Master Automation Anywhere with AI Brahma

Master Automation Anywhere with AI Brahma

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Question
  3. Developing the Solution
  4. Creating the Bot
  5. Prompt for Value
  6. Taking the Input
  7. Finding the Length of the Input STRING
  8. Utilizing Loops to Check the Count
  9. Checking for Character Occurrences
  10. Incrementing the Count
  11. Assigning and Displaying the Output
  12. Implementing the Replace Logic
  13. Testing the Bot
  14. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a practical question commonly asked in automation anywhere interviews - how to count the occurrence of a character in a string. We will go through the step-by-step process of developing a solution using Automation Anywhere, a popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool. By the end of this tutorial, You will have a clear understanding of how to Create a bot that can count the number of times a given character appears in a string, irrespective of case sensitivity.

Understanding the Question

Before we dive into the solution, let's first understand the question at HAND. The task is to count how many times a specific character occurs in an input string. The input string can be any combination of characters, and we need to find the count of each character, regardless of whether it is in uppercase or lowercase. For example, if the input string is "tenant," we should output that "t" appears twice, "e" appears twice, and "n" appears twice. Our solution should be able to handle any input string provided by the user.

Developing the Solution

To develop our solution, we will use a combination of prompt actions, loops, and conditional statements in Automation Anywhere. First, we will prompt the user to enter the input string. Then, we will use a loop to iterate through each character in the string and check its count. We will increment a counter each time the character is found, keeping track of the total count. Finally, we will assign the count to an output variable and display it to the user.

Creating the Bot

To begin creating our bot, we first need to open Automation Anywhere and create a new bot. We will name our bot "Character Count." Now, let's break down the steps involved in our solution and implement them one by one.

1. Prompt for Value

We start by using the "Prompt" action to ask the user for the input string. The caption of the prompt should be "Count for character," and the message should be "Please enter a string."

2. Taking the Input

Next, we need to take the input from the user and save it in a variable. We use the "Input" action for this. The output variable should always be a string, so we name it "inputString" and assign it to the "Yes" output of the "Input" action.

3. Finding the Length of the Input String

To determine the length of the input string, we use the "Length" action provided by Automation Anywhere. We save the length in a variable called "inputLength." This will give us the count of characters in the input string, which we'll need for iterating through each character.

4. Utilizing Loops to Check the Count

To check the count of each character, we'll be using a loop. We'll iterate through each character in the input string and perform the necessary actions inside the loop. For this, we use the "Loop" action and set the loop count to the value of "inputLength."

5. Checking for Character Occurrences

Inside the loop, we extract one character at a time from the input string using the "Substring" action. We set the source string as "inputString" and the starting index as the loop counter. We save this character in a variable called "currentCharacter."

6. Incrementing the Count

Now that we have the Current character, we compare it with each character in the input string to find the count. We use a nested loop to iterate through each character again. If the current character and the character from the Second loop match, we increment a counter called "tempCount" by 1. We use the "Increment" action with "tempCount" as the input.

7. Assigning and Displaying the Output

After the nested loop, we assign the count of the current character to an output string. We use the "Assign" action to add the character, a hyphen, and the count to the output string. We also add a new line after each count using the system variable "$newLine." This way, the output will be displayed in separate lines for each character.

8. Implementing the Replace Logic

To ensure accurate counting, we need to implement a replace logic. After assigning the output, we use the "String Replace" action to replace the already counted characters with a comma in the input string. This way, when we count the next occurrence of a character, it won't include the count of previously counted characters.

9. Testing the Bot

Once we have completed building the bot, it's time to test it with different input strings and verify that the character count is accurate. By following the steps outlined above, we can ensure that our bot provides the correct count for each character, irrespective of case sensitivity.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to count the occurrence of a character in a string using Automation Anywhere. By utilizing Prompts, loops, and conditional statements, we have developed a bot that can accurately count the number of times a specific character appears in a given input string. This skill can be valuable in various scenarios, such as data analysis and text processing. With a clear understanding of the solution and a little practice, you can confidently handle similar questions in automation anywhere interviews.

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