Master Classification Learning with the 1R Algorithm

Master Classification Learning with the 1R Algorithm

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Need for Classification Learning Algorithms
  3. Understanding the 1R Algorithm
  4. The Problem: Predicting Customer Acceptance of Life Insurance
  5. The Input Attributes: Age, Gender, Income Range, and Credit Card Insurance
  6. Applying the 1R Algorithm to Determine Rules Based on Gender
  7. Determining Rules Based on Credit Card Insurance
  8. Discretizing the Age Attribute
  9. Determining Rules Based on Age
  10. Evaluating the Accuracy of the Rules
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the concept of classification learning algorithms, with a focus on the 1R algorithm. Classificationalgorithms are used to train models that can predict the class of unseen examples based on input attributes. We will delve into the 1R algorithm's principles and methodology, and apply it to a practical Scenario of predicting customer acceptance of a life insurance offer. By understanding the process of creating rules for each input attribute, discretizing numeric attributes, and evaluating the accuracy of the rules, we can gain insights into the effectiveness of the 1R algorithm in classification tasks.

The Need for Classification Learning Algorithms

Before diving into the 1R algorithm, let's first understand why classification learning algorithms are essential. These algorithms provide a systematic approach to tackle classification problems by utilizing existing classified training data to build a predictive model. This model can then be used to classify new examples whose class is unknown, based on their input attributes. By automating the classification process, organizations can save time and resources while gaining valuable insights and making informed decisions.

Understanding the 1R Algorithm

The 1R algorithm, developed by RC Holt, is a simple and effective classification learning algorithm. The name "1R" comes from its approach of developing rules based on a single input attribute. The algorithm generates a separate set of rules for each input attribute and selects the set with the highest accuracy on the training data.

The Problem: Predicting Customer Acceptance of Life Insurance

Let's consider a credit card company that wants to determine whether to send promotional materials for a life insurance offer to its customers. The company needs a model that can predict whether a customer will accept the offer or not. To build this model, the company will utilize information about the customers, such as their age, gender, income range, and previous acceptance of credit card insurance offers. These attributes will serve as the inputs for the classification model.

The Input Attributes: Age, Gender, Income Range, and Credit Card Insurance

To train the model, the credit card company has gathered 15 training examples, each with a known class value indicating whether the customer accepted the life insurance promotion or not. The input attributes for these examples include the customers' age, gender, income range, and previous acceptance of credit card insurance offers. These attributes will be used to develop rules that can predict the acceptance or rejection of the life insurance offer.

Applying the 1R Algorithm to Determine Rules Based on Gender

Let's begin by determining rules based on the input attribute of gender. As there are only two possible values for gender (male and female), we need to create a rule for each value. By examining the training examples for each gender value, we can identify the majority class and predict it for future instances. In this case, when gender is female, the majority class is "yes" (acceptance of the offer), as six out of seven female customers accepted the life insurance promotion. For males, the majority class is "no" (rejection), as five out of eight male customers did not accept the offer.

Determining Rules Based on Credit Card Insurance

Next, we determine rules based on the input attribute of credit card insurance. The attribute has two possible values: yes and no. By analyzing the training examples, we find that when credit card insurance is "yes," all instances have a class value of "yes." Therefore, our prediction for instances with a credit card insurance value of "yes" will also be "yes." When credit card insurance is "no," there is a tie between class values, with six instances having a class value of "no" and six instances having a class value of "yes." In this case, since we already predict "yes" when credit card insurance is "yes," we choose "no" when credit card insurance is "no."

Discretizing the Age Attribute

The age attribute is numeric, requiring us to discretize the range of possible ages into subranges or bins. To do this, we sort the training instances by age, including the corresponding class values. By identifying binary splits that provide the highest accuracy, we can create rules based on age. For example, one possible split is age less than or equal to 39 predicts "yes," and age greater than 39 predicts "no." However, another split at age less than or equal to 43 predicts "yes," and age greater than 43 predicts "no" with even higher overall accuracy.

Determining Rules Based on Age

Based on the splitting point of age less than or equal to 43, we can create rules for predicting whether a customer will accept or reject the life insurance offer. Instances with an age less than or equal to 43 are predicted as "yes," while instances with an age greater than 43 are predicted as "no." These rules form the final set of rules for the 1R algorithm in this scenario.

Evaluating the Accuracy of the Rules

To evaluate the accuracy of the rules, we need to compute the number of correctly predicted instances. By summing the correct predictions for each set of rules, we obtain the numerator. The denominator represents the total number of training examples. In our case, the accuracy of the rules based on gender is 11 out of 15, or approximately 73%. The accuracy for the rules based on credit card insurance is 9 out of 15, or 60%. The rules based on income range achieve the same accuracy as the ones based on gender, while the rules based on age have the highest accuracy at 80%.


In conclusion, the 1R algorithm provides a simple yet effective approach to classification learning. By developing rules based on input attributes and selecting the set of rules with the highest accuracy, the algorithm can create a model capable of predicting the class of unseen examples. Through the practical scenario of predicting customer acceptance of a life insurance offer, we explored the process of determining rules based on gender, credit card insurance, and age. The accuracy evaluation highlighted the importance of selecting the most accurate set of rules for optimal predictions.


  • The 1R algorithm is a simple and effective approach to classification learning.
  • Classification learning algorithms automate the process of predicting the class of unseen examples.
  • The 1R algorithm generates rules based on single input attributes.
  • Predicting customer acceptance of a life insurance offer is an example of a classification problem.
  • Input attributes such as age, gender, income range, and credit card insurance are used to build the classification model.
  • Rules are determined based on majority class values and training examples for each input attribute.
  • The age attribute requires discretization into subranges for effective rule creation.
  • The accuracy of rules is evaluated by computing the number of correctly predicted instances.
  • The 1R algorithm selects the set of rules with the highest accuracy for final predictions.
  • Accurate rules based on age were found to be the most effective in predicting customer acceptance.


Q: Can the 1R algorithm be applied to other classification tasks? A: Yes, the 1R algorithm can be applied to various classification tasks where there are discrete input attributes and known class values. It is a versatile algorithm that can be adapted to different scenarios.

Q: How can the 1R algorithm handle numeric attributes other than age? A: The 1R algorithm can handle numeric attributes by discretizing the attribute's range into subranges. This allows for the creation of rules based on the subranges, similar to the process described for the age attribute.

Q: What factors should be considered when selecting the set of rules with the highest accuracy? A: When selecting the set of rules, it is crucial to consider not only the accuracy but also the overall performance on the training data. Factors such as the number of instances in each set of rules and the distribution of class values should be taken into account.

Q: Can the 1R algorithm be used with larger training datasets? A: Yes, the 1R algorithm can be used with larger training datasets. In fact, having more training examples often leads to improved accuracy and generalization of the model.

Q: Are there any limitations to the 1R algorithm? A: While the 1R algorithm is simple and effective, it may not handle complex classification tasks that involve multiple input attributes and intricate relationships between them. In such cases, more advanced classification algorithms may be more suitable.


  • RC Holt's paper on the 1R algorithm: link
  • Additional resources on classification learning algorithms: link1, link2

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