Configuration Tool 6.1 Fine-Tuning AI Servo AF 6.2 Understanding the Different Cases
  7. Case One: Versatile Multi-Purpose Setting 7.1 Optimizing for Steady Continuous Movement
  8. Case Two: Continuing to Track Subjects Ignoring Possible Obstacles 8.1 Adjusting Tracking Sensitivity
  9. Case Three: Instantly Focusing on Subjects Suddenly Entering AF Points 9.1 Quick Response to New Subjects
  10. Case Four: Subjects that Accelerate or Decelerate Quickly 10.1 Adapting to Start-Stop Action
  11. Case Five: Erratic Subjects Moving Quickly in Any Direction 11.1 Appropriate Settings for Multiple Focusing Points
  12. Case Six: Subjects that Change Speed and Move Erratically 12.1 Accommodating Inconsistent Movement
  13. Additional Adjustments in AI Servo AF 13.1 AI Servo First Image Priority 13.2 AI Servo Second Image Priority
  14. Conclusion

Article Title: Understanding and Mastering AI Servo AF for Precision Focus Tracking


AI Servo AF (Autofocus) is a powerful feature in Canon cameras that allows photographers to track and focus on moving subjects with precision. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering AI Servo AF, including its basic settings, variable subject movements, fundamental parameters, and advanced adjustments. By the end of this article, You will have the knowledge and skills to optimize AI Servo AF to capture sharp and focused shots of subjects in motion.

Understanding AI Servo AF

What is AI Servo AF?

AI Servo AF is an autofocus mode that is specifically designed to track and focus on moving subjects. It uses advanced algorithms and predictive tracking to continuously adjust focus as the subject moves. This feature is particularly useful in sports, wildlife, and action photography, where the subject's movement can be fast and unpredictable.

How does AI Servo AF work?

When you switch your camera to AI Servo AF mode and select a focusing point on your moving subject, the AI Servo AF system starts tracking the subject. It analyzes the subject's motion and adjusts the focus accordingly to keep the subject in focus as it moves towards or away from the camera. The system factors in parameters such as tracking sensitivity, acceleration/deceleration tracking, and AF point auto switching to optimize focus performance.

Basic Autofocus Settings in AI Servo AF

Switching to AI Servo AF

To use AI Servo AF, simply switch your camera's autofocus mode to AI Servo. This will activate the AI Servo AF system and allow you to benefit from its focus tracking capabilities. Once in AI Servo AF mode, you can select a focusing point on your subject by using the camera's joystick or touch screen.

Focusing on Moving Subjects

The basic autofocus settings in AI Servo AF are suitable for most situations where you need to track and focus on moving subjects. The autofocus system will respond to changes in subject speed and adjust focus accordingly. This mode is ideal for subjects that are moving at a relatively steady and continuous pace towards the camera.

Variables in Subject Movement

Subjects can exhibit different types of movement, which can present challenges for autofocus systems. Understanding these variables and knowing how to optimize AI Servo AF for each situation can significantly improve your focus tracking accuracy.

Subjects Moving at a Steady Pace

Some subjects move in a straightforward manner, continuously advancing towards the camera at a steady speed. In such cases, the versatile multi-purpose setting (Case One) in AI Servo AF is an excellent starting point. This setting optimizes the camera's focus tracking performance for subjects moving at a consistent pace.

Erratic Movement and Obstacles

In certain scenarios, subjects may change their speed erratically, make sudden stops and starts, or encounter obstacles that momentarily block the camera's view. Sports photographers often face situations where referees or other players step in front of the camera, while wildlife photographers may have to track subjects that Dart behind foliage or trees.

For such scenarios, adjusting the tracking sensitivity and using Case Two (Continue to Track Subjects Ignoring Possible Obstacles) can improve focus tracking. The focusing system will slow down the tracking sensitivity, allowing for a Momentary delay when an obstacle or sudden movement occurs. This setting reduces the chance of focus being lost and gives you a slightly longer window to regain focus on the subject.

Tracking Referees and Wildlife

Sports photographers and wildlife photographers often encounter situations where they need to track a subject while other objects or individuals may momentarily obstruct the view. Case Three (Instantly Focus on Subjects Suddenly Entering the AF Points) is designed for such scenarios. It enables the camera to quickly Refocus on a new subject that enters the frame, ensuring you don't miss any critical moments.

