Master Color Manipulation with Affinity Photo

Master Color Manipulation with Affinity Photo

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Saving the Image
  3. Duplicating the Background Layer
  4. Making a Selection Around the Object
    • Using the Selection Brush Tool
    • Refining the Edge
  5. Removing Unwanted Areas from the Selection
  6. Saving the Selection as a New Layer with Mask
  7. Adjusting the Mask to Clean Up Imperfections
  8. Changing the Color of the Object
  9. Blending the Object with the Background
  10. Exploring Different Blend Modes
  11. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will be exploring how to change the color of an object in Affinity Photo. Specifically, we will focus on changing the color of a jacket to a Blue color. By following these step-by-step instructions, You will be able to easily modify the color of any object in your photos using Affinity Photo's powerful editing tools.

Saving the Image

Before we begin the color-changing process, it's always a good practice to save the original image. This ensures that we have a backup copy and allows us to easily revert back to the original if needed. To save the image, navigate to the "File" menu and select "Save." Save the image as an Affinity Photo file to preserve all the layers and settings.

Duplicating the Background Layer

To make our color changes non-destructive, it's essential to work on a duplicated layer. This ensures that we can always go back to the original if anything goes wrong. Right-click on the background layer and select "Duplicate." Then, hide the original layer to keep it as a safety measure.

Making a Selection Around the Object

To change the color of the jacket, we first need to Create a selection around it. Affinity Photo provides powerful selection tools, and for this tutorial, we will utilize the Selection Brush Tool.

  1. Select the Selection Brush Tool from the toolbar.
  2. Adjust the brush size using the square brackets.
  3. Start painting inside the area of the jacket that you want to change the color of.
  4. The selection brush will automatically snap to the edges of the jacket, thanks to the "Snap to Edges" setting.

Refining the Edge

To ensure that our selection is clean and precise, we will refine the edge using the Refine Edge tool in Affinity Photo. This tool allows us to fine-tune the selection and remove any unwanted areas.

  1. Go to the top toolbar and click on the "Refine" button.
  2. In the Refine Edge panel, set the view to "Overlay" for better visibility.
  3. Use the brush provided to paint over the areas where Affinity Photo needs to refine the selection.
  4. Take your time to achieve a clean and accurate selection.

Removing Unwanted Areas from the Selection

Sometimes, the initial selection may include unwanted areas. These areas can be easily removed by using the Alt key and clicking on them. Let's clean up the selection by following these steps:

  1. Hold down the Alt key.
  2. Click on the areas that should not be part of the selection.
  3. Repeat this process for any other unwanted areas.
  4. Release the Alt key to Continue refining the remaining selection.

Saving the Selection as a New Layer with Mask

Now that we have a precise selection, it's time to save it as a new layer with a mask. This will allow us to easily modify the color of the jacket without affecting the rest of the image.

  1. Locate the "Selections" panel.
  2. Click on the option that says "New Layer with Mask" and choose "Apply."
  3. A new layer will be created with a mask, representing our jacket selection.

Adjusting the Mask to Clean Up Imperfections

To ensure that our mask is clean and free from any imperfections, we can make further adjustments using the paintbrush tool. This will allow us to refine the edges and remove any remaining areas that shouldn't be part of the mask.

  1. Click on the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel to activate it.
  2. Ensure that the foreground color is set to black, indicating areas to hide.
  3. Use the paintbrush tool to paint over any unwanted parts of the mask.
  4. Take your time and be meticulous to achieve a clean result.

Changing the Color of the Object

With the jacket selection properly masked, we can now proceed to change its color. Affinity Photo provides powerful color adjustment capabilities that will allow us to replace the existing color with the desired blue hue.

  1. Go to the top menu and click on the layer thumbnail, not the mask.
  2. Navigate to the Adjustments panel and select "Colors."
  3. Choose a blue color from the color picker by clicking on it.
  4. Use the paintbrush tool to paint over the jacket, allowing the mask to control where the color is applied.
  5. Be liberal with your painting strokes, as the mask ensures only the desired area will be affected.

Blending the Object with the Background

To make the color change appear seamless and natural, we need to blend the object with the background. Affinity Photo offers various blending modes that allow us to achieve different effects. For this tutorial, we will use the Hue blending mode.

  1. Locate the blend mode dropdown menu in the Layers panel.
  2. Scroll down and select the "Hue" blending mode.
  3. The jacket will blend with the background, adopting the lighting and color of the surrounding areas.
  4. Experiment with different blend modes to achieve desired effects.

Exploring Different Blend Modes

Aside from the Hue blending mode, Affinity Photo provides a wide range of blending modes that can produce unique and visually appealing outcomes. Feel free to experiment with different modes to unleash your creativity and find the perfect look for your image.


Changing the color of an object in Affinity Photo is a straightforward process that allows you to transform your images in creative and captivating ways. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily modify the color of any object and achieve stunning results.


  • Learn how to change the color of an object in Affinity Photo
  • Save the original image to preserve the integrity of the process
  • Make a selection around the object using the Selection Brush Tool
  • Refine the edge of the selection for a more accurate result
  • Remove unwanted areas from the selection
  • Save the selection as a new layer with a mask
  • Adjust the mask to clean up any imperfections
  • Change the color of the object using the Colors adjustment
  • Blend the object with the background using different blend modes
  • Explore various blend modes for creative possibilities


Q: Can I change the color of any object using Affinity Photo? A: Yes, Affinity Photo provides powerful tools that allow you to change the color of any object in your images.

Q: How can I remove unwanted areas from my selection? A: Use the Alt key and click on the areas that should not be part of the selection to remove them.

Q: Can I experiment with different blend modes? A: Absolutely! Affinity Photo offers a variety of blend modes for you to explore and achieve different visual effects.

Q: Is it possible to revert back to the original image? A: Yes, by saving the image as an Affinity Photo file and working on a duplicated layer, you can easily revert back to the original if needed.

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