Master Connect 4 with AI: Minimax vs Heuristic

Master Connect 4 with AI: Minimax vs Heuristic

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing a Project Idea
  3. The Decision to Use Kinect
  4. Researching AI Solutions
  5. Implementing the Game Tree
  6. Creating the Scoring System
  7. Developing the Basic Functions
  8. Finding Playable Locations
  9. Setting Escape Conditions
  10. Maximizing and Minimizing Players
  11. testing the Algorithms
  12. Comparing Heuristic and Minimax Algorithms
  13. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of developing an AI-based solution for a game using the Kinect sensor. We will discuss the various steps involved, from choosing a project idea to implementing different algorithms and testing their effectiveness. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how AI can be incorporated into gaming applications.

Choosing a Project Idea

When tasked with coming up with a project idea, I initially considered creating a tic-tac-toe game with AI capabilities. However, after conducting some research, I found that this idea was relatively simple to implement. I decided to pivot and focus on a more challenging concept. After further exploration, I chose to develop a connect-four game using the Kinect sensor. This game can be played by two players and involves forming vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines using their respective disks.

The Decision to Use Kinect

The Kinect sensor seemed like the perfect fit for this project as it allows for a more interactive and immersive gaming experience. By leveraging the Kinect's capabilities, players can use HAND gestures and body movements to control the game. This not only adds an extra layer of engagement but also provides opportunities to incorporate AI to make the game more challenging.

Researching AI Solutions

To begin implementing AI in the connect-four game, I needed to research different AI solutions. I watched tutorials, videos, and participated in debates to understand the various approaches and techniques used in ai Game development. After extensive research, I settled on using the game tree algorithm and found an existing implementation called Connect Four in Python.

Implementing the Game Tree

I started by implementing the game tree algorithm. This algorithm forms a tree-like structure that represents all possible moves and their corresponding outcomes. By exploring this tree, the AI can make informed decisions based on the current state of the game. I incorporated the Connect Four implementation into my project and began building upon it.

Creating the Scoring System

To evaluate the quality of each move, I developed a scoring system. The goal was to assign a score to each possible move based on its potential to lead to a victory. I used a simple scoring mechanism, calculating scores based on the number of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines the AI could potentially form. Although this system can be improved, it served as a solid foundation for my AI implementation.

Developing the Basic Functions

Next, I focused on creating the basic functions required for the AI to operate. One of the crucial functions was finding playable locations where the AI could place its disk. I created a function called "find_playable_locations" that identified the columns where a move was still possible. This function formed the basis for subsequent functions that checked for winning conditions and determined the best move for the AI.

Finding Playable Locations

The "find_playable_locations" function iterated through each column and checked if there was an available spot (represented by a zero) for the AI to make a move. It stored these playable locations in an array for further evaluation. This step ensured that the AI would only consider columns where a move was still possible, optimizing its decision-making process.

Setting Escape Conditions

To prevent unnecessary calculations and optimize performance, I defined escape conditions within the game. These conditions checked if the game had reached a state where a player had already won or if there were no available spots remaining to make a move. In such cases, the AI could halt further calculations and make its move accordingly, saving computational resources.

Maximizing and Minimizing Players

In the game of connect-four, the AI aims to maximize its scores while minimizing the scores of the human player. I implemented a minimax algorithm to achieve this. The algorithm recursively explored possible moves, alternating between maximizing (AI's turn) and minimizing (player's turn) players. This process continued until a predefined depth was reached, at which point the algorithm returned the best possible move.

Testing the Algorithms

Once I implemented both the heuristic and minimax algorithms, I conducted rigorous testing to assess their effectiveness. I set the depth of the minimax algorithm to 5, resulting in a total of 7,776 possible game states to evaluate. The heuristic algorithm, on the other hand, was significantly faster but less successful in terms of winning rates. Testing these algorithms helped me understand the trade-offs between speed and success rates for different AI approaches.

Comparing Heuristic and Minimax Algorithms

When comparing the heuristic and minimax algorithms, I found that the minimax algorithm consistently outperformed the heuristic algorithm in terms of success rates. This was primarily due to the nature of the game, where predicting future moves played a crucial role. The heuristic algorithm, while faster, could be prone to overlooking certain moves that led to unfavorable outcomes. Thus, the minimax algorithm proved to be the more reliable choice for this particular game.


Developing an AI-based solution for a connect-four game using the Kinect sensor was a challenging yet rewarding experience. Through a series of steps, including choosing a project idea, researching AI solutions, implementing algorithms, and testing their effectiveness, I was able to create a functional AI system. This project provided valuable insights into AI game development and demonstrated the importance of choosing appropriate algorithms based on the specific requirements of the game.


  • Developed an AI-based solution for a connect-four game using the Kinect sensor.
  • Explored the process of implementing AI algorithms, including the game tree and scoring systems.
  • Created basic functions to find playable locations and set escape conditions for the game.
  • Utilized the minimax algorithm for decision-making, resulting in improved success rates.
  • Compared the heuristic and minimax algorithms, highlighting the trade-offs between speed and success rates.


Q: Which algorithm was more successful in winning games, the heuristic or the minimax algorithm? A: The minimax algorithm consistently outperformed the heuristic algorithm in terms of success rates.

Q: How did the Kinect sensor enhance the gaming experience in the connect-four game? A: The Kinect sensor allowed for a more interactive and immersive gameplay experience by enabling players to use hand gestures and body movements to control the game.

Q: Can the scoring system be further improved in the connect-four game? A: Yes, the scoring system used in this project can be enhanced to consider additional factors and optimize the decision-making process.

Q: Did you face any challenges during the implementation of the AI solution? A: Yes, one of the challenges was choosing an appropriate AI algorithm and fine-tuning its parameters to ensure optimal performance in the connect-four game.


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