Dealing with Foliage and Obstructions

In wildlife photography, foliage and other obstacles can intermittently come between the camera and the subject. To handle such situations, utilizing the AF point auto-switching feature in Case Three or selecting a single focus point can provide better control over focusing. This way, the camera doesn't divert its Attention to a different area when temporary obstructions occur.

Fundamental Parameters of AI Servo AF

Canon engineers have identified three fundamental parameters that form the pillars of how the AI Servo AF system works. Understanding these parameters is crucial to fine-tuning the autofocus performance according to varying shooting conditions and subject movements.

Tracking Sensitivity

Tracking sensitivity determines how quickly the autofocus system responds to sudden changes in the subject's movement or appearance. When tracking a subject moving towards the camera and an obstacle momentarily blocks the view, the tracking sensitivity determines how fast the camera recovers focus once the subject becomes visible again. Adjusting the tracking sensitivity allows you to customize the autofocus response to different shooting situations.

Acceleration Deceleration Tracking

Acceleration deceleration tracking parameter gives you control over the autofocus system's response to different types of subject movement. For subjects with consistent and predictable motion, you can select the option for a steadily moving subject. Conversely, if the subject is prone to erratic and unpredictable movements, you can choose the option to optimize focus tracking for this specific type of motion.

AF Point Auto Switching

AF point auto switching parameter comes into play when using multiple focusing points, such as expanded AF, zone AF, or full 65-point automatic AF point selection. It determines how quickly the camera switches focus between different points to track a subject's lateral or vertical movement. Customizing this parameter ensures that the camera reacts quickly and accurately to keep the subject in focus as it moves across the frame.

The AF Configuration Tool

To simplify the customization of the three fundamental parameters – tracking sensitivity, acceleration/deceleration tracking, and AF point auto-switching – Canon has introduced the AF Configuration Tool. This tool offers six separate settings known as "cases" to adapt AI Servo AF to different subject movements and shooting scenarios.

Fine-tuning AI Servo AF with the AF Configuration Tool gives you the flexibility to achieve the best possible focus tracking performance in challenging situations. Let's explore each case in Detail and understand when and how to use them effectively.

Case One: Versatile Multi-Purpose Setting

Case One, also known as the versatile multi-purpose setting, is the default setting when you switch your camera to AI Servo AF. It is optimized for subjects moving at a relatively steady and continuous pace. This setting offers a good balance of tracking sensitivity, acceleration/deceleration tracking, and AF point auto-switching for general-purpose shooting. For many photographers, this may be the only setting they need.


  • Suitable for a wide range of subjects and shooting conditions
  • Provides a good starting point for AI Servo AF
  • Offers a balanced performance for subjects moving at a constant speed


  • May not be the optimal setting for fast-moving or erratically moving subjects

Optimizing for Steady Continuous Movement

If you have a subject that is moving steadily towards the camera without sudden changes in speed or direction, Case One is the recommended setting. It allows the autofocus system to respond appropriately to minor variations in movement while maintaining focus on the subject. This setting works well for subjects like runners, cyclists, or vehicles moving in a straight line.

Case Two: Continuing to Track Subjects Ignoring Possible Obstacles

Case Two, known as continuing to track subjects ignoring possible obstacles, is designed for situations where the subject may encounter temporary obstacles or have intermittent changes in movement speed. This setting adjusts the tracking sensitivity to prevent the autofocus system from immediately refocusing when an obstruction or momentary interruption occurs.


  • Reduces the chance of focus being lost when temporary obstacles come between the camera and the subject
  • Provides a slight delay for the autofocus system to regain focus on the subject after an obstruction


  • May result in a slower response time for sudden changes in subject movement

Adjusting Tracking Sensitivity

To fine-tune AI Servo AF with Case Two, you can adjust the tracking sensitivity parameter to optimize the autofocus system's response to obstacles and changes in subject movement speed. By dialing down the tracking sensitivity, the camera will remain focused on the subject for a slightly longer period when interruptions or changes occur.

Case Three: Instantly Focusing on Subjects Suddenly Entering AF Points

Case Three, known as instantly focusing on subjects suddenly entering AF points, is the opposite of Case Two. It prioritizes quick focus acquisition on new subjects that enter the frame, disregarding momentary changes or obstructions. This setting is ideal for situations where capturing fast-moving subjects that appear unexpectedly is crucial.


  • Enables the camera to instantly refocus on new subjects that enter the frame
  • Ensures you don't miss critical moments when subjects suddenly appear


  • May result in the autofocus system momentarily losing focus on the original subject after a new subject enters the frame

Quick Response to New Subjects

When using Case Three, the autofocus system will be primed to quickly shift focus to a new subject that enters the autofocus points. This setting is particularly useful in sports photography, where players can quickly enter the scene, or wildlife photography, where animals may appear suddenly without warning. The instantaneous focus adjustment allows you to capture these moments without delay.

Case Four: Subjects that Accelerate or Decelerate Quickly

Case Four is designed for subjects that experience rapid changes in speed, accelerating or decelerating quickly. In situations where continuous steady movement cannot be predicted, such as fast-paced sports or unpredictable wildlife movements, Case Four offers optimized settings for AI Servo AF.


  • Allows the AI Servo AF system to react to sudden changes in subject speed
  • Provides enhanced focus tracking for subjects with erratic and inconsistent movement


  • Continuous steady movement may not be captured as effectively as in other cases

Adapting to Start-Stop Action

Sports photographers and wildlife photographers often encounter subjects that accelerate or decelerate rapidly, making it challenging to maintain accurate focus. Case Four caters to these situations by adjusting the autofocus system to be more responsive to sudden changes in speed. This way, you can effectively track subjects in start-stop action scenarios, ensuring sharp and focused images.

Case Five: Erratic Subjects Moving Quickly in Any Direction

Case Five is applicable when using multiple focusing points, such as automatic point selection or zone AF settings. It speeds up the autofocus system's ability to switch focus between different points to keep up with subjects moving rapidly in any direction across the frame.


  • Enables quick focus point switching to follow subjects moving across the frame
  • Provides enhanced autofocus performance for versatile subject movements


  • May not be necessary when using a single focusing point

Appropriate Settings for Multiple Focusing Points

If you're shooting with multiple focusing points and need to track subjects moving quickly in any direction, Case Five offers an optimal solution. This setting ensures that the autofocus system can easily switch focus between different points to keep the subject in focus. It is particularly useful when photographing action scenes with subjects moving laterally or up and down within the frame.

Case Six: Subjects that Change Speed and Move Erratically

Case Six combines the ability to switch focusing points quickly with the ability to adapt to subjects that exhibit inconsistent speed and erratic movement. It offers a comprehensive solution for situations where subjects may change speed unpredictably and their movements are irregular.


  • Enhances focus tracking performance for subjects that change speed and move erratically
  • Includes the advantages of both Case Four and Case Five settings


  • May not be necessary for subjects with consistent movement Patterns

Accommodating Inconsistent Movement

Case Six focuses on subjects that have irregular movements and may change speed unexpectedly. It optimizes the autofocus system to swiftly switch focus points while adapting to the subject's erratic behavior. This setting is useful for capturing fast-moving wildlife, such as birds in flight, or subjects that exhibit varying movement speeds.

The AF Configuration tool offers tremendous flexibility in fine-tuning AI Servo AF to match different shooting conditions and subjects' movement patterns. By utilizing the appropriate Case and adjusting the accompanying parameters, photographers can achieve optimal focus tracking performance.

Additional Adjustments in AI Servo AF

In addition to the fundamental parameters and cases available in the AF Configuration menu, Canon cameras provide two additional AI Servo AF adjustments in the Second AF menu: AI Servo First Image Priority and AI Servo Second Image Priority.

AI Servo First Image Priority

AI Servo First Image Priority determines the camera's shutter timing when you're in AI Servo AF mode and press the shutter button fully. When set to prioritize the first image, the camera will aim to capture the first shot as quickly as possible, even if the autofocus system hasn't confirmed the sharpest focus. Conversely, setting it to prioritize sharpness may slightly delay the first shot to ensure maximum focus accuracy.

AI Servo Second Image Priority

AI Servo Second Image Priority comes into play when shooting in continuous drive mode, capturing the second shot and subsequent frames. This setting determines whether the camera prioritizes the fastest possible frames per second rate or prioritizes more sharp shots. Opting for maximum sharpness may result in a slightly lower frames per second rate as the autofocus system takes its time to ensure focus accuracy for each shot.


AI Servo AF is a powerful tool that allows photographers to track and focus on moving subjects accurately. By understanding and utilizing the different cases, adjusting the fundamental parameters, and making additional adjustments when necessary, photographers can optimize AI Servo AF for various shooting scenarios. This comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge and techniques to master AI Servo AF and capture sharp, focused images of fast-moving subjects. Experiment with different settings and practice to become proficient in using AI Servo AF for your photography needs.

